52.9k RocCrafter101 Comments

  • R-102 Mergellus (AW101 Merlin) 6.4 years ago

    @Pilotmario I made like 3 attempts to make it fold. But I'm not sure what I did wrong as it caused the aircraft to continually tilt to the side in which the radar was on till it flipped over and the gyroscope caught it. I'll upload an updated version unlisted and have a link ready later on.

  • Holtzendorff-Class Frigate PSF-01 6.4 years ago

    @Johawks1976 But website rules tho.

  • Holtzendorff-Class Frigate PSF-01 6.4 years ago

    @Johawks1976 Dude.

  • Imparis F-52 Tachi 6.4 years ago

    @ainanen thx I guess

  • Averin-Class Mine Countermeasures Ship 6.4 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Oh, I never really mind my controls. Usually I'm able to adapt to whatever controls there are. Which often makes it so I accidentally forget to adjust it to most user preferences. Sorry.

    @MisterT Thankyou! I mostly keep things down so my phone can run it on the go.

    @zerogamer Not exactly the future ship. Littoral Combat ships will probably replace these in the future.

    @CRJ900Pilot Thankyou, I stumbled across this area in the mod "Tank Test Map" and it reminded me of the White Cliffs of Dover.

  • T-17 Hover Bike (Updates In Desc) 6.4 years ago

    @PyrusEnderhunter Don't worry, this thing can handle a lot more than a fly. Probably not more than a few 5.62 rounds into it though.

  • Imparis F-52 Tachi 6.4 years ago

    @Kaos Yup, just personal preference.

  • Admiral Dominus Class Stealth Cruiser 6.5 years ago

    @Jellyface276 You mean to a boom 50 Metal Storm? I think soon but my computer probably will turn to Jelly firing it.

    @OC3LOT1142 Thanks!

  • MQB-10 Sarancha (Manticore) 6.5 years ago

    @DeltaElite2003 Yeah. It’s a lot of parts. A lot of moving parts in fact. Along with how it’s huge. I don’t think most mobile devices can handle it. Sorry.

    Though, I may upload a smaller version of it and remove some guns.

  • MQB-10 Sarancha (Manticore) 6.5 years ago

    @Pilotmario Psh, its not like i'm actually gonna do it in RP.

    Lets just say it can be used by civilians as like a crop duster or something. >.>

  • AC-25 Dropship Pelican 6.5 years ago

    @zerogamer Yeah, but this thing can do the same as a Heli. It can go as slow as one too. I’m not saying helicopters are useless, im saying Tilt Jets are better in a way. But not as cheap.

  • AC-25 Dropship Pelican 6.5 years ago

    @Irobert55 Sorry about that. I mean't like it can glide to safety if all thrusters are offline.

  • F.W.I Evaluation (S.P.A.M Weapons Type [U.S.R]) 6.5 years ago

    @InternationalAircraftCompany It was changed to 4 after most of the evaluation was done. I didn’t want to go through and change every bit.

  • Metal Storm Pistol 6.5 years ago

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck I believe this thing can go full automatic with configurable fire rate. Pretty much it can expend most of its ammo in a snap.

  • Metal Storm Pistol 6.5 years ago

    @Pilotmario Yeah, it usually fires in three round burst I believe. Since three rounds are fired before recoil is felt, accuracy/hit chance is much greater. But, why do you need three bullet holes in the same spot?

  • Humvee TOW Missile 6.5 years ago

    @randomusername Oh, thats not how much it really weighs xD
    I put a ton of weight into the wheels and blocks under the vehicle to keep it stable for ingame purposes.

  • Wolfenstein-Panzerhund (1960) 6.5 years ago

    @Ilikepotatos I know right, I love this thing lol.

  • Battleship Izumo (BBG-33) 6.5 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick Pretty much.
    The Izumo is a World of Warships "paper ship" which was a proposed design for the Yamato class battleships that was scrapped. The proposed design was similar to the Rodney with the all forward turret layout but was rejected in favor of the two front and one aft layout.

  • MQ-20 Rapid 6.5 years ago

    @AverroesIndustries I'll come up with a version two when the time comes. I'm not exactly great at making things sleek.

  • MQ-20 Rapid 6.5 years ago

    @Pilotmario Yeah a bit of problems with that. I was more thinking of singular gear or wing gear like the Predator. But it ended poorly and had some clipping problems. This is one of around 9 projects I abandoned and never posted. But I just went "meh, might as well slap out as much units as I can"

  • Philipines Republic Cruiser 6.6 years ago

    Nice ship.

    I see you've moved past getting back the name right?

  • Convair B-58 "Hustler" 6.6 years ago


  • M165 Devastator Multiple Cradle Launcher 6.6 years ago

    Tsk tsk tsk. Not enough Dakka
    No no no, I got this under control
    plugs mouse into molten goop of plastic and metal

  • M165 Devastator Multiple Cradle Launcher 6.6 years ago

    My computer melted

  • M165 Devastator Multiple Cradle Launcher 6.6 years ago

    @Sarin Not if you evenly distribute the rockets among targets.

    But yes lol

  • M160 Thunderer HIMARS 6.6 years ago

    Oh lord, I just made an 8.6in Version of the rockets. Which totals the amount of rockets per "box" to 40. Meaning a total of 80x 8.6in Rockets on one trailer. Now I added a second trailer to the truck further increasing it to 160x 8.6in Rockets on a single Trailer. Which is more firepower in a shorter time and at a longer range than a WW2 North Point class Cruiser of the Paternian Navy firing 17.78 Salvos. Thats a lot of bang. I'll probably upload a link to it later. I did screw up with cameras tho and I don't expect lower performance devices to handle it.

  • M160 Thunderer HIMARS 6.6 years ago

    Danke, ich mag es einfach für Android zu halten. Entschuldigung, ich benutze Google Translate, um mit dir zu sprechen.
    Thank you lol

  • The New Republic of SimpleLandia 6.6 years ago

    Cool, you guys are back

  • Admiral Vladimir Vysotskiy Class Heavy Cruiser 6.6 years ago

    @Ephwurd I made the barrels have square openings that are taller than they are wide to make it look like they contain the two electromagnetic armatures inside them. Coilguns could be wrapped around standard barrels but we only use them in a few amounts due to how they're very fragile. Railguns can withstand damage better than a coilgun most times.

  • Admiral Vladimir Vysotskiy Class Heavy Cruiser 6.6 years ago

    @Ephwurd Well, contrary to the futuristic railgun people are used too. Modern railguns are not so much flashy with pulsing neon all over the place. The neon colors make it easy to spot. The futuristic shapes with strange indentations and carvings aren't very stealthy either. Modern railguns would likely use current turret shapes.
    @CursedFlames I tried to make a modern version of the Graf Spee lol. It does look like a destroyer. This is because you don't usually see larger ships with these stealthy shapes which means the stealthy superstructure shapes are associated with Destroyers most times. But if larger capital warships were to return, they would carry similar shapes as modern Destroyers

  • Beginning of the End (SPRP 2030 S2) 6.6 years ago

    Rip, don’t nuke anyone tho. Plus it’s a new season currently. No companies currently possess nuclear Armageddon abilities.

  • Beginning of the End (SPRP 2030 S2) 6.6 years ago

    The RP is a bit strange. But I’ll list what to expect here:
    1) Yes companies buying tons of nuclear weapons
    2) Yes people are crazy and want to destroy the world
    3) People like to cause problems or try stupid things such as sailing Superstructure-less Battlecruisers without a bilge pump into uncharted rocky and insane storms expecting to survive.
    4) There are imperialists looking to absorb and take over smaller territories
    5) There are people smart enough to destroy nations by using internal problems as a way to cause your collapse without firing a single shot.
    6) There are people who go beyond unlikely Alternate History methods to make themselves seem stable (Though would be subject to the “Realism Bat”

    But, the Federation is always here to help, serve, and protect the people of this and many other worlds(Servers) to come.

  • MIM-120 Kalinka 6.6 years ago

    @LiamW Sry, I'm not good with suspension. Or wheeled vehicles in general :/

  • Davy Crockett (Tactical Nuclear Launcher) 6.6 years ago

    @Pilotmario (suddenly absurd amounts of electromagnetic defense measures and missile systems)

  • Davy Crockett (Tactical Nuclear Launcher) 6.6 years ago

    It’s fun when you’re not the one getting them.
    (Sits safely inside bunker surrounded by mountains in a secret location)

  • Davy Crockett (Tactical Nuclear Launcher) 6.6 years ago

    But where’s the fun in that?

  • Davy Crockett (Tactical Nuclear Launcher) 6.6 years ago

    @Pilotmario Or or or
    We can use our own 155mm to fire nuclear rounds :v
    Because tbh, after nuclear war. Everyone would be tossing nukes left and right.

  • Davy Crockett (Tactical Nuclear Launcher) 6.6 years ago

    @Pilotmario Our version fires boost after launch laser guided projectiles. Which possibly pose a problem with firing over mountains due to lasers requiring line of sight. Drones providing spotting would be knocked out by the shockwaves. Mount it on a truck and charge into battle. Blow up a tank batallion in a single shot.

  • Davy Crockett (Tactical Nuclear Launcher) 6.6 years ago

    @Pilotmario eh, well assuming nuclear war does take place between us. Assuming both of us choose to continue to fight. Davy Crockett is better, faster response. Along with the ability to launch more of em.

  • Davy Crockett (Tactical Nuclear Launcher) 6.6 years ago

    @randomusername Yup I’ll link it soon. I assume you mean the skybox.
    @Pilotmario Don’t you have SRBMs which would pretty much do the same thing as this. There are also other ways to deploy nuclear devices tactically. Such as ones specially designed to fill the firepower gaps between modern conventional and nuclear weapons.

  • Conflict in South America (S2-SP 2030 RP) 6.6 years ago

    Uh huh...
    Good luck. You’ll need it 😉

  • Conflict in South America (S2-SP 2030 RP) 6.6 years ago

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck Theres a bit of a situation currently going on in Europe. You can join as Germany but your currently commanding the nation from an offshore vessel due to dangers on mainland. I won't spoil it for you.

  • Battleship Yamato Refit No.2 6.7 years ago

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck Well, Russia invaded Japan before the US. And Japan never launched Ten-go. I’ll probably explain more later.

  • A-2 Heron Close Air Support 6.7 years ago

    @GAFAnderson Nope, but it was inspired by the Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt Close Air Support Aircraft.

  • Athena-Class Hydrofoil 6.7 years ago

    @Speedhunter Please use anything from my creations. I don’t mind at all. Just mention me in the description.

  • Paternian Military Intelligence Report 19-8182 6.7 years ago

    Fine, if it’s such a big deal about Sliders.
    Boom, it’s fixed @Pilotmario

  • Paternian Military Intelligence Report 19-8182 6.7 years ago

    @Pilotmario Simpler with a slider. AG groups aren’t harder than that by much. Thus putting our capabilities of V/STOL very close. Making no clear advantage over each other.

    The Hypersonic Missiles we’ve launched are able to track targets themselves. Like I’ve said, some missiles launched are dedicatied to spotting and sent on different courses to mislead defense systems and spot at the same time for other missiles.

  • Paternian Military Intelligence Report 19-8182 6.7 years ago

    Also, we have the Valor Supersonic Heavy Strategic Stealth Bomber.
    And I don’t get what you mean by how he V/STOL lack ease of use. I’ve been able to land Aurora, Harrier, Longbow, and Katayev many times with ease. Aurora just requires knowing which AG groups are which. After that, just tilt the aircraft to adjust, then land. Many of our pilots have found this to be pretty easy after a couple tries, with computer systems stabilising the aircraft. We’ve concluded it’s merely Paternian Opinion about our V/STOL capabilities.

    Btw, pretty much this is based off of a previous RP (SP International Council) Which has pretty much died. My current RP I’m participating in has a lot of reworks to the nation fixing many of the flaws of its previous. We are based as China instead of Russia currently.
    Reliance on imported weapons has been decreased. Decommissioning of many fighter aircraft to limit the variety of parts needed to produce. And standardisation of cartridges.

    An overlap in our national canons is the use of missiles and our technology which you’ve labeled as copies. Harriers are yes bought from America. But most of the missiles we use are pretty much the ones used by America today. In our story, we’re the ones who developed them. Most of the things I make that are American IRL that are used by the Federation I give Russian/Japanese Names for this reason.

  • Paternian Military Intelligence Report 19-8182 6.7 years ago

    Yeah but the problem is. You translate that to:
    Battle of the Arctic Sea
    Iridium: Fires 150 Hypersonic Anti Ship Missiles
    Paternia: Missiles we’re fired from out of range (Which they weren’t since they were launched well within 1200 Miles <.>) and all miss because of bad quality electronics
    South China Sea Incident
    Iridium: Deploys Electronic Jammers Launches Hypersonic Missiles at 500 Miles
    Paternia: Dodges all the Missiles ir shoots them down and shrugs off Jammers because Iridium Electronics suck
    As a reminder to any RP mods that see this.
    “It's considered to be a document created by Paternia at a point before Iridium removed conscription laws based on information that may or may not be fully correct.

    —word not law” -SP 2030 RP Owner Pieguy

  • Paternian Military Intelligence Report 19-8182 6.7 years ago

    Also, we don’t use Conscripts anymore in the newer RPs. They’re enlisted units. Our navy has actually been heavily improved for quality control. Along with some state of the art systems such as ones mounted in the Sil’nyy Class Heavy Destroyers. With a much better economy (due to a better choice in territories) we have greatly improved our equipment.