As someone who got to talk quite a bit to Bogdan, I can attest to the fact he was (and if it weren't for him leaving, would still be) one of the best builders in the community. His part efficiency was possibly unmatched. His ability to cram so many details using so few parts was his very own ace-up-his-sleeve. In fact, I still have his Strela armored car, as its low part count makes it great as a scale model when making maps. Let's not forget his innovations in a wide number of fields, among which there's also my specialty aka tanks.
However, as with all people that have ever trekked down this long, arduous road called life, Bogdan had his own flaws, some more prominent than others.
The few times we got to discuss more intellectual subjects, he would always take a superior attitude, the "I'm right, you're wrong" kind. Personally, I don't have a problem with this kind of attitude so long as you make the other feel like an equal, except in his case, he would make me feel like a complete [insert the word that starts with i and ends with t made of 5 letters here], as if he is the all-knowing, all-encompassing superior entity, and I were the [insert the word starting with s and ending with d made of 6 letters here] monkey that could never grasp basic intellectual or political reasoning. His intent was good, I can assure you of that, but the way he did it left much to be desired.
I've talked to him countless times about how he takes this game very seriously. And I understand that this game is like no other: thanks to the many, many hours of work the developers put into the game, it became much more than just a game. You can create replicas down to the little bolt keeping together two metal plates. But before all, we must ask ourselves, haven't we forgot something down the road? Oh yes, we did. SimplePlanes is a game. And the purpose of a game is, before everything else, to entertain you. Entertainment comes in many shapes, whether that be creating highly detailed replicas or engaging with the community. The community especially needs to stay young at heart in order to get over what I would call fun drains quicker. The means through which it achieves entertainment are many: memes, funny builds, friendly banter, groups, and so on.
If you've kept somewhat of an eye on what's been happening recently, you know that he wasn't particularly enthralled with the whole German Corsair meme. He took it very personally, as a sort of insult to the amount of work he'd put into his builds and here come dat boi, with a plane so simple, yet so ironic, and gets tons of upvotes. The art of memery at its finest; not sure Bogdan would agree on that.
All in all, I think we could call this entire [insert word starting with s and ending with t made of 4 letters here] storm by calling it Bogdangate. And if we could learn something from this episode in our community's history, it would be that good music must also come with a good tone to it; that is, your building skills may very easily be worth nothing if you can't interact with the community in a peaceful, pleasant matter.
@CRJ900Pilot If you don't like this new feature, just pretend like it's not there. If the comments section on any of your planes turns to chaos due to this, remember: door is to your left, window is to the right. Go through whichever you like more and then head to the nearest park.
Unlike some other people who focused on the negatives without giving much praise for the positives, I would like to do just that. Remember, I respect their opinions, but I think they forgot to give credit where it is due.
I don't usually download others' planes cause I don't really care about them (I know that sounds kinda selfish and dicky...) but this one caught my attention.
Something that stood out to me at first sight was the style of this plane. It seems simplistic which, at least these days, would seem like a low-effort performance. I myself like it; sleek, clean, beautiful.
Something else that I like is the way you built the wings. I haven't seen this before.
However, this plane would've been twenty times better if it wasn't that responsive. Granted I tested it on my phone which lags like hell, but the controls still felt too powerful. This is probably what made it hard to land for others.
Another thing is that it yaws to the left while taking off; can't confirm if the same happens while landing.
I would like to mention one more time that I respect all others' opinions, but once again: every negative should be balanced by a positive; in essence, the zero sum rule.
They deleted their account after realising how crappy their builds were.
Not to mention their incredibly thin skin. I once pointed out to them as nicely as I could some of the things they got wrong on a plane and both melted away like ice in the Sahara.
Oh, and they LOVED (literally) posting so-called motivational posts. Yeah, just infinite walls of text.
They're gone for good, I guess.
Damn. Someone pin this post ASAP.
I think you did a great job at explaining the concept. I personally understood it right away, in part because I have been exploring this same concept on and off for years but without much success.
Off-topic but: just 14 years old? I was expecting them to be male but... 14 years old... if you ask me, it's both a blessing and a curse. Idk where'd you got that number from, but I seriously hope it's higher than that.
I've been playing this game for the past 3 years, ever since March 2016. What brought me here were Weazel's videos which showed very interesting designs and, eventually, I decided to hop in on the plane train and, let me tell you, I haven't been disappointed with my purchase. I regret not buying it from the get-go (I started playing on a cracked version, simply because my parents wouldn't allow me to buy anything on the Internet).
What made me stay here was the similarity with Minecraft. Whereas Minecraft allowed me to unleash my inner creativity, so did Simpleplanes, but in a different manner.
I personally rarely read SR2 posts. I find the game rather boring and nowhere near as complex and customizable as SP. I may be completely wrong here, but SR2 just doesn't have that same vibe as SP.
Simpleplanes has almost always allowed me to put my concepts into practice. Whether it be some fancy jet or some of the most advanced tanks ever made, I've always had the means and the creational liberty to do literally anything. I think the Sandbox's motto The sky is the limit fits the game perfectly; kudos to whoever came up with that.
However, if the developers decide to take the game a different direction a la Paradox (which places important game features behind massive DLC paywalls) or, even worse, a la EA (do I need say more? You know this one too well...), I'm not sure it will benefit them in the long run.
I understand SR2 is still in early access, and I can also see why Jundroo is "forcing it down our throats": the more players you have, the more suggestions will be made. The more suggestions you have, the more likely the number of good suggestions will increase. It's something rooted well within Jundroo which, in part, because they are a small studio, listen to the community as closely as they can.
I would be deeply disappointed (much like you and everyone else) if they left SP for SR2. Deeply disappointed. While one lost customer doesn't mean much in the greater numbers game, hundreds or, who knows, even thousands mean a lot.
I could go on but, overall, Jundroo doesn't yet afford leaving SP in the dust. It would deal a massive blow both to their overall image and revenue, two of the most important things a company has to take great care of in my opinion.
Seems like a good idea.
Although, once again, I think making a separate forum from the website would bring many more opportunities.
If that were the case, then I recommend using phpBB. It's a relatively simple forum format with lots of formatting options, many more than Markdown.
It also better organizes the forum. You can see subcategories in a much, much more orderly and visually appealing fashion.
It also has this friends feature that you suggest. And foes. Because why not :)
The only downside would be that you need to pay for hosting. Granted, I don't know how much the price is, but it would mean less profit.
Honestly, I've seen most people call Warsaw Pact/Russian equipment bad. But, if you think for a little and, hopefully, get your hands on some hard facts that can be compared, sometimes, Warsaw Pact/Russian equipment outperforms Western equipment. It's a debate that would be absolutely amazing to have and, actually, I think I will start it :)
And to those rather new users (old ones alike) that say they've lost all their motivation: think of a toddler. Then think of a rainy day. This toddler runs around and plays with the other kids just like he does everyday. But all of a sudden, he falls into a puddle choke full of mud. He gets really dirty. Everyone stops from laughing and playing. He becomes the center of attention. "Will he cry?", the world wonders. But to their surprise, the toddler gets back up on his feet as happy as he always is. He's laughing and he's more than happy to scare all the other kids with his muddy appearance :P
This was you. A long while ago. If you could get up from that puddle and laugh about it, then you sure can do the same now when you've no motivation. Not just here, but also in life. Remember this toddler. He is very young, he is innocent, but he has taught you more than what school has or ever will.
Today we had almost 20°C and, over the next week, it's expected to go down to 1. Like, really... THIS cold in the middle of effin March? #makeweathergreatagain
Because people that buy stuff from Apple barely have an IQ larger than their age, we decided to politely show them the middle finger by adding this menu. Now go play on PC or Android.
Of course, this is the short way of telling them why. I'm sure everyone will understand it :)
Functionality: should I go harsh or gentle on this? Hmmm, think I'll go in-between. 6.5/10. I don't think a Renault FT was supposed to go over 50 mph. Also, its cross-country capabilities are limited. Aaaaaand it also uses the default control scheme. Visual: 8.5/10. I like that it has a semi-working interior but it's useless. There's no camera inside so I can't see what's in the cabin. Also, why are there no decals on it? Quality: 3/5. I'm more than sure that a few things you did could've been simplified and made better. Especially the tracks. Accuracy: 3.5/10. It's, so far, the only replica I've seen which kinda makes it special. Thing is, for such a tank that revolutionized warfare, you did a sort of mediocre job at recreating its "wow" factor. It does look and behave much like the real thing (except for a few things here and there).
Bonus: for being the first replica I've rated so far, you get 1. For being an acceptable replica, you get a 0.5. For also being a WW1 tank (which I haven't seen that many around), you get a 0.(3). And for being a kinda cute tank, you get a 0.(6). So this makes it a grand total of... 2.5
Best way to deal with bullies is to piss on them until they catch fire and they make so much smoke that it starts forming rocks out of it under which you burry these mothafuccas
But quirky curses aside, could you maybe elaborate on this?
Like, how do they bully you?
Why do they bully you?
Are you the only one being bullied?
When did they start bullying you?
That's why you have mods.
While they aren't the best solution (as mobile users don't have mod support anymore), it provides for many, many more opportunities.
For instance, I'm now making a map specifically made for tanks. About 9 km^2, so you have lots of land to roam about and some great scenery accompanying it.
I think the players should be the ones making the maps, and the developers add new parts and functionality.
I think the graphics are fine, save for one thing: shading. Under certain conditions, it's very hard to distinguish between different pieces, simply because the angle makes it so that they are shaded the same color.
I think this would class as ambient occlusion which I'm not sure they are particularly willing to implement.
I think the best tracks you can build are like this. It is the most part-efficient and functional in my opinion. @Minecraftpower did provide another track model (which isn't that new), however, it uses a lot more parts and this, in return, increases lag.
I am planning to use the same model on my current light tank project, but the problem is, I don't have the motivation to finish it. And in the last month, I've started at least 3 other projects and, thus far, finished neither of them.
Anyway, that was my two cents on the matter. Hope I helped with it :)
Honestly... I've gotten my skin burnt by making constructive criticism or trying to be goofier. The latter means I'm trying to say the same idea as I normally would but in a sort of funny way. By no means am I trying to make fun of someone's defects, all I'm really trying to do is cheer you up a bit so that you can go ahead with a positive mindset. That way, you should be more open to new ideas, new perspectives and so you remember much easier the essence of critique. But this is theory and, so far (this so far meaning just one person; not to mention it was the worst choice I ever made), it failed.
I used to critique quite a bit. Never did it because I envyed said person or simply cause I wanted to be an A-hole. All I wanted was to help them become better and/or have it easier. Never have I criticized someone just for the heck of it. Again, I always had both a good reason and good intentions and, even today, if I wanted to criticize someone's plane (just to give you a concrete example), I would do it almost the same way I used to.
But, you see, criticizing someone means you embark on a trip on the slipperiest road ever. How so?
I've experienced this first hand. Almost every time I criticized someone, there were two outcomes. One of them occured way more often than the other. Maybe due to the way I word stuff (I'm rather blunt; sugarcoatting is not my style) or simply because I chose the wrong recipient.
The first outcome is: they respond negatively. In fact, fiercely negatively. And due to this, they start spreading fake rumors about me and so I get a bad rep.
Second one: they respond positively. It happened rarely but trust me, it had a huge effect. Mainly because the recipient was able to understand the underlying reason of my critique and, secondly, the way they perceived it. Not only did I help massively by making someone else's life easier, but they also thanked me for doing it. Now that's a huge thing if you ask me.
I've personally chosen to refrain from critique. I decided to only ever do it when asked to. This way, I eliminate about half the variables that usually go against me.
TLDR: when criticizing, choose your target carefully. Don't dive head first and think later (like I usually do, not just when criticizing :P ). A bit of planning doesn't hurt, either. And one more thing. Choose. Your words. Carefully!
Oh and, by the way, I'm glad that there is someone just like me that can take constructive criticism and doesn't get easily offended.
I actually had to split that comment in two :P
I know I've written a lot about me now but what I wanted to say is: be one of the best at what you're doing. I am one of the best at tanks. That guy that usually posts minigames, he is best at making minigames. My friends here, for instance. BogdanX has to be one of the best at making low part count replicas. Sauce, albeit inactive right now as he is serving his country, is one of the best at making extremely smooth shapes. EternalDarkness has to be one of the best shipbuilders on this website.
So you have to basically develop something of your own. It doesn't have to be something completely different, neverbeforeseen, but you have to develop your own style of building what you like the most. Think of it like your trademark, something that, when people see one of your builds, they can say "oh, this is X's thing, I can tell because his building style is so special!" or something along the lines of that.
Trust me, nothing is impossible. You may say "but I can't do this." To which I say NO. You CAN and WILL get better at this game. You CAN and WILL become famous for being best at what you're doing. You just need this little bit of confidence in your abilities.
Petition to add this as a planet in SP. Under the ground.
+22Simple answer: some drunk Russians with tracksuits.
+14As someone who got to talk quite a bit to Bogdan, I can attest to the fact he was (and if it weren't for him leaving, would still be) one of the best builders in the community. His part efficiency was possibly unmatched. His ability to cram so many details using so few parts was his very own ace-up-his-sleeve. In fact, I still have his Strela armored car, as its low part count makes it great as a scale model when making maps. Let's not forget his innovations in a wide number of fields, among which there's also my specialty aka tanks.
However, as with all people that have ever trekked down this long, arduous road called life, Bogdan had his own flaws, some more prominent than others.
The few times we got to discuss more intellectual subjects, he would always take a superior attitude, the "I'm right, you're wrong" kind. Personally, I don't have a problem with this kind of attitude so long as you make the other feel like an equal, except in his case, he would make me feel like a complete [insert the word that starts with i and ends with t made of 5 letters here], as if he is the all-knowing, all-encompassing superior entity, and I were the [insert the word starting with s and ending with d made of 6 letters here] monkey that could never grasp basic intellectual or political reasoning. His intent was good, I can assure you of that, but the way he did it left much to be desired.
I've talked to him countless times about how he takes this game very seriously. And I understand that this game is like no other: thanks to the many, many hours of work the developers put into the game, it became much more than just a game. You can create replicas down to the little bolt keeping together two metal plates. But before all, we must ask ourselves, haven't we forgot something down the road? Oh yes, we did. SimplePlanes is a game. And the purpose of a game is, before everything else, to entertain you. Entertainment comes in many shapes, whether that be creating highly detailed replicas or engaging with the community. The community especially needs to stay young at heart in order to get over what I would call fun drains quicker. The means through which it achieves entertainment are many: memes, funny builds, friendly banter, groups, and so on.
If you've kept somewhat of an eye on what's been happening recently, you know that he wasn't particularly enthralled with the whole German Corsair meme. He took it very personally, as a sort of insult to the amount of work he'd put into his builds and here come dat boi, with a plane so simple, yet so ironic, and gets tons of upvotes. The art of memery at its finest; not sure Bogdan would agree on that.
All in all, I think we could call this entire [insert word starting with s and ending with t made of 4 letters here] storm by calling it Bogdangate. And if we could learn something from this episode in our community's history, it would be that good music must also come with a good tone to it; that is, your building skills may very easily be worth nothing if you can't interact with the community in a peaceful, pleasant matter.
Now we need a sound mod and we basically ported the whole game
+11So now Android peasants get to be on the same level as iOS bourgeoisie.
(Not.) Cool. Dudes.
+10@CRJ900Pilot If you don't like this new feature, just pretend like it's not there. If the comments section on any of your planes turns to chaos due to this, remember: door is to your left, window is to the right. Go through whichever you like more and then head to the nearest park.
+10Not gonna lie, I thought of a very different thing when I read the title
+8Unlike some other people who focused on the negatives without giving much praise for the positives, I would like to do just that. Remember, I respect their opinions, but I think they forgot to give credit where it is due.
+7I don't usually download others' planes cause I don't really care about them (I know that sounds kinda selfish and dicky...) but this one caught my attention.
Something that stood out to me at first sight was the style of this plane. It seems simplistic which, at least these days, would seem like a low-effort performance. I myself like it; sleek, clean, beautiful.
Something else that I like is the way you built the wings. I haven't seen this before.
However, this plane would've been twenty times better if it wasn't that responsive. Granted I tested it on my phone which lags like hell, but the controls still felt too powerful. This is probably what made it hard to land for others.
Another thing is that it yaws to the left while taking off; can't confirm if the same happens while landing.
I would like to mention one more time that I respect all others' opinions, but once again: every negative should be balanced by a positive; in essence, the zero sum rule.
You have a bio for this kind of announcements. Use it.
+6They deleted their account after realising how crappy their builds were.
+6Not to mention their incredibly thin skin. I once pointed out to them as nicely as I could some of the things they got wrong on a plane and both melted away like ice in the Sahara.
Oh, and they LOVED (literally) posting so-called motivational posts. Yeah, just infinite walls of text.
They're gone for good, I guess.
Damn. Someone pin this post ASAP.
I think you did a great job at explaining the concept. I personally understood it right away, in part because I have been exploring this same concept on and off for years but without much success.
Off-topic but: just 14 years old? I was expecting them to be male but... 14 years old... if you ask me, it's both a blessing and a curse. Idk where'd you got that number from, but I seriously hope it's higher than that.
I've been playing this game for the past 3 years, ever since March 2016. What brought me here were Weazel's videos which showed very interesting designs and, eventually, I decided to hop in on the plane train and, let me tell you, I haven't been disappointed with my purchase. I regret not buying it from the get-go (I started playing on a cracked version, simply because my parents wouldn't allow me to buy anything on the Internet).
What made me stay here was the similarity with Minecraft. Whereas Minecraft allowed me to unleash my inner creativity, so did Simpleplanes, but in a different manner.
I personally rarely read SR2 posts. I find the game rather boring and nowhere near as complex and customizable as SP. I may be completely wrong here, but SR2 just doesn't have that same vibe as SP.
Simpleplanes has almost always allowed me to put my concepts into practice. Whether it be some fancy jet or some of the most advanced tanks ever made, I've always had the means and the creational liberty to do literally anything. I think the Sandbox's motto The sky is the limit fits the game perfectly; kudos to whoever came up with that.
However, if the developers decide to take the game a different direction a la Paradox (which places important game features behind massive DLC paywalls) or, even worse, a la EA (do I need say more? You know this one too well...), I'm not sure it will benefit them in the long run.
I understand SR2 is still in early access, and I can also see why Jundroo is "forcing it down our throats": the more players you have, the more suggestions will be made. The more suggestions you have, the more likely the number of good suggestions will increase. It's something rooted well within Jundroo which, in part, because they are a small studio, listen to the community as closely as they can.
I would be deeply disappointed (much like you and everyone else) if they left SP for SR2. Deeply disappointed. While one lost customer doesn't mean much in the greater numbers game, hundreds or, who knows, even thousands mean a lot.
I could go on but, overall, Jundroo doesn't yet afford leaving SP in the dust. It would deal a massive blow both to their overall image and revenue, two of the most important things a company has to take great care of in my opinion.
+5My patience for posts like this one passed away.
+5I really don't know why but every time I see a Mi 24, my brain goes into negative depression mode
+4Congrats on losing half your rights, if ya know what I mean ;)
+4What the feck
+4Seems like a good idea.
+4Although, once again, I think making a separate forum from the website would bring many more opportunities.
If that were the case, then I recommend using phpBB. It's a relatively simple forum format with lots of formatting options, many more than Markdown.
It also better organizes the forum. You can see subcategories in a much, much more orderly and visually appealing fashion.
It also has this friends feature that you suggest. And foes. Because why not :)
The only downside would be that you need to pay for hosting. Granted, I don't know how much the price is, but it would mean less profit.
I respectfully advise you to not do it.
+4Jiang Zhemin intensifies
+4Honestly, I've seen most people call Warsaw Pact/Russian equipment bad. But, if you think for a little and, hopefully, get your hands on some hard facts that can be compared, sometimes, Warsaw Pact/Russian equipment outperforms Western equipment. It's a debate that would be absolutely amazing to have and, actually, I think I will start it :)
+4And to those rather new users (old ones alike) that say they've lost all their motivation: think of a toddler. Then think of a rainy day. This toddler runs around and plays with the other kids just like he does everyday. But all of a sudden, he falls into a puddle choke full of mud. He gets really dirty. Everyone stops from laughing and playing. He becomes the center of attention. "Will he cry?", the world wonders. But to their surprise, the toddler gets back up on his feet as happy as he always is. He's laughing and he's more than happy to scare all the other kids with his muddy appearance :P
+4This was you. A long while ago. If you could get up from that puddle and laugh about it, then you sure can do the same now when you've no motivation. Not just here, but also in life. Remember this toddler. He is very young, he is innocent, but he has taught you more than what school has or ever will.
Today we had almost 20°C and, over the next week, it's expected to go down to 1. Like, really... THIS cold in the middle of effin March?
You forgot the Multigender theory.
+4Holy ell, the controls just slipped outta my hands and now... oh well, they dropped into the toilet. Great.
+4Shortest description of the Mods button on iOS:
Because people that buy stuff from Apple barely have an IQ larger than their age, we decided to politely show them the middle finger by adding this menu. Now go play on PC or Android.
Of course, this is the short way of telling them why. I'm sure everyone will understand it :)
@FlagsWorldwide And remember kids:
+3Slobodan Milosevic did nothing wrong.
Союз Нерушимый Республик свободных
Сплотила навеки Великая Русь.
Да здравствует созданный волей народов
Единый, могучий Советский Союз!
Славься отечество наше свободное,
Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
Партия Ленина - сила народная
Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт!
Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы,
И Ленин великий нам путь озарил:
На правое дело он поднял народы,
На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил!
Славься отечество наше свободное,
Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
Партия Ленина - сила народная
Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт!
В победе бессмертных идей коммунизма
Мы видим грядущее нашей страны,
И красному знамени славной Отчизны
Ми будем всегда беззаветно верны!
Славься отечество наше свободное,
+3Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
Партия Ленина - сила народная
Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт!
+3I stopped reading there. I ain't giving you free points for nothing boi
Am I the only one that, when he's thinking of друг, instantly associates that meme with Chernobyl? :))
+3North Korea: 0
+3Internet: 1
@CRJ900Pilot If you can't beat 'em, join 'em ;)
+3Functionality: should I go harsh or gentle on this? Hmmm, think I'll go in-between. 6.5/10. I don't think a Renault FT was supposed to go over 50 mph. Also, its cross-country capabilities are limited. Aaaaaand it also uses the default control scheme.
Visual: 8.5/10. I like that it has a semi-working interior but it's useless. There's no camera inside so I can't see what's in the cabin. Also, why are there no decals on it?
Quality: 3/5. I'm more than sure that a few things you did could've been simplified and made better. Especially the tracks.
Accuracy: 3.5/10. It's, so far, the only replica I've seen which kinda makes it special. Thing is, for such a tank that revolutionized warfare, you did a sort of mediocre job at recreating its "wow" factor. It does look and behave much like the real thing (except for a few things here and there).
Bonus: for being the first replica I've rated so far, you get 1. For being an acceptable replica, you get a 0.5. For also being a WW1 tank (which I haven't seen that many around), you get a 0.(3). And for being a kinda cute tank, you get a 0.(6). So this makes it a grand total of... 2.5
The actual grand total: 24.
+3Curiously enough, my GTX1060 can do ray tracing...
+2[insert hmmm emoji here]
@superTT vibing = feeling so well around a person you might as well spontaneously start to vibrate
+2Best way to deal with bullies is to piss on them until they catch fire and they make so much smoke that it starts forming rocks out of it under which you burry these mothafuccas
But quirky curses aside, could you maybe elaborate on this?
+2Like, how do they bully you?
Why do they bully you?
Are you the only one being bullied?
When did they start bullying you?
Soviet Arctic Explorer
+2Just had an article about these in my recommended today
That's why you have mods.
+2While they aren't the best solution (as mobile users don't have mod support anymore), it provides for many, many more opportunities.
For instance, I'm now making a map specifically made for tanks. About 9 km^2, so you have lots of land to roam about and some great scenery accompanying it.
I think the players should be the ones making the maps, and the developers add new parts and functionality.
I think the graphics are fine, save for one thing: shading. Under certain conditions, it's very hard to distinguish between different pieces, simply because the angle makes it so that they are shaded the same color.
+2I think this would class as ambient occlusion which I'm not sure they are particularly willing to implement.
Mama mia spaghetta con prosciutto!
... but you forgot to limit its angular velocity :(
It's still very fun to drive around. Now I can make duels between le hardened baguette launcher and la overcooked spaghetti
+2Where did you find all those assets?
+2Damb... this boat is so good that it made my phone go poof in a fiery ball
+2I think the best tracks you can build are like this. It is the most part-efficient and functional in my opinion. @Minecraftpower did provide another track model (which isn't that new), however, it uses a lot more parts and this, in return, increases lag.
+2I am planning to use the same model on my current light tank project, but the problem is, I don't have the motivation to finish it. And in the last month, I've started at least 3 other projects and, thus far, finished neither of them.
Anyway, that was my two cents on the matter. Hope I helped with it :)
Perfect recipe for ultimate cringe.
+2Honestly... I've gotten my skin burnt by making constructive criticism or trying to be goofier. The latter means I'm trying to say the same idea as I normally would but in a sort of funny way. By no means am I trying to make fun of someone's defects, all I'm really trying to do is cheer you up a bit so that you can go ahead with a positive mindset. That way, you should be more open to new ideas, new perspectives and so you remember much easier the essence of critique. But this is theory and, so far (this so far meaning just one person; not to mention it was the worst choice I ever made), it failed.
+2I used to critique quite a bit. Never did it because I envyed said person or simply cause I wanted to be an A-hole. All I wanted was to help them become better and/or have it easier. Never have I criticized someone just for the heck of it. Again, I always had both a good reason and good intentions and, even today, if I wanted to criticize someone's plane (just to give you a concrete example), I would do it almost the same way I used to.
But, you see, criticizing someone means you embark on a trip on the slipperiest road ever. How so?
I've experienced this first hand. Almost every time I criticized someone, there were two outcomes. One of them occured way more often than the other. Maybe due to the way I word stuff (I'm rather blunt; sugarcoatting is not my style) or simply because I chose the wrong recipient.
The first outcome is: they respond negatively. In fact, fiercely negatively. And due to this, they start spreading fake rumors about me and so I get a bad rep.
Second one: they respond positively. It happened rarely but trust me, it had a huge effect. Mainly because the recipient was able to understand the underlying reason of my critique and, secondly, the way they perceived it. Not only did I help massively by making someone else's life easier, but they also thanked me for doing it. Now that's a huge thing if you ask me.
I've personally chosen to refrain from critique. I decided to only ever do it when asked to. This way, I eliminate about half the variables that usually go against me.
TLDR: when criticizing, choose your target carefully. Don't dive head first and think later (like I usually do, not just when criticizing :P ). A bit of planning doesn't hurt, either. And one more thing. Choose. Your words. Carefully!
Oh and, by the way, I'm glad that there is someone just like me that can take constructive criticism and doesn't get easily offended.
+2I actually had to split that comment in two :P
+2I know I've written a lot about me now but what I wanted to say is: be one of the best at what you're doing. I am one of the best at tanks. That guy that usually posts minigames, he is best at making minigames. My friends here, for instance. BogdanX has to be one of the best at making low part count replicas. Sauce, albeit inactive right now as he is serving his country, is one of the best at making extremely smooth shapes. EternalDarkness has to be one of the best shipbuilders on this website.
So you have to basically develop something of your own. It doesn't have to be something completely different, neverbeforeseen, but you have to develop your own style of building what you like the most. Think of it like your trademark, something that, when people see one of your builds, they can say "oh, this is X's thing, I can tell because his building style is so special!" or something along the lines of that.
Trust me, nothing is impossible. You may say "but I can't do this." To which I say NO. You CAN and WILL get better at this game. You CAN and WILL become famous for being best at what you're doing. You just need this little bit of confidence in your abilities.
@Tully2001 Nooooo skit sherlock
+2Thing is, which photo editing software?
TSAD budget version.