Don't post the same airplane multiple times.
No more than 3 public airplane submissions per day. No more than 10 unlisted submissions per day.
No sympathy posts or memorial posts. Move those discussions to the forums.
We allow a wide variety of uploads that are not actually airplanes. However, we do reserve the right to remove posts if they are too far off-topic.
Don't spam other players' posts with links to your stuff.
Don't use offensive symbols, unless they are necessary for historical accuracy (ie - Swastikas should only be used on things like a WW2 German Bomber).
I see nothing here that correlates with my forum post.
@asteroidbook345 You a friend of his or something? I mean look at it this way, he comes back then what goes back to his old habits and gets banned again?
@belugasub He isn’t a man, he’s an idea, a philosophy, he will continue to live in the dark shadows of the website until he’s replaced by someone else, we’ll see him soon.
@TrislandianAlliance That was a joke but if you want to know it’s south east of japan and you can find land mass and other things on my Forum post on the country
@Bman01 k
Loved that Movie.
You have the sceptre, we hold the key.
+1You are the devil, WE ARE THE D!
You trying to pick a fight?
Epic bruv
Nah that’s just everyone
What an eye opener
@PositivePlanes @JamesBoA idk I was just messing around with stuff
Plans meticulously
Of course
@Flash0of0green @Zanedavid Here
a bit old looking don’t you think?
@Strikefighter04 ah ok
This is confusing...so is SLRP still alive?
@Zanedavid nope, it’s sad that the voice actor died.
@Aarons123 sure
@Aarons123 yeah lol
@Tully2001 Can you please unremove it?
Don't post the same airplane multiple times.
No more than 3 public airplane submissions per day. No more than 10 unlisted submissions per day.
No sympathy posts or memorial posts. Move those discussions to the forums.
We allow a wide variety of uploads that are not actually airplanes. However, we do reserve the right to remove posts if they are too far off-topic.
Don't spam other players' posts with links to your stuff.
Don't use offensive symbols, unless they are necessary for historical accuracy (ie - Swastikas should only be used on things like a WW2 German Bomber).
I see nothing here that correlates with my forum post.
@Tully2001 I’m sorry but I don’t see what rule I’ve broken here
@asteroidbook345 You a friend of his or something? I mean look at it this way, he comes back then what goes back to his old habits and gets banned again?
@CruzerBlade noted
That’s what she said
@belugasub He isn’t a man, he’s an idea, a philosophy, he will continue to live in the dark shadows of the website until he’s replaced by someone else, we’ll see him soon.
@RAF1 Hard not to, considering we see him almost everyday on the forums
Allahspeed, Marine
@Tully2001 Epic
+2@randomusername cool
+1Would love to know how you did that without gas
+1@Sm10684 lol
Elon Musk 100
+2@ThomasRoderick Lol
+2@PositivePlanes lol
@Jim1the1Squid Maybe because I stopped making stuff for awhile?
@DeidaraEnterprises It’s was a question not a roast if it were a roast I’d be roasting the people that inhabits it
@DeidaraEnterprises What roast?
Lol nice but hoping to see your original builds soon
+2@Jim1the1Squid Lol yeah....
@TrislandianAlliance That was a joke but if you want to know it’s south east of japan and you can find land mass and other things on my Forum post on the country
Damn accurate lol
+1Halcyon still making its waves lol
+1I declare war!
@Showtime oh ok