52.9k RocCrafter101 Comments

  • M392E Wiesel LAADS (Low Alt. Air Defence) 5.0 years ago

    @SIRFRANK777 Thanks!

    Invite link is in description. Notify me if it's expired.

  • Harrier Jump Jet 5.0 years ago

    @Cutterz68 My fictional nation

    The Royal Iridium Federation

  • M1404|10 Mashir TATV 5.1 years ago

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck sure

  • AAM Spread 5.2 years ago

    Nice tank!

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 5.2 years ago


    6:17 PM January 1st 2020


    I love this build, lol.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 5.2 years ago

    one more upvote my dudes... (1068 Upvotes)

  • F-2020 Golden Eagle 5.2 years ago

    Thankyou! @edensk

  • AC-M33 Shadowblader 5.4 years ago


    The heat depends on the viscosity of the air as friction occurs on its surface. So at lower altitudes it could generate a significant amount of heat but I doubt it would be enough to create a plasma sheath.
    Also... if a plasma sheath could even be created it wouldn’t absorb radar. The plasma sheath acts as a barrier to reflect waves coming in and out of the aircraft.

  • AC-M33 Shadowblader 5.4 years ago

    Just saying...
    You’d have to be going much faster than Mach 2.5 to create a plasma sheath over your aircraft.
    The plasma sheath also isn’t really stealth. It just blocks communication and radio waves from entering through it or leaving it. The signals are instead reflected rather than absorbed.
    You’re also generating a lot of heat that can be seen on infrared sensors.
    It is an interesting concept tho

  • F-61 Valeria II 5.5 years ago

    @Liensis Shoot...



  • M93 Grad-P (Light portable 122mm Rocket) 5.5 years ago

    @metallicplanes It’s actually not that hard. Took me about half an hour to do.

    Just make a custom rocket with the detacher trick and attach Boom 50 submunitions to it and you have a cluster rocket. Make sure all custom components have no mass, collisions or drag.

  • M93 Grad-P (Light portable 122mm Rocket) 5.5 years ago

    @metallicplanes Yeah

  • M8A4 Mastiff MLWT/AGS 5.6 years ago

    Sorry, I was testing suspension with tracks without using a mod and some things are a bit... off...? Works fine if you drive below 40mph though.

  • CBU-98 Sensor Fused Weapon 5.6 years ago

    @Caden313 Thank you!

  • Ideas for 1.9 and up 5.6 years ago

    Maybe a muzzle flash for the WWII destroyers when they fire flak for aesthetic purposes.

    Configurable muzzle flash size for guns.

    Missiles can still guide themselves to targets even if they run out of fuel. (Boost phases for most missiles aren’t all the way to impact)

    Fix issue where structural wings xml edited to have control surfaces don’t completely cease function (including lift) when any part of the plane is destroyed by a gun.

    Activation group windows.

    Zooming in cameras and cockpits.

    Tracer glow visibility at longer distances.

    Boss fight capital ships (Battleship or Battlecruiser).

    Surface ship AI difficulty:
    Easy: Current System.
    Medium: More accurate targeting with guns and flak, faster and smarter missiles.
    Difficult: Phalanx guns added to modern destroyers (Engage both planes and missiles shot at it), main guns switch to proximity fused rounds (flak), smarter Missiles. WWII destroyers fire off more accurate rounds.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    @MrVaultech most of your attack boats lacked close in defense systems or mid ring defense. You may have had spotting with you in the form of helicopters, but that can’t do much of you have very little ways to stop an attack.
    He expected a very very large force and fired an excessive amount of missiles, that’s the issue. He sunk the peacekeeping force on lack of information canonically. (But outside of canon, he probably was just being a jerk, lol.)
    I’ve used similar tactics to justify actions against nations but with arguably a better alibi. It’s a low blow but it’s valid.
    Also, it’s not all about technology. Tactics play a role.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    An explanation to that would be his use of carrier borne aircraft and mid air refuelling, allowing for aircraft to deployed from very very far away bases. (Falklands where they literally sent Bombers across the Atlantic from Europe using mid air refuelling to strike targets far south).

    Depending on the types of ships, they can pretty quickly respond to landings (Fast Patrol Boats, Hydrofoils, maybe Ekranoplans if he’s into that). Destroyers can strike more than 250km away with cruise missiles. They don’t have to get within very close proximity if proper spotting is present such as low observable drones, forces already present, AWACS, satellite imaging or blindly firing a missile at the general area and hoping the seeker picks up a threat on its own.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    Yeah, he’s done that before in response to valid counter tactics.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    I’m not saying Doxxing isn’t a crime. I’m just questioning the validity of the accusation that Pilot actually threatened a Doxxing or whether it was a loose assumption.
    It was suggested that more complex tactics should be banned in other RPs but it was considered to basically be “dumbing things down” and I want that in the nicest way that could be put.
    Primary issue with IDAFOR is that they don’t have a formidable opposition. Kinda similar to NATO and Warsaw Pact. Since they have no equal counter, they’re free to pretty much beat down smaller nations that don’t have a “Mother Russia” to hide behind from America.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    @MrVaultech Ok.
    But... fighting Guerrillas is about appealing and winning over the hearts and minds of the people.
    These tactics rely on the support of the people to actually work as they need somewhere to blend in, receive supplies and information.
    Winning over the population is how to defeat them. As well as cutting off the flow of weapons to the country.
    The US lost in Vietnam as they believed that firepower was all that was needed to win the war.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    I... am not much better...
    I’ve began almost every war on the SP2030 server and used methods worse than shooting down simple drones but never to the point of attacking people offline. The doxxing accusation against Pilot can’t be proven either.
    Those tactics, other than the offline stuff and “Doxxing”, are valid tactics real world forces can use such as the case of Vietnam. It’s just that proper responses to them were never taken. The excessive use of anti-ship missiles was caused by a lack of knowledge of the composition of your force.
    I’ve fought Pilot before and he used the same tactics against me and they really peeved me. But I did some research into countering said tactics and how to use them for myself. Most of them only work against opponents unaware of the issues of them. I know I may have “stooped to his level” but these aren’t grounds to ban someone. They’re reasons to improve and rise to counter them. I know we kind of got off on the wrong foot... but yeah. I agree, Pilot can be a jerk at times but... other than issues with using timezone, and if he actually threatened a dox, his methods are valid and should be countered through self improvement, not discouragement.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    I know I seem associated with Pilot but I don't have much intent to help him other than to have him exist as an opponent for me. I'm not really an IDAFOR member. I've been, for most of my time in RPs, on the opposition to them. It was only this case that I joined them. I was brought into the RP because the old one had issues and died so Pilot took me to your server and flaunted me as like some "Mary Sue" type character which I wasn't really a fond of.
    I know it was a heated moment and I know that I played a part in pushing you to this decision. I'm sorry.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    My main criticism was that you determined actions made by IDAFOR to be an issue when most of the tactics used were valid. Some rules were violated but the rules were problematic in themselves with obvious exploits unattended to in favour of your side.
    You banned members of IDAFOR off of loose assumptions and refused evidence to their innocence.
    A majority of IDAFOR members were little cause for concern and my main belief of your actions is that you were starting to have issues with holding your lines when I took command in the place of the banned player as the mass banning of IDAFOR members occurred within an hour of the advance into Iowa and Florida as well as the loss of Canada from their switch of sides.
    I understand that IDAFOR, especially PilotMario, is a very difficult thing to deal with, considering their methods, but this level of action was not necessary. People have spent a long time trying to set the server up and just because of a losing battle, you chose to remove it all?

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    @MrVaultech (StaffelKaptäin
    6371) had an "incident" and banned the entire opposing side to GUES and then I believe he stepped down and someone unbanned them.
    After this, @Warbrine (Thatguychris(Kellogs Miniwheats)
    3998) was given leadership and deleted the server. Pretty much wasting all the progress on it.

  • Federation Unit Organization Ref 2 (WIP) 5.6 years ago


    Help... I'm dying...

    Too boring... kill meeeeeeeeee...

  • PL-21A (FAST-001 Mounted) 5.7 years ago

    Just saying... ground launch platforms don't benefit from the initial speed that aircraft provide. Air launched versions would likely be the only ones that can reach 400km.

    You might also want to add more inlets and a longer...engine.

  • BGM-105 GLCM Okhrana 5.7 years ago

    @exosuit You know... that would have been a great idea.

  • LIM-94 Sprint II 5.7 years ago

    👋 Magic 👋

  • FB-33 "Badwolf" Medium Bomber 5.7 years ago

    @Carbonfox1 @xXRaindropXx @EliteArsenals24 @OC3LOT1142 @Shippy456 @homeboysplanes123 Thanks, lol

  • RIM-202 (57E6) Viper 5.8 years ago

    @YamatoAirlines Oh, that's fine. https://discord.gg/nkhNsr4

  • RIM-202 (57E6) Viper 5.8 years ago

    @altaccount Lol, sorry about that... it’s kinda extremely heavy because of some center of mass vs center of lift issues.

  • RIM-202 (57E6) Viper 5.8 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot Thanks, I couldn't get it to separate because of some mass issues... cough 72,137 lbs cough

    But I guess it flies ok, lol.

  • Tiwas 1 AOCM 5.8 years ago

    The main issues I see with this having the range that it does are:
    -The missile is ground launched without any initial speed from a launch aircraft as well as...
    -The size of the missile is only 6.7ft while the Hermes missile (The missile this was based on) is 11.4ft in length while only capable of hitting ground targets at 30km (Yours has about 98.17km range apparently).

    Edit: Wait, it was vertically placed... my bad... lol

  • M7A2 Mammoth 5.8 years ago

    @HarrisCraft Too lazy.

  • M276 Otomatic [AMRAD] 5.8 years ago

    @Aerofy Artillery Multi Role Area Defense

  • Federation Unit Organization Reference 5.9 years ago

    @exosuit I am confused and scared and don’t what I’m doing. So I don’t have any good answer to that yet.

  • M257B Dirge Resupply Vehicle 5.9 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot Thanks!

  • AIM-54X Phoenix 5.9 years ago

    @WIZARD2017 Oh, I don't think custom missiles can launch with activation groups, sorry.

  • M370 Smirk MLRS 5.9 years ago

    @Randomdoggo Lol, thanks!

  • M370 Smirk MLRS 5.9 years ago

    @hellgaming Oh it doesn’t lock since these are supposed to be unguided rockets. I just used cleavers for the explosion and the trail. Use AG1 and adjust fire for a raking shot. I don’t think it can reach anyways though.

  • Hell is coming 5.9 years ago


  • F-59A Lanner Falcon 5.9 years ago

    @Tessemi Lol, true.

  • F-59A Lanner Falcon 5.9 years ago

    @CptJacobson Thanks, lol

  • Teaser for more ships kek 5.9 years ago

    Looks nice, but that frontal gun looks like it could be a 10in naval gun from its size.

  • SSRAF buzzerd 2 5.9 years ago


  • SSRAF buzzer 5.9 years ago


  • CH-200 Behemoth (1) 6.0 years ago


  • Advanced Destroyer-Whisper 6.1 years ago

    Woah, this looks amazing. A more rounded while stealthy shape too.

    With a UAV inside? This is great!

  • MQ-101 Ghost 6.2 years ago

    @phuc I was but I usually build things for a Simple Planes RP. It's kind of like those tabletop RPG games where you have miniatures, or these small 3D printed characters and pieces. But we don't print them out. I may build Arsenal Bird for fun sometime but I'm gonna take care of a few other builds first.

  • MQ-101 Ghost 6.2 years ago

    @ErvenDynamics Nice.