1,204 Jukkelus Comments

  • UNPUBLISHED MODS 3.3 years ago

    @Gestour What happened to your Browning M2 mod? Can you please re-post it? I can't open some of my old planes.

  • Tag request - Actually Flies 5.4 years ago

    @Jim1the1Squid @Jetpackturtle Thanks. Another thing learned today!

  • LAX-436 False Prey 5.4 years ago

    Very interesting plane. It's very cool design with many brilliant details. The problem is, it doesn't fly very well.

    Movement around roll axis isn't half bad, it isn't too fast and not too slow either. Yaw axis is terrible, using rudders will immediately unbalance the plane. Pitch axis is problematic too, it feels like it doesn't want to start nor stop pitching.

    When flying, the plane seems to get into all kinds of upsets very easily. I crashed several times because of uncontrollable pitch up. After upsets it doesn't stabilize itself very well.

    This was a hard comment to write because I don't want to offend but to offer constructive criticism.

  • JAI-R07D Downforce IV 6.0 years ago

    @CPWoody thanks for the upvote!

  • Mod suggestions. 6.0 years ago

    User configurable default view. While air racing, I have one camera location which I exlusively use. It is a pain to pause the game at the start of each and every race and adjust the camera. Thanks!

  • ICE BASE ASSAULT II 7.5 years ago

    With your excellent build I finally got inside the Ice Base

  • JAI-G05A Ice Base Assault Made Easy 2.6 years ago

    When you approach at 2000+ knots and release the bomb 0.5 mile away, countermeasures don't have time to react.

  • JAI-R13A Diagonality 3.4 years ago

    Several metric craptons of downforce and heavily xml edited traction of the wheels.

  • JAI-X010A Valkyrie 3.8 years ago

    @Breezy98 Thanks! I'm happy you enjoy the plane

  • JAI-R13A Diagonality 3.8 years ago

    @NikoFox Laughing out loud. Yes, I believe in over... just-enough-kill

  • JAI-R12A Lilienthal 3.8 years ago

    @thegliderguy Thanks!

  • Resizeable Wheel buckles under load 3.8 years ago

    @WrongFlyer Thanks! Cranking the mass scale to 100 solved the problem.

  • JAI-X041A Aerospike 4.2 years ago

    @BombBoi1822 the Power of Overload compels!

  • JAI-X029A Boxkite 5.3 years ago

    @TrislandianAlliance I'm from Finland. My original idea was just the first wing box section, but it was nearly unflyable. Drawing inspiration from boxkites, I added middle section and second wingbox section. Livery is from first boxkite picture from image search.

  • Tags 5.4 years ago

    @CrashFighter05 I'm not very active on forums so I have no idea who the mods are :(

  • Tags 5.4 years ago

    @JamesBoA @CrashFighter05 Thanks! How one can ask mods for a new tag?

  • JAI-X023A aXeWing 5.4 years ago

    @Blaze77gun Rolfcopter

  • JAI-X023A aXeWing 5.4 years ago

    @Blaze77gun Well... It is capable of controlled flight, so it's a plane. It also looks like an axe... Axe-plane? Plane-axe? Axne? Plaxe?

  • SteamPunker PH03NIX-Z7 5.4 years ago

    What an glorious contraption. Kudos!

  • GIRO silk and water 5.4 years ago

    @steampunk0202 Thanks!

  • GIRO silk and water 5.4 years ago

    Cool plane. Much more modern than my sword. I love the transformation. It is crazy complicated. Congratulations on good work!

  • JAI-X025A Elanor's Thorn 5.4 years ago

    @steampunk0202 Thanks! I'll have to see yours asap. Did you check out my axe-plane? It's flyable too.

  • LAX-436 False Prey 5.4 years ago

    @247freddyfasbear Sounds good, I wish you success with that.

  • JAI-X024B Z-Wing II 5.4 years ago

    @CrashFighter05 thanks for the upvote, appreciated.

  • LAX-436 False Prey 5.4 years ago

    @247freddyfasbear I would like very much to see one.

  • JAI-X023A aXeWing 5.4 years ago

    @Jim1the1Squid @Blaze77gun Thanks for the Highlight, it is an honour. I hope you tried to fly with my... thing.

  • LAX-436 False Prey 5.4 years ago

    I see I have offended you. I am sorry.

  • JAI-X022A Bird of Prey 5.4 years ago

    @247freddyfasbear I can't wait to see and test it! Good night and until tomorrow.

  • JAI-X022A Bird of Prey 5.4 years ago

    @247freddyfasbear I wish you luck and success with your build!

  • JAI-X022A Bird of Prey 5.4 years ago

    @dimindahouse @Tarquez @247freddyfasbear Thank you for your kind words and upvotes.

  • JAI-X022A Bird of Prey 5.4 years ago

    @247freddyfasbear This was looks first, aerodynamics later design. It took lots of trial and error to get CoL/CoM distance right. Original idea was to have trailing edges of wings to align with ends of engine nozzles but that proved to be impossible. I had to move wings more and more backwards until CoL was far enough behind CoM. Test flights had minimum fuel load that didn't affect CoM. When fueling up, I marked CoM with a small fuselage block and filled tanks while keeping CoM in it's place.

  • Hypersonic with no engine??? 5.5 years ago

    Crazy contraption - I like it!

    Flutter effect? 0 mass wings glitch and propel the craft?

  • JAI-X017A Oxymoron 5.5 years ago

    @IStoleYourMeme Thanks for the upvote!

  • JAI-C04A Caproni-60 5.5 years ago

    @ThePropellerIsAFan Thanks! I have odd fascination to planes with odd wing planforms or configurations. It is really satisfying when a reall oddball of a plane flies well (against all odds). That's also another reason for me not to make exact replicas; I can tweak planes to fly well without worrying missed accuracy.

  • JAI-C04A Caproni-60 5.5 years ago

    @ThePropellerIsAFan thanks for the Upvote! How did you like my monstrosity?

  • JAI-X015A Hexabug 5.5 years ago

    @BricePianist Thanks for the upvote! Radioactive butterfly - I love it!

  • JAI-M03A Torpedo Bomber 5.5 years ago

    @RAAF Why not? It was made for WW2 Torpedo Bomber mission. It flies like brick and torpedoes are hard to hit with but 4 .50 machine guns pack a lot of punch.

  • JAI-R07D Downforce IV 6.0 years ago


    This is the 5. version shared and 9. saved in my editor. And that number doesn't include prototype versions before the 1. shared version.

    Hopefully my previous post gave some useful tips in building fast and manouverable cars.

  • JAI-R07D Downforce IV 6.0 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 Wow! Thanks for your comment, upvote and highlight!

    The speed and acceleration come from xml modded engine power, wheel angular speed and longitudal grip.

    Lots of downforce from wings prevents unwanted take-offs and makes manouvering possible.

    Finally xml modded wheel lateral grip. Rear wheels must have more lateral grip than forward wheels to prevent spins. If fore wheels have too little lateral grip, the car won't turn and if too much the car turns too fast. I found the right amount by trial and error. Adding more wing helps cornering.

    Finally I found out that it's better to have moderate steering angles on all wheels than large steering angles on front wheels only.

  • JAI-M05A Massive Attack 6.0 years ago

    Thanks for the upvote! @TheFantasticTyphoon

  • JAI-R07C Downforce III 6.0 years ago

    @CrazyInventor Thanks! I like the looks of the car and I'm proud of improvements in handling and controllability.

  • JAI-R07C Downforce III 6.0 years ago

    Thanks for the upvote! @Sm10684

  • JAI-X012A Bumblebee 6.0 years ago

    Thanks for the upvote @SodiumChloride

  • JAI-C03A Flying Railwaycar 6.4 years ago

    @RailfanEthan a big thanks for upvote

  • JAI-R07B Downforce II 6.4 years ago

    @Chancey21 Thanks for the tip and upvote!
    For racers before this, I used regular wings tilted downwards. For this I reversed wings' inverted tags with Overload.

  • Aurora Class Destroyer 6.4 years ago

    Nice ship! Saw it on Car Island and it looked fabulous.

  • Car Island 6.4 years ago

    Nice that cars get some love too. Good job!

  • JAI-C01A Mallard 7.1 years ago

    @tsampoy Thanks!

  • Can you make watertight compartments? 7.4 years ago

    @RailfanEthan Many big thanks to you!