Weren't there synchronized guns under the engine for the A model? Great build too. Could've been a stock plane since there's the B and D Mustangs in game already
@PriyanshuGM Nice. I'm a fool then. Can you move on now? You've proved what you needed to prove. It wouldn't fucking hurt to just keep to yourself instead of pointing out to everyone that I'm wrong and you are that smart
Elegant build, perfect flight stability. Flight controls are a little on the sluggish side and some lateral swaying at decent speeds. Plane drifts while taxiing but fixed it with increased sideways traction. Upvote and Spotlight regardless.
@SimpleplanesTankbuilder How did you even find this post? This is literally 11 months old and should've been lost at sea
I played Spanish guitar version of Darude Sandstorm with this and now I'm on death row for manslaughter
Very cursed guitar. 10/10
Insert seagull meme
Andrew prism when
The Black Tulip himself.
+2cough Wasp
+3@tarikGR The joke went completely over your head.
+1Mozilla Firefox
+1All them machine guns put the B-17 to shame
+1No greater mission that to help the boots on the ground
Now this is the one I'm used to
+1Weren't there synchronized guns under the engine for the A model? Great build too. Could've been a stock plane since there's the B and D Mustangs in game already
+1We're both gold now broder. Is celebration time
Ja. Panzer IV Assault Gun
TheSalt Mirage
+1+69 Social Credit Points
Bro this this trippy af lmao
I'm more used to aiming using mouse pitch/roll but using click and point barely made me hit anything xD
Complete opposite of SimplePlanes
+2@PriyanshuGM Nice. I'm a fool then. Can you move on now? You've proved what you needed to prove. It wouldn't fucking hurt to just keep to yourself instead of pointing out to everyone that I'm wrong and you are that smart
@PriyanshuGM Cool. People can't celebrate with shit being wrong huh? Even celebrations have a definition of being "right"
Big thanks to all who stuck by me since the beginning of my active status in this site and community
I know. This isn't really made in SP. Just wanted to share it.
@Bryan5 Highly likely for cinematic views when making videos
You won't mind if I make a variant of this, right? Just for the lore of my fictional military.
+1Laughs in glorious motherland
+1Stronk Egel
Wandering Trader: Mmmmhmmm?
This is what SimplePlanes is all about.
+1A BF-109 in 109 parts
+1@TheFlyingWolfYT Yeah, I guess you can
@Nerfaddict Yeah, there is. What about it?
Michael Bay jacking off to this rn. I bet you 20 bucks he is
MiG-34 Fullback
+4Komrad APC
If a lawn dart and a dragonfly had a child made of metal
I'll never get the hang of operating carriers in that game. I'm more of a Destroyer guy
Elegant build, perfect flight stability. Flight controls are a little on the sluggish side and some lateral swaying at decent speeds. Plane drifts while taxiing but fixed it with increased sideways traction. Upvote and Spotlight regardless.
+1Do tag when it's out please
@Zott Flight stability is perfect now. It kinda drifts off when turning on the ground but nothing a little sideways traction won't fix.
+1Me: tries maneuver
Also me: Makes the entire island collapse in on itself
@Zott Stability got better?
Did you set the buoyancy to 100 in the fuselage blocks?
and I know stock torpedoes are already waterproof by default, but put an XML property waterproof that has a value of true