@ChiChiWerx Thanks! She rolls really well too, huh?
I think I finally found my groove in terms of building stuff. I figured that since I hate doing cockpits, why bother? I build primarily for myself anyway… Just build until Im happy and release the damn thing. Thats my motto from now on.
@LieutenantSOT No worries! Im happy to have lots of comments (for once). As for the speed - yeah… I might have gotten a bit carried away with the drag reduction. I think making her a bit more draggy would solve the speed issue. She is bloody good fun to fly, though, and Im glad you like her (that was the plan 😁).
@LieutenantSOT Yeah! I looked at the XF15C to get ideas as to how the markings / colourscheme would look. The NATC was new to me so I googled it. I thought it would be perfect for a prototype.
@Kazin Fr fr no 🧢. Seriously, though - thanks! Im actually amazed it has so few parts myself. Especially since there is a working cockpit, flaps, custom landing gear and custom canopy. I really appreciate the upvote and comment 🙏🏻
@LieutenantSOT No worries! This looks like a lot of fun. Quick question about the counter rotating props - would you prefer one engine that powers the plane, one engine that is just for decoration (power multiplier set to 0) or 2 engines with a combined power rating below or equal to the challenge limit?
@Tang0five Ive actually built something for the Star Trek Challenge! Great minds think alike, what? As for being back - agreed on the anime stuff (although I almost finished building the tank from the "drive me closer, I want to hit them with my sword" meme… sorry. But we cant let the kids have the run of the place, can we? Now all we need is the return of our resident Lightning jockey / seat - stick interface Alien and we’re in back in business!
Oh! Before I forget - check out this… (coming soon)…
@Robomo00119 An IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) is a lightly armoured vehicle that is capable of delivering a squad (max 10) infantrymen to a combat area then further capable of supporting said squad with its on-board weapons systems.
I must say - Im very grateful for the plethora of upvotes, old boy. Nice to see someone who appreciates what I do. Sorry I dont always live up to "the rules", however…
Thanks! I played around with having a functional cockpit for the first time with this. It should work in VR, too!
Regarding your advice - you are totally correct. But I never can be arsed with all the "marketing" that comes with posting up a build.
I generally build for myself and dont really care if I get only a few upvotes. Its the folks who download that I really appreciate. The folks who care to drop me a line and let me know if its any good or not are even more appreciated (so many thanks for that!)
Ive started now playing around with making better thumbnails, though (see my 25 part mig 15).
@Tang0five Thanks ever so, old boy.
After a few years of job upheaval and general mind fuckery, my life is approaching something of a period of stability. This is good. It also means that I have time to do the things I enjoy - namely WoT Blitz and Simpleplanes. Glad that youre still here and that you remember me :-)
@RealMicroZackSP You’re joking, right?
@RealMicroZackSP I didnt.
You son of a bitch I’m in.
+1Im in.
+2@Dogedogebread13 when is the deadline for submissions? I might make some small alterations first.
Edit: Never mind - I just read your pinned comment.
I would try this out, but I literally just built one for the Wunderwaffen challenge.
Im from the UK, but live in Norway. The Scandinavian one, not the Michigan one.
+2Thanks! A very well run challenge! Looking forward to the next one!
+1@WinsWings Thank you! Im glad you like it!
+1@ChiChiWerx Thanks! She rolls really well too, huh?
I think I finally found my groove in terms of building stuff. I figured that since I hate doing cockpits, why bother? I build primarily for myself anyway… Just build until Im happy and release the damn thing. Thats my motto from now on.
+1@TASTEinc kein problem, kamerat! Im just happy to be here.
+1Sorry! Im a wee bit late! Goering got donut dust all over the cockpit…
Ah. You went for the Kelvin, eh? Very nice, old boy!
+2@Dogedogeman1 Mobile most certainly does have Krakabloa.
@LieutenantSOT ding ding ding ding! We have a winner!
+1@LieutenantSOT No worries! Im happy to have lots of comments (for once). As for the speed - yeah… I might have gotten a bit carried away with the drag reduction. I think making her a bit more draggy would solve the speed issue. She is bloody good fun to fly, though, and Im glad you like her (that was the plan 😁).
+1@LieutenantSOT Yeah! I looked at the XF15C to get ideas as to how the markings / colourscheme would look. The NATC was new to me so I googled it. I thought it would be perfect for a prototype.
@LieutenantSOT Thanks! I really appreciate it!
+1Bonus points to the man, woman, person, camera, tv that spots the mistake in the picture / title.
Ok chief! My entry is in. Løp og kjøp! (As the Norwegians say).
+1@Kazin Fr fr no 🧢. Seriously, though - thanks! Im actually amazed it has so few parts myself. Especially since there is a working cockpit, flaps, custom landing gear and custom canopy. I really appreciate the upvote and comment 🙏🏻
@LieutenantSOT No worries! This looks like a lot of fun. Quick question about the counter rotating props - would you prefer one engine that powers the plane, one engine that is just for decoration (power multiplier set to 0) or 2 engines with a combined power rating below or equal to the challenge limit?
+1@1VirtualRealityConversion Not sure I follow you?
+1@1VirtualRealityConversion Dropping the nuke? I also have a version with a freefall nuke - Should I stick that up too?
+1@1VirtualRealityConversion No worries - its ok to ask. I hope you enjoy?
+1@1VirtualRealityConversion Look at the Craft Instructions?
+1@dINE Thanks! Im partial to them myself.
@Tang0five Ive actually built something for the Star Trek Challenge! Great minds think alike, what? As for being back - agreed on the anime stuff (although I almost finished building the tank from the "drive me closer, I want to hit them with my sword" meme… sorry. But we cant let the kids have the run of the place, can we? Now all we need is the return of our resident Lightning jockey / seat - stick interface Alien and we’re in back in business!
Oh! Before I forget - check out this… (coming soon)…
@Tang0five Many thanks! Im considering doing the Valiant and the Vulcan too. What challenges do you recommend?
+2@LIQUIDconsumer You are too kind.
+1@Tang0five An upvote, a comment and a spotlight, no less! Youre too kind!
What would you say to a C(GR) version of this? You know - a gunship…
Yes. Yes I do.
+1Probably? For me it is the one bit of building in SP that I really couldnt care less for.
‘Ercules, innit?
@MAHADI True. Im on an old iPhone X, though - it makes the thumbnails look kinda crappy…
This is really nice. Question - how go you smooth the turret traverse? Mine is all jumpy.
+1@FirstFish83828 Yeah - she rides low. You should pump the motor output to max and see how good she does drifts and donuts around the race track ;-)
Oh - I wasnt complaining for extra points (10 is enough, Im happy) - I just didnt get around to writing the description fully out yet.
@FirstFish83828 10/13? I can dig it.
Did you check out the (half finished) interior? I was planning on making a gunner position, but my iphone started slowing down…
@Robomo00119 An IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) is a lightly armoured vehicle that is capable of delivering a squad (max 10) infantrymen to a combat area then further capable of supporting said squad with its on-board weapons systems.
Think Marder, Warrior, or BMP.
Note - an IFV is not an APC or an MBT.
Fifth place and an honorable mention? I’ll take it :-)
+2Just saw this and would like to enter. Any chance of getting an extension?
Meh. Upvotes are overrated. I prefer uplifting comments.
Im affraid I broke 4, 7, and 8… only a little, though…
I must say - Im very grateful for the plethora of upvotes, old boy. Nice to see someone who appreciates what I do. Sorry I dont always live up to "the rules", however…
+1Must we build a replica? Or will you accept an original design, provided it follows the 1900-1960 design aesthetic / technical limitations?
Thanks! I played around with having a functional cockpit for the first time with this. It should work in VR, too!
Regarding your advice - you are totally correct. But I never can be arsed with all the "marketing" that comes with posting up a build.
I generally build for myself and dont really care if I get only a few upvotes. Its the folks who download that I really appreciate. The folks who care to drop me a line and let me know if its any good or not are even more appreciated (so many thanks for that!)
Ive started now playing around with making better thumbnails, though (see my 25 part mig 15).
@Tang0five Thanks ever so, old boy.
After a few years of job upheaval and general mind fuckery, my life is approaching something of a period of stability. This is good. It also means that I have time to do the things I enjoy - namely WoT Blitz and Simpleplanes. Glad that youre still here and that you remember me :-)
Hello old chap. Is there any chance you could arrange it so that this is a successor to this?
Sorry if its a hassle…
Youre a good man/woman/camera/internet person :-)