16.8k MrGreen Comments

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    Make copying parts on mobile easier,

    Add more components for tanks (ie tracks, hexagonal and octagonal fuselages for turrets, square-shaped lights)

    It'd be nice to have something like a FunkyTrees in-game tutorial for newcomers.

    Add a way to edit the general XML properties of the entire craft (for example: add a button to toggle the calculateDrag property.)

    When parts mirror, the connections get messed up, so that needs some fixing.

    Furthermore, the AI needs to be more advanced, especially if you don't want your entire playerbase to go play balsa MFS, which will apparently have a more sophisticated AI system source

  • Confirmed?! 3.6 years ago

    If SR to SR2 was 2d to 3d, will SP to SP2 be 3d to 4D?!

  • [IMPORTANT] anyone know what happened to @Clutch? 2.9 years ago

    @BeastHunter Yes, great guy. It's a pity, but I hope he found a good thing to focus on in his life. Whether it's a different game, a new hobby or maybe a job

  • The Real Ghost of Kyiv 2.8 years ago

    Slava Ukraini!

  • What do you consider to be the best build on this site? 3.2 years ago

    German corsair, but technically this is the best build

  • A little Poll 3.6 years ago

    Make a GUI

  • The Emblem of the Communist Party of China 3.7 years ago

    Reclaiming Socialism Or:Economic Democracy(Recovering a Stolen Word)

    By Brian Rush

    Imagine getting up in the morning and going to work for a company that, just by virtue of the fact that you work for it, you own part of. Imagine that the company’s president and other officers have to stand for election every year or two years, and you and all the other employees of the company vote them in or out. Imagine getting an accounting on a quarterly basis of the company’s profitability and receiving a payout of your share of those profits – your due as a worker-owner.Imagine that you get tired of working for the company you own part of and decide to strike out on your own. Imagine that there are on-line services readily available where your skills demand high pay from independent clients, so that being self-employed and entirely your own boss is a matter only of doing the work.Or let’s say that you and a number of friends have an idea for a new business. Imagine anon-profit organization or perhaps a government agency set up just for that purpose, ready to provide you and your friends a low-interest loan, free advice, and lots of other assistance so you can do that – as long as your new business is a workers’ cooperative.Imagine a world in which nobody is obscenely rich and nobody is poor, and the average person makes about double – maybe triple – what most people make today.I can imagine that easily enough. Can you?Would you like to live in a world like that?I sure would. And unlike Lennon’s dreamy vision, this one is possible. We’re ready for it.We just have to believe it and reach for it, and reclaim the word that stands for it.That word is “socialism.”It’s being used today (by its detractors, which is a dead giveaway) to describe something it’s not, a world of giant bureaucracies, stagnant economies, and secret police. That’s not what it means. It means a world in which ordinary people – probably people like you – own the businesses that provide your livelihood, instead of the economy being owned by a few hogs on Wall Street who see you as their peon.

  • KMS Bismarck battleship 2.7 years ago

    Your wife? you mean a cartoon character printed on a pillow?

  • Moby Dick (One Piece) 2.9 years ago

    Moby tiddy

  • Downloading Crafts in SPVR 3.5 years ago

    @SkyBoogie1the1oringle SPVR is just for flying around

  • On inappropriate and inconsiderate comments 3.6 years ago

    A moron trynna be funny

  • The Emblem of the Communist Party of China 3.7 years ago

    Reclaiming Socialism Or:Economic Democracy(Recovering a Stolen Word)

    By Brian Rush

    I want to begin by recognizing that the word “socialism” has had its meaning twisted badly. One of the most important purposes of this book – not the most important purpose, but one of them – important enough that I put it in the title – is to reclaim the word so that it means once more what it once did and, among socialists, still does.Let’s take a look at an on-line dictionary and see what we find. For the first meaning of the word “socialism” I find: A theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital,land, etc., in the community as a whole.And as it happens that’s almost right, but this is not what most people think of when they hear the word.The word “socialism” does NOT mean an economic arrangement in which the state owns and controls business, or in which there is no such thing as private business. Socialists today never advocate this, although there was a time long ago when they did, or at least some of them did.The word “socialism” has been deliberately distorted in meaning by a propaganda campaign conducted by those who fear it. Or rather, they fear socialism, and part of their defense against it has been to alter the meaning of the word “socialism” in popular discourse so that socialism (the real thing) is more difficult to discuss, because it is difficult to name correctly.Let’s see what we can do about rectifying that confusion.“Socialism” refers to an economic system. An economic system is not something that occurs naturally. It’s an artifact of human society, and like all human artifacts it is designed with deliberate intent.That’s not just true of economic systems, of course. It’s also true of a human endeavor such as auto mechanics. Auto mechanics employ certain tools and techniques. For example, they employ a jack and a wrench. But we don’t define auto mechanics as “the use of jacks and wrenches,” do we? I mean, if I use a jack and a wrench to take a car apart and break all of its vital pieces, am I engaging in “auto mechanics”? No, I’m engaging in auto demolition or criminal vandalism or something of the sort, even though I’m using two of the same tools as auto mechanics might use.We define “auto mechanics” in terms of its ends – the repair and maintenance of automobiles – and not by its means such as jacks and wrenches, and we should do the same for“socialism.” State ownership of business is one means that has in the past been advocated by socialists. It’s an obsolete means, since socialists no longer generally advocate this, having discovered better ways to achieve socialist ends. But even if it were not an obsolete means, even if socialists still advocated state ownership of business, it would still not be right to define socialism by this means, since it could conceivably be used to achieve non-socialist ends, just as
    jacks and wrenches can be used to destroy cars instead of repair them. In fact, there was a country with the word “socialist” in its name during the twentieth century that did just that: used this socialist means (which was not yet obsolete in 1917 when they started doing it) to achieve non-socialist, even counter-socialist ends. This means that the Soviet Union was lying to the world in claiming to be socialist, just as it was also lying about holding free elections and being a democracy.

  • Airbus A310 3.8 years ago

    Can i please convert this into a butter machine?

  • KMS Bismarck battleship 2.7 years ago

    @1143 I think something might have gone wrong in the translation, but anyways, my point is that it's kind of strange to imagine having a relationship and coitus with a drawn and completely fictional character. I don't have anything against the people of China

  • M400 Mobile Mast erector System 2.8 years ago

    me in the morning:

  • MP5 + P90 + AK Mag 2.9 years ago

    COD be like: write that down! write that down!

  • "Hello World"???? 3.6 years ago

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main ()    {
        cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
        return 0;

  • KMS Bismarck battleship 2.7 years ago

    @1143 well that's called being a pervert...

  • North American P-51 B Mustang 2.7 years ago

    you gotta be the most polite member of the SP community... and it's already one of the most wholesome communities on the whole internet. Also, nice build! Have an updoot and spotlight ;)

  • Prideflag 2.7 years ago

    Happy Pride!

  • 24 hours worth of points... 2.8 years ago

    @Harder258 The beginning is always slow, but from about 2000 points it really takes off (pun intended)

  • My First Upvoter's Customized work! 3.2 years ago


  • What the heck is happening in the console 3.2 years ago

    @Th3rmoplylae omicron is expanding to the internet lol

  • I've been hurt... 3.5 years ago

    Well, i don't watch anime... but dang that's nice

  • Air has 0 mass in SP 3.6 years ago

    NeGaTivE MaSs

  • Mars 3.7 years ago

    WhERe IOS VerSIoN

  • **FREE TO USE** custom tilted landing gear 3.7 years ago

    my tilted gear design replaces the rotators with springs and vice versa

  • Funky tree guide 2.4 years ago

    Always use it myself, great guide

  • A Flying Pulpen 2.7 years ago

    @Yourlocalhuman As an ex-twelve yaer old mf, I can confirm

  • I have to take a break.. 2.7 years ago

    my condolences, I wish you the best of luck in life

  • Jebermann II-II 2.8 years ago

    @BeastHunter @Aviator01

  • found this cool Star trek easter egg 2.9 years ago

    happened to me earlier today but i didn't knw it was a reference lol

  • MPL-1R 2.9 years ago


  • The most relatable SP .gif you've ever seen 3.1 years ago


    You clearly havent tried to place an elevon in Kerbal Space Programme

  • 1940 Willys GPV 3.1 years ago

    @TheGreatLordVader almost as hot as the singles in my area

  • Autosave and Backup 3.2 years ago

    thanks! my laptop has a battery problem, so when I pull out the power cable it shuts down just like a desktop would, so this will be extremely useful

  • How to tickle enemy tank 3.6 years ago

    WoT man voice

    That one didn't go through

    We didn't even scratch them

  • Custom Icon 3.6 years ago

    I've set it as my SP icon lol

  • 2 billion points in gun training (not clickbait) 3.6 years ago

    @scratch Screams in C++ memory leaks

  • Red Ship Of Nanhu 3.7 years ago

    Long live Marx's ideas

  • Should you buy SimplePlanes in 2021? 3.7 years ago

    What about Balsa Model FS?

  • I Can't upload plane:( 3.9 years ago

    Remove all mods

  • T-80 UD 1.9 years ago

    @srbobington LMFAO

  • Add the turning assist or not? 2.4 years ago


  • IA Image Importer 2.5 years ago

    @Darkmoon I assume there's a way to remake this in Kotlin, Android's official language

  • Jebermann III 2.7 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick Yes, of course

  • MK.1 Crew Capsule 2.7 years ago

    @AntonWings Same! That's why I have made an aircraft line called Jebermann

  • 1941_DE_Vehicles_Pack 2.7 years ago

    69th upvote nice

  • GAZ 69 2.7 years ago


  • Sukhoi Su-37 Terminator --Reworked-- 2.8 years ago

    Why would anyone use my old FT..? oh god that was before I started formatting my code properly, good luck reading that!
