1,208 Ryder1221 Comments

  • Weapons? 1.9 years ago

    GBU, Laser guided missiles/bombs, Fox 2

  • SU-33 reworked! 1.9 years ago


  • Adilan's F-4E Reworked! 1.9 years ago


  • [RD Cockpits] F-16C Viper Block 52 2.2 years ago

    fox one special missions is a great game, i suggest you try strike Fighters(f-15 in the logo) the man reason why they made this jet tier 2 in the game is that their are advanced jets than it(i main the vampire and raptor) all in all good build and great tribute to the game

  • F-22 'Raptor' update 1.11 2.4 years ago

    honey wake up, GuyFolk reworked his raptor

  • Sound mod. 2.5 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 locking tone, its not accurate, bombs need more bass when inside the cockpit, engines sounds are should be pitched downed a little, machine gun sounds like it came out of a plastic toy gun from china

  • Tone Generator 2.5 years ago

    im trying to make better lock on sounds

  • F/A-18 Super hornet VR Blue Angles 2.6 years ago

    ok, using beacon lights to give off G-force trails was smart

  • New XML properties 2.6 years ago

    any way to make the gun a selectable weapon?

  • Y-16C Cobra (Block 20) 1.4 years ago

    came back from a long break and was about to give this thing a modification similar to what i did to your cold war F-4E and the MIG-29A(that i converted into a K). but it actually flies well, feels well and yeah i just like it in general. first time i came across a built and loved it for what it is, cheers man. gonna keep checking your work since your latest post at the time before my long break was the S-46C. 🤘

  • Su-27 | "Flanker-B" 1.5 years ago

    no probs man, glad you finally made it!

  • Slightly more accurate F-4J PhantomII 1.7 years ago

    F-4J never had an internal cannon, this makes this the F-4E, but the F-4E internal cannon never looked like that too

  • Grumman F-14D Tomcat 1.8 years ago

    this is the A variant, look at the engines and the glove vanes. its the A.

  • Adilan's MIG-29A converted!(MIG-29K) 1.8 years ago


  • Taking a break... 1.9 years ago

    hey man, you deserve every second you need on a break, the fact that you are giving out high quality yet compatible to run builds is beyond me. i feel like i should pay for each build i download from you because they always are good stuff. take a rest, comeback in days, weeks, months or years even. just rest for now, we will be here waiting for a king's return.
    -post-ryder, from discord

  • F/A 18/C Super Hornet 2.1 years ago

    this isnt the super hornet, its the legacy

  • F/A-18 Super Hornet 2.2 years ago

    doesnt look like the super hornet, still looks like the legacy but its just 2 seaters

  • Sukhoi Su-35S Flanker E (Andrei Markov) 2.2 years ago

    ACAH is the best ace combat i have played, the story intrigued me more than the strangereal universe

  • Wasp No. 3 2.2 years ago

    there is this problem with the wasp im trying to fix, it auto rolls to the right. as far as i know it could be mirroring problems. any idea how to fix it?

  • Su-23F-Bis Foggpatch IRIAF 72 Squadron 2.2 years ago

    what map is in the 2nd pic?

  • F-14D Possibly coming! 2.2 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO cause the pratt engines are more iconic on the tomcat, despite its issues, i really like the D cause of the engines and the FLIR cam near the nose

  • Aircraft refueling, plane damage and rearming. 2.2 years ago

    @Avro683Lancaster if you press that, every enemy you killed wlll just come back, so whats the point, you are restarting the entire sandbox not rearming or repairing

  • Shredder Bug 2.5 years ago


  • PR-4 "Hole Puncher" 2.5 years ago

    @Skam i need to ask a question, the D variant(super variant) is nearly done but i need something for its descripition, is the DP-21, another golden creation of yours. an enemy to the PR-4 or are they allies?

  • PR-4 "Hole Puncher" 2.5 years ago

    I made a B variant of this plane, i am working on the C for the navy one

  • Start-up, Take-Off, Dogfight, Flex your build. (Presentation of my F-5, not finished yet.) 2.5 years ago

    @ollielebananiaCFSP VerticalG > 4

    you can use this code to activate the wheel brakes or something similar, for the wheels making contrails

  • Start-up, Take-Off, Dogfight, Flex your build. (Presentation of my F-5, not finished yet.) 2.6 years ago

    @ollielebananiaCFSP someone was able to do G-force vapor using beacon lights

  • CI-22 Cricket 1.4 years ago

    when the option is nuclear

  • Cohort MTP 1.7 years ago

    make a tutorial please my brain hurts

  • S-46C Hawker 1.8 years ago

    is this a WW2 era designed aircraft? or a korean war designed aircraft? what year does it take place?

  • A-10C REMASTER LIKELY COMING!!! 1.9 years ago

    @TheCommentaryGuy hopefully, modified his A-10 with a GAU-8 rotary canon that has poor inaccuracy, it is possible to make a rotary canon be innacurate

  • Snargles' F-14D Reworked! 1.9 years ago


  • Adilan's F-4E Reworked! 1.9 years ago

    @Planebuilder2123 for radar, that is based on the game, best i can do is try to learn how to mod to a game so i can give every asset a big radar range, so far you cant increase your own radar range. for the gull wings, ill correct it, thanks for letting me know

  • Adilan's F-4E Reworked! 1.9 years ago

    edit: if you see a button flying around your cockpit, that is normal, he is jimmy, he is your friendly button. dont press him, still cant find him on builder mode

  • Taking a break... 1.9 years ago

    @Planebuilder2123 i do actually, let me find it
    message me on discord, post-ryder#7690

  • Pacific Sea Mod 2 1.9 years ago

    can i get a map?

  • Grumman F-14 Tomcat 1.9 years ago

    F-14B? the engines look like the B model due to the length, and sure as hell aint the D since the FLIR cam is just single podded, either way. this is a great flight model
    can pull high AOA at stall speeds, good for carrier landing
    9/10, sometimes this thing gets hard to fly and turn rate isnt my taste in this aircraft, i increased the liftScale to make the turn rate great tho

  • Simple Mirage 2000 (Update V1.1) 2.1 years ago

    add ejection, is pretty gud

  • [PR-4D] 2.5 years ago


  • More Activation groups? 2.6 years ago

    @V how do i do this with switches? making an F/A-18E with startup and this is the last step i need

  • F A-18 2.6 years ago

    this is not my plane, i have been modifying this build for nearly months, so all credits goes to its original maker

  • Teki no Kichi 2 2.6 years ago

    bro the plot of the first campaign had me wanting a part 2, reminded me of AC: zero. even tho its mostly ground attacks i find it a great way to upgrade my f-18 and make it god tier!

    (use canons as machine gun pods i swear i kept running out of AGMs)

  • /BossFight/read description 2.6 years ago

    i beated it, technique is to use guardian, climb your altitude and spam flares. after that go above him and use the guardian to shoot it down(use PSM if you have)