@winswings @zaineman I redid the design and weapons! You both liked the redone, so here is the full-on rebuild! I took the design from my old models, but rebuilt it from the stock plane up.
@Wolf21 when I pressed play to load into the map, it sent me so far out everything was pixelly. I believe It is called nullzone. The game then crashed.
Why does it turn into a frisbee
+12there was an attempt to run this on an iPad.
+10“Slow down the umbrella” for parachute 💀 (Yes I know it’s translated, it’s just funny)
+4It’s not aiming side to side for me?
+3@Ooflauncher1 f
+3How In gods name did I run this with no lag… on an iPad. (Yes it’s a pro)
+3*S N I F F * i smell Ariel nomad (it’s a car brand for those who are small brained)
+3Here before it gets popular
+3don’t ask, but I pulled 75 g’s and broke it at Mach 5. Again, don’t ask.
+2I once had a bomber crash into me on the uss beast and the battleships shot me.
+2@324 SledDriver would like to know your location
+2@rework check the tuning lol (in all seriousness, nice strat!)
+2I made this abomination: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/lj16sZ/The-Convoy-crapper-9000 I call it the convoy crapper 9000
+2@planespotter505 how did u do those guns. 🤌
+2@Sadboye12 oh. I would help, but I don’t know much about funky trees.
+2@IAlsoBuildPlane yeah, but that mostly comes with XML wings or vectored thrust. XML is a tag already, so vectored thrust would just be an addition.
+2@Excavatoroperator67 I can run it just fine. On mobile.
+2russian accent- In Soviet Russia, Plane do not have weapons. Weapons have plane.
+2moskau song intensifies
+2ah yes. I love pulling 50+ g’s in my bomber.
+1Oh my god.. I never actually thought this would come out
+1@LoneSpaceGaming oh thanks
+1@TheMouse thank you! Want to be tagged on its release hopefully this weekend?
Edit: sorry didn’t see the t
+1I crashed :(
In the mobile designer, when you zoom in too much, you can’t zoom back out and the designer flat out breaks
+1@Otter0308 it’s located in the middle section of the fuselage where the back of the wings meet the body
+1@Guyfolk Instructions unclear, I’m stuck in the air with no way of landing
+1@winswings @zaineman I redid the design and weapons! You both liked the redone, so here is the full-on rebuild! I took the design from my old models, but rebuilt it from the stock plane up.
+1@Wolf21 when I pressed play to load into the map, it sent me so far out everything was pixelly. I believe It is called nullzone. The game then crashed.
+1@Wolf21 it crashed my game instantly lmao
+1@zaineman boutta end everyone’s whole career: 🍷🗿
+1Wow. This is making a ton of progress! Keep up the great work!
+1@roastham9146 Bro please when is the f-14 gonna be released
+1Bro you could’ve just set the burstCount property to however much ammo then change the timeBetweenBursts property’s value to like 99999999
+1Ok. It has been a month now. The chances of this thing being posted are now lower than the chances of my dad coming back with the milk.
+1Build a boat be like
+1@CrazedSundance 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
+1@CrazedSundance that was an accident lol ill fix that rn thanks
+1@ACEVIPER9710 this needs more downloads for what this is 💀
+1@Zaineman you think you can give this a little more maneuverability? This would be a good one!
+1@1VirtualRealityConversion already done
+1This is flat out stolen
+1@Tingly06822 lol
+1@Kendog84 ikr
+1@Kendog84 oh shoot I forgor sorry
+1@PlaneSpotter505 the plane launcher thingy. What is that? It looks like a second plane made by guns
Edit: where are they? They’re not hidden. Are they 0% scale?