Don't listen to him you put a good amount of effort, it's cool although I would suggest putting guns behind the propeller and see if you could make it "spit-fire" from some exausts.
(> : : : : radio silence, there used to be many people that were here. Back when there was random username that could build some of the craziest contraptions. does any one read these?
@Bleepblopbloop do you know the two mods that come with the game originally? you can use these to change how the engine works. If you want, I did try and make a model a year and a half ago "Spitfire mk2" take the exhausts (save as sub-assembly), They don't drain the fuel and they turn off once the landing gear is retracted.
@Bryan5 the best tip I have is when you want to make a suggestion (or have an opinion) to complement, then say some suggestions. The only reason that I gave those suggestions, is that they are what was different about the spitfire (and I have physically built models from kits of this plane). thanks for noticing.
Hay, glad you're back, I'm presuming I saw your comment in Steam mentioning that the game will no longer be getting updates. I have to say it doesn't look simple but what do I know?
@LegnaK it has but a small group of people are still playing happily. I wonder if there is a way for someone to hold a tournament. I mostly play because it takes me back to a simpler time before I had problems.
@ShinyGemsBro you could do that, but there are some features people never knew existed so now if they want to they have another source to know how. i couldn't find this a few years ago
@Graingy however you enjoy them that’s good, sometimes I’ll go and look at builds that would fry my laptop. Don’t worry about joking around I made a whole form called answers for newbie’s and all these high level players asked some crazy questions.
And this is why we need a 3D printer
+2Don't listen to him you put a good amount of effort, it's cool although I would suggest putting guns behind the propeller and see if you could make it "spit-fire" from some exausts.
+2(> : : : : radio silence, there used to be many people that were here. Back when there was random username that could build some of the craziest contraptions. does any one read these?
+1@MuffinEngineer Okay thank you
+1@IceCraftGaming Thanks
+1No I have friends that do, deepL is a great tool. Although sometimes I know a general idea what is being written. @ThatRandomCouchPotato
+1Was für eine wunderbare Konstruktion!
+1@Bleepblopbloop do you know the two mods that come with the game originally? you can use these to change how the engine works. If you want, I did try and make a model a year and a half ago "Spitfire mk2" take the exhausts (save as sub-assembly), They don't drain the fuel and they turn off once the landing gear is retracted.
+1My favorite quote about the plane was that it could be built in a garage, maybe an idea.
+1@Bryan5 the best tip I have is when you want to make a suggestion (or have an opinion) to complement, then say some suggestions. The only reason that I gave those suggestions, is that they are what was different about the spitfire (and I have physically built models from kits of this plane). thanks for noticing.
+1I see what you did(flares with enough force pushes the plane), can you do us a cannon powered one?
+1it happens sometimes, mostly right after an update
ok, it will have to be tomorow. can't upload it :(
@RepublicofWrightIsles give me a sec I might be able to make some parts explosive
@RepublicofWrightIsles not surprised, did you add enough payload to it?
This is based on my don't ask build, since it was such a simple design.
Let me know of any problems and I can make changes :)
@THEOKPILOT thank you, i was using one about a year ago but it since shut down,
@a7ecorsair yes, just trying to find live servers is hard sometimes. I'm looking to try and start one.
@Graingy Is there truly an end? cause after you finaly perfect the task another one appears out of no where
@flatearthmom @flatearthmom any idea how?, i'm only good at some things
Hay, glad you're back, I'm presuming I saw your comment in Steam mentioning that the game will no longer be getting updates. I have to say it doesn't look simple but what do I know?
@Whills I've had a similar, quite a while ago I just accepted it as a feature.
@LegnaK it has but a small group of people are still playing happily. I wonder if there is a way for someone to hold a tournament. I mostly play because it takes me back to a simpler time before I had problems.
Let me know if there are any changes that need doing "fact geeks".
@Salah001 right now its down due to a DDoS attack
The secondary server is down.
there seems to be problems with a DDos attack with it, so its down right now
@ShinyGemsBro you could do that, but there are some features people never knew existed so now if they want to they have another source to know how. i couldn't find this a few years ago
As did I
Now I’ll have to recreate that haha
So on one build, I saw they were able to make the beacon light brighter, however not even here can I find it. did anyone get a clue?
Just gave it a try, do you care to explain?
What unholy creation is this?
@Graingy Chaos is the reason I'm here.
Eventually, I'll get this to the regulations but for now, it's pretty fun.
I just got it, it will take some time to get used to.
After trying it give some suggestions. (if you want)
@EnvixityWasTaken it was a bit of time ago but I’ll have to see
@Graingy pretty much, the propellers move so much air it creates lift
@Graingy however you enjoy them that’s good, sometimes I’ll go and look at builds that would fry my laptop. Don’t worry about joking around I made a whole form called answers for newbie’s and all these high level players asked some crazy questions.
Should be proud, two mod have upvoted.
This is what the people want, someone has already attached it to the front of a plane
The impressive thing is that there is always something that has been published within 20 minutes.
Five more hours till the next one comes out it’s got a lot of downforce and is one mph faster and better control.
this is still alive but no one else is here
@Graingy it may seem to defy the laws of physics but it does work
@Freanca that’s good, still trying to land without blowing up
@Graingy thanks, does it feel cool to fly?