@asteroidbook345 nah all the gundam type mobile suits in stardust memory are named after flowers, this one is called stamen bc its the mobile suit component of dendrobium
@WNP78 But will this mesh method be applied to others' craft in MP for SP2, given that there will be far less of them online at any given time on one server compared to however many instances of cars there will be on the map? Curious how native MP would be optimized here compared to the old MP mod
@DwiAngkasaAeronautics make sure u are running performance mode as well via power/performance settings. plugging in doesn't automatically switch it from efficiency to performance mode unless you configure it as such.
@TRD yes this is one of the main goals im working on rn since I’ve just updated the flight model a bit, after I’m finished w that I’ll start updating the exterior bits a bit, give it a month or so since I’m busy lol
@WSindustries + macross swarm missiles and whatnot, I could handle the hud as well but I'm not sure what else could be displayed given what the cockpit already provides
@Thelegitpilot13 Thanks! Well... the AoA limiter would typically exist on real life fighters capable of PSM's such as the F-22 and the Flanker family, but you're right about Project Wingman
@AndrewGarrison Hi, I see you've been doing photoshoots and testing of recently released builds on SP2. Since this is a build intended to release for SP2, would it be alright if you tested this one out and see if the FT fly-by-wire works fine on there? I'll tag you on an unlisted post if you're interested. Would be much appreciated.
What are the specs of the machine being used to run SP2 in the trailer? I'd like to get an idea of whether my own machine can run it at decent settings with my FT-heavy fighter.
may your crisp white sheets never be walked over with dirty boots
+5Thanks! @Sadboye12 @JacobyLife001 @ironkid4444
+317 shots no 38
+2@asteroidbook345 nah all the gundam type mobile suits in stardust memory are named after flowers, this one is called stamen bc its the mobile suit component of dendrobium
+2@CrimsonOnigiri Season 4 only has a couple episodes left before the final movie covering the last ~25 or so chapters of the manga, yes?
+2Thanks! @FinnReignSUPREME @Madness @gunkanmarch
+2Thanks! @UnguidedCylinder @DimitriIqbal91 @spefyjerbf
+2@WNP78 But will this mesh method be applied to others' craft in MP for SP2, given that there will be far less of them online at any given time on one server compared to however many instances of cars there will be on the map? Curious how native MP would be optimized here compared to the old MP mod
+1@DwiAngkasaAeronautics make sure u are running performance mode as well via power/performance settings. plugging in doesn't automatically switch it from efficiency to performance mode unless you configure it as such.
+1i am biased
+1full backwards compatibility with old SP builds, i am so sold on this
+1me in the corner
one of my classes rn has us building a ARM instruction processor + RAM from scratch with verilog and an fpga
cool stuff, ig whatever im doing would be pretty similar to this
+1((VerticalG>x)?1:0)*(Pitch0.3 + Trim0.07 + Roll-0.05 - PitchRate0.002)
im assuming u want a functional G limiter tho so use and tune the G limiter found in this link
+1ace combat 8 final boss
+1wait zeta ver ka is a thing now???
+1long live lelouch
+1can't fret over every egg
+1cant wait for bakazato understeer to come next
+1gum tape deathmatch
+1eyy i saw this in mp a few days ago, nice stuff
+1@TRD yes this is one of the main goals im working on rn since I’ve just updated the flight model a bit, after I’m finished w that I’ll start updating the exterior bits a bit, give it a month or so since I’m busy lol
+1You know I just realized
+1Now imagine if us filipinos actually got this
+1@WSindustries + macross swarm missiles and whatnot, I could handle the hud as well but I'm not sure what else could be displayed given what the cockpit already provides
+1Thanks! @DarthAbhinav @Suubk27 @soldier289
+1Thanks! @Grob0s0VBRa @AJosh92FS @ JaeBeansS
+1@deguri2000 Thank you!
+1Thanks! @PatARG @SolarisAir @PrivatePlayer
+1Thanks! @GroBaleaze @IronKnight @p0tato72
+1@Thelegitpilot13 Thanks! Well... the AoA limiter would typically exist on real life fighters capable of PSM's such as the F-22 and the Flanker family, but you're right about Project Wingman
+1@GrizzlitnCFSP @tucan Thank you!
+1@TheNightmareCompany @Griffon1Crosswind @Fliegerkerlchen Thank you!
+1@EvilRaven31 @Eventotaku Thank you!
+1@Cyan @XMS0027 Thanks!
+1@Scharnhorst @XMS0027 @BagelPlane
+1@AndrewGarrison Hi, I see you've been doing photoshoots and testing of recently released builds on SP2. Since this is a build intended to release for SP2, would it be alright if you tested this one out and see if the FT fly-by-wire works fine on there? I'll tag you on an unlisted post if you're interested. Would be much appreciated.
What are the specs of the machine being used to run SP2 in the trailer? I'd like to get an idea of whether my own machine can run it at decent settings with my FT-heavy fighter.
@CallsignGizmo f-14s are popular lmao
@SpaceNerdSP png/jpg uploaded on discord to use as img link
@S1lly yes, surprising u remember its old name
@L1nus @ReinMcDeer @N0ble
@GuyFolk @L1nus
@TinyMaus maybe if u make a random unlisted post i can comment on it privately with the link...
@TinyMaus do u have discord? I can share an unlisted link there