downforce, its extremely useful on high speed cornering to keep you rooted to the ground, just remember that it needs to be equal on the front and back or else you might pull wheelies
sadly this will get taken down, but yeah its happened, ive been blocked by a few well known users on here for no good reason, it happens, just ignore it, not worth your time anyway
all of these requests would require too beefy of a computer for mobile, maywar isnt coming any time soon, and people with character customization is most likely never going to come any time soon if at all, floodlights are doubtful but tracks might happen, small islands and maybe a small town of sort could work.
but most importantly, 1.8 got released very recently we arent gonna have another major update anytime soon, especially with simple rockets two in development, so if any of this happens it wont happen for a very long time
what @Dllama4 said, you are welcome here if you stop stealing, although being away from the community and fallen into others i havent witnessed it personally but the same goes for all, the community will welcome all as long as they follow the rules
are you kidding me?! raptor, the guy who basically made me join the community and he got banned for something dumb like that? seems a little trigger happy, least they could do is say why they are banned, banning, even temporarily the biggest person on this site is a big deal, its one thing to trigger happy ban someone like me, but cmon, least you could do is actually look into it before banning
little tip: a way many people i know who run a manual use the sound of the motor as an indicator, you can tell when it sounds like the noise isnt changing but just rising, dropping and rising, like in a circle this is when its bouncing off the limiter, installing an aftermarket exhaust would also help (assuming its legal where you live, check local laws)
@AndrewGarrison dont even need to floss, just swipe a finger through there
+40@randomusername cries in D major
+6"the devs love it dirty"
+5holy f* sh**... thats the best line ever
from computer Hey Vsauce from behind you michael here from inside your head what if, you were defenseless?
+4that last one might get this page removed :/
+4basically how i learned what i learned on piano
+3downforce, its extremely useful on high speed cornering to keep you rooted to the ground, just remember that it needs to be equal on the front and back or else you might pull wheelies
+3well duh, your engines arent getting as much air as they would at sea level, thats why
+3he was banned..... eastern horizon was banned.....
+3sadly this will get taken down, but yeah its happened, ive been blocked by a few well known users on here for no good reason, it happens, just ignore it, not worth your time anyway
+2all of these requests would require too beefy of a computer for mobile, maywar isnt coming any time soon, and people with character customization is most likely never going to come any time soon if at all, floodlights are doubtful but tracks might happen, small islands and maybe a small town of sort could work.
but most importantly, 1.8 got released very recently we arent gonna have another major update anytime soon, especially with simple rockets two in development, so if any of this happens it wont happen for a very long time
+2what @Dllama4 said, you are welcome here if you stop stealing, although being away from the community and fallen into others i havent witnessed it personally but the same goes for all, the community will welcome all as long as they follow the rules
+2if it happened today or yesterday then he can't unblock you yet, it lasts three days then he can last i heard
+2remember J E L L Y
+2what is the craft from the first?
+2@sexylips35 took ya long enough! XD
+2omygawd britney i cant even
+2facepalms and yells in voice "NUMBER FIFTEEN, BURGERKING FOOTLETTUECE"
+2You can't, you need to mod the landing gear parts to have no collisions
+2if you want I know how to make submerging builds @SimpleFlow
+2what is wrong with the bottom 3 pics they are static!@AndrewGarrison
+2i will proudly take the link and further spread the pathowogen
+1@Default1 literally read the rules, they are not hidden, they are easy to find, you just decided to not follow, or not read them
+1are you kidding me?! raptor, the guy who basically made me join the community and he got banned for something dumb like that? seems a little trigger happy, least they could do is say why they are banned, banning, even temporarily the biggest person on this site is a big deal, its one thing to trigger happy ban someone like me, but cmon, least you could do is actually look into it before banning
+1@P0TET0Z oh god
+1@SpencerTreePuncher just look through my builds, they should be there, they are old af and super outdated
+1@SpencerTreePuncher oh hun, my cars arent that great, much less as my skill deteriorated as i havent practiced
+1wrong side of heaven cos its pretty much the only one ive listened to
+1cornet gang cornet gang cornet gang cornet gang cornet gang
+1my aunt's dog once picked up a small knife, luckily he dropped it
+1@IStoleYourMeme doesnt matter now, he created alts and used them to circumvent a ban, auto perma banned
+1@ChiyomiAnzai yeah, for a while, only recently lost the tag i think
+1now we just need this for simple planes
+1@randomusername good idea! considering it works kind of off the kraken mythos ship destruction should happen
+1@CruzerBlade sounds good, my discord is Newguitaristwhodisette#4426 just tell me who you are and ill reply
+1pc master race
+1@RailfanEthan they probably dont want to pay for something else
+1hmm, i think somethign with small wings and maybe variable geometry wings etc, maybe even thrust vectoring
+1i dont believe so
+1little tip: a way many people i know who run a manual use the sound of the motor as an indicator, you can tell when it sounds like the noise isnt changing but just rising, dropping and rising, like in a circle this is when its bouncing off the limiter, installing an aftermarket exhaust would also help (assuming its legal where you live, check local laws)
+1@KidKromosone T H I S IS A M E R I C A
+1@Spacedoge12345plane finetuner, xray, overload, multiplayer, everything
+1nice to see another furry here!
+1hello internet this yourrrr daily dose of internet
+1@Minecraftpoweer ah, havent known that
+1@DPSAircraftManufacturer that is pirating, which is illegal and would get you banned
+1how old are you? are you at least 13?
+1make a very large vertical stab, then scale it down
+1top two are my favorites