The problem with the RPM variable is that it doesn't account for propeller rotation not produced by the engine.
i.e. If your engine is off (the prop is not spinning) and you roll, the propeller won't rotate with the plane. The RPM variable will still say 0.
That's probably also what's causing your props to collide when you roll
Andrew Garrison: makes a game about building airplanes with blocks
The Community: "So anyways, I made this computer..."
Jokes aside, this is seriously awesome
@Ded Thank you!
I think we used a pretty similar technique for the airbrakes. I basically did that with sideways fuselage blocks and used rise to get the angle.
An F-2A would be interesting. I probably won't be able to convert this into one, but we'll see. If anything though, I'm probably gonna try to do an Su-27 or F-15 next to get more experience with these features on a different airframe.
I've thought about this too
Probably something like:
Throttle*clamp01((GS>a & GS<a+x))
Throttle can be changed to whatever you're using for the engine
a = Gear change speed
x = The smaller this is, the shorter the gear change
Add more *clamp01((GS>a & GS<a+x)) to add more gears
I don't know if car engines have throttleResponse as a variable, but if it does, set it to 1
@IceCraftGaming I concur that, without a doubt, the currently available evidence, does in fact, seems to point towards the hypothesis which you have proposed being a true statement.
@TRD Maybe. Sounds like a fun side project. I don't know if they use the Block 52 specifically though
+2Just in time for Christmas! Now Santa can avoid radar detection while dropping presents
+2Huh. Didn't know there was a SAR version of this airframe
+2Press J to leave your aircraft
+2tar wunder???
+2@Sparky6004 Those gears were an absolute pain but they came out really well I think. If you look at the FT in the gear rotors it gets pretty ugly
+2@Bryan5 @IceCraftGaming @SELWYN101
+2@SyntheticL @AC13OU @BeastHunter
+2@Ded It is, don't worry lol
+2I remember I made that mistake the first time and then when I made it into the E, it was extra long
@TheCommentaryGuy yees :)
+2@Kangy @rexzion phantom
It's a door with stairs
+2The problem with the RPM variable is that it doesn't account for propeller rotation not produced by the engine.
+2i.e. If your engine is off (the prop is not spinning) and you roll, the propeller won't rotate with the plane. The RPM variable will still say 0.
That's probably also what's causing your props to collide when you roll
Andrew Garrison: makes a game about building airplanes with blocks
+2The Community: "So anyways, I made this computer..."
Jokes aside, this is seriously awesome
Jack Northrop rising from his grave
+2NCD is gonna lose their mind over this
+2Cant have wings in ohio
+2I wonder if there is a way to make it not rotate the other way when passing 180 degrees heading though
@Rifimaka and you're exactly right
+2Swept wings are not great when it comes to low speed performance as well, which is kinda replicated in SP.
We are varking, gentlemen
+2@IceCraftGaming Ngl I wouldn't trust an article like that lol
+2Both are pretty outdated platforms at this point imo
@Ded Thank you!
+2I think we used a pretty similar technique for the airbrakes. I basically did that with sideways fuselage blocks and used rise to get the angle.
An F-2A would be interesting. I probably won't be able to convert this into one, but we'll see. If anything though, I'm probably gonna try to do an Su-27 or F-15 next to get more experience with these features on a different airframe.
Looks doable with FT
+2@TheCommentaryGuy Ye
+2Not being able to get the color bands right was also bothering me
@IceCraftGaming We'll see. Out of curiosity, ehat do you consider mobile friendly?
+2@donkski Hard maybe. But if I do one, it'll still be low fidelity
I've thought about this too
+2Probably something like:
Throttle*clamp01((GS>a & GS<a+x))
Throttle can be changed to whatever you're using for the engine
a = Gear change speed
x = The smaller this is, the shorter the gear change
Add more *clamp01((GS>a & GS<a+x)) to add more gears
I don't know if car engines have throttleResponse as a variable, but if it does, set it to 1
@ShinyGemsBro F-2A Snake Nothing
+2@Aeres91 Go ahead
+2Wolfhunter9111 is also doing that
To prevent spam.
+2Highway to the meow zone
+2Sounds like a skill issue if you need this.
+2Btw this is a bot lol
How tf did a shrimp fry rice
+2Jokes aside, someone oughta put something in this...
+2Dànke Seb!
+2Extra fun fact:
+2If you make the number 1/x, x will be the number of seconds for the delay
@JustWingIt lol
+2I'm not sure what the code would look like, but maybe something like
+2x>(heading - targetheading)
and then the same for elevation?Guns irl: DAKAKAKAKAKKAKA
+2Guns in SP: pupupupupupupupu
@zou27877 Sort of? Since I do roll and yaw stabilization too, I call it ElevStab now. (And of course, there's RollStab and YawStab)
+2@Stanmich yeah tru
+2Have you tried changing the tail rotor setting from Rate to Heading? That should help. You don't really need FT to make a heli fly good
+2Nice teJ adnoH
+2Hornet > Tomcat is also based
@DeezDucks so that's why its sort of banana shaped at the back... huh, TIL
+2PAT gang
+2Average P-51 fan vs P-38 enjoyer
+2Harrier on a diet
+2@IceCraftGaming I concur that, without a doubt, the currently available evidence, does in fact, seems to point towards the hypothesis which you have proposed being a true statement.
+2@IceCraftGaming pow(CommentSection, 100)