Good, for a more realistic behaviour of the crankset, you can use the input sum(Pitch/(1000000000)), it calculates the sum of your pitch input, so when you release the pitch, it doesn't go backward.
(1000000000 is the same as 1E+09, but the game doesn't understand this writing in the input.)
Better than the Cessna ! But not very good yet...
Your builds have a lot of potential so I will give you some advices
When building a plane, don't set the CoM too far from the CoL.
First set your CoM at the good position (on your plane, it's not very good so it can't stay on its wheels), then add the wings parts with the same area as your fuselage wings (scaling is not a bad thing, no worries), and then add your stabiliser wing parts, and adjust their size to have the 2 centers not far (less than 30 inches I think)...
And because your plane has fuselage ailerons which move, you can add a wing part for each aileron, elevator, rudder, and only a simple wing for the wing, it will be more realistic.
Keep it up !
I really like your aircraft (I see a lot of this jets near my house), but it looks like a Gulfstream V, isn't it ? (or GV-SP / G550 ?)
Can I make some improvements before giving it back to you ?
Nice build, rare on the website
Looking good, but doesn't fly... You forgot the wing area, I think.
@RaptorF22A I mean, the rear suspension can collapse only with a big collision, it's not random.
Try not to publish too much versions also, I don't understand the concept
Good, for a more realistic behaviour of the crankset, you can use the input
, it calculates the sum of your pitch input, so when you release the pitch, it doesn't go backward.(1000000000 is the same as 1E+09, but the game doesn't understand this writing in the input.)
@73 I found that this company is one of the biggest regional companies in UK, and the Saab 340 was their symbolic plane, that's probably why
Why it is so important ? There is still plenty of Saab 340 flying in Europe... I don't understand
Very fun to play with. It reminds me of my little train circuit when I was younger, with a green BB locomotive which is very close to yours.
Nice and detailed helicopter, but the behaviour is very arcade
Better than the Cessna ! But not very good yet...
+1Your builds have a lot of potential so I will give you some advices
When building a plane, don't set the CoM too far from the CoL.
First set your CoM at the good position (on your plane, it's not very good so it can't stay on its wheels), then add the wings parts with the same area as your fuselage wings (scaling is not a bad thing, no worries), and then add your stabiliser wing parts, and adjust their size to have the 2 centers not far (less than 30 inches I think)...
And because your plane has fuselage ailerons which move, you can add a wing part for each aileron, elevator, rudder, and only a simple wing for the wing, it will be more realistic.
Keep it up !
It is guarranted that your parcel will arrive in pieces
@RaptorF22A Well, maybe you made something where you would have died in real life lol
@L1nus Don't remember the pics I posted on SPBC ?
it will be the cousin of my upcoming muscle car
T !
Thanks for your comments and upvotes guys !
@32 I don't think so, there is no physical or visual effect, it only concerns sound, for this setting
Beautiful, but not very playable
I think you found what all the tomcats on the website were lacking: the panels lines
Welcome ! Happy to see that there is still new players, after the development was stopped...
Also I'm quite sure that the process is not automatic. Maybe your build isn't enough advanced...
@Darg12e yeah sorry I didn't read
+1Looks like a lazy russian manufacturer who made a little unknown plane Section 2.A.1
@Goldside852 Your build must be bellow 4000 performance cost.
Anyway, you won't be able to do that with Funky trees...
@Darg12e Also the suspension is a bit weak
+1Nice detailed build. A bit too powerful, maybe ? lol
Surprising good, as good as other builds which have three times more parts
+2I'm not very interested in airships, but these creations are very original, each one with a specific style, beautiful.
+1@theIntruderReal Didn't know you were so "new"
@theIntruderReal Lmao, really ? which one ?
That's a difficult situation... Good luck, I hope you will recover your account
simple but looking good
@32 idk, will try (Edit: thx, yours works !)
@32 Not only. All IP that we can find on
Tested them, it seems that there is no any IP working...
Attack the hostile vehicles !
@Vivikon In fact it is stored on my tablet which I didn't used since 2 or 3 years, idk if I will be able to recover it... Anyway, dont be impatient
+1Simple and efficient. I love the design !
+2Not that bad, however, manoeuvrability is poor. Next time add more wings maybe, without angle
No fuel to run this thing... but after modification, it's cool, and quite ugly lol
+1I've made a new version here. You can post it if you want, auto-credit is enough for me.
I really like your aircraft (I see a lot of this jets near my house), but it looks like a Gulfstream V, isn't it ? (or GV-SP / G550 ?)
+1Can I make some improvements before giving it back to you ?
These effects tho
+1Nice, I noticed that it's quite close to the Embarer Praetor
Looks sophisticated, nice
@Abiansai Not enough throttle, maybe ?