195 Smach3 Comments

  • The First Ever 3D Render - Cube 3.7 years ago

    waiting for the first person to create SP on this thing and the first person to simulate/emulate a 3d-capable computer within this thing.

  • Bell 47 H-13 helicopter 6.0 years ago

    isnt the red thing at the back there to prevent the back rotor from striking the ground, well - it doesnt do its job

  • M119 Howitzer Ares II 6.1 years ago

    just consider using the tank tracks mod - the driving experience gets improved a lot

  • M119 Howitzer Ares II 6.1 years ago

    absolutely stunning and OP

  • Black Hornet Nano UAV (91.2:4) [V1] 6.1 years ago

    This is awesome, I just changed the settings for the gyro - if it can lean forward more extreme it is an absolute flying boss.

    great job man ;-)

  • Airfish 8 6.5 years ago

    The look is absolutely awesome and you built a great base, BUT the handling is horrible, just keeping it glide straight and not touch the water is a challenge

  • Airtrike 500 Paramotor 6.5 years ago

    This is accully the best paramotor (i know its a half-trike), i ve testet in SP so far

  • Amphiplane 1000 (update) 6.5 years ago

    Wow, that´s a very nice build


  • Project 971 6.5 years ago

    Nice, this is the best SimplePlanes submarine I tried so far, I was only a bit confused when it took off

  • F-104 Starfighter SD 6.6 years ago

    Wooow, this thing is awesome, in german you would say "eierlegende Wollmilchsau", it just does everything, it looks very cool - also seen as replica, is a master survivor and closely untopable attack jet, it masters distances and has great handling and i have never seen such an mid-air-180-turn
    this is more then perfection

  • V-22 Osprey 6.6 years ago

    Absolutely awesome to fly and (with some minor mistakes) a good replica too,
    BUT how did you get the idea to make these rotors spin reverse???

  • Drof Plum GTS250 6.9 years ago

    Good job!

  • TIE fighter 6.9 years ago

    THIS thing is AWESOME: it flys as good as only a few jets I´ve tested, but these were only regular jets - this is a real TIE Fighter, thanks for it!

  • Mod suggestions. 6.9 years ago

    Can you please make a mod, that adds a braking rope (and maybe a catapult) to the carriers? These things are missing for operating with jets (closely real ones) on carriers.

  • Mi-26 6.9 years ago

    In my opinion this is one of the best helicopters and also one of themost awesome SP-creations, I´ve ever tried. But is there any way to stop the main rotor without destroying the Mi-26?

  • Mod suggestions. 6.9 years ago

    Can you make a mod, that adds a braking line to the aircraft carriers? that would be awesome

  • [Americas Cup] Emirates team New Zealand Catamaran 7.0 years ago

    I´ve never tested a better working sailboat in SP, this thing is awesome! thanks

  • Mondo Covet w camber 8.2 years ago

    good job

  • flying Iphone4 8.2 years ago

    @Kentheman Oh, I am really sorry for: It´s based on Kenthemans "Flying iPhone 4s"

  • DESTROYER OF THE USS BEAST 8.2 years ago

    @destroyerP right, I `ve forgotten: I took the gun >>Gg1234<< made

  • Simple Planes Museum Orignal V 1.0 8.3 years ago

    @VChart Ehh...yes I am like a real idiot about that, but how can I save them as a subassembly?

  • Minimap with screen 8.3 years ago

    Can you also make a version without edges? would be very nice

  • Simple Planes Museum Orignal V 1.0 8.3 years ago

    how do you put saverd planes together in one project?

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.3 years ago

    @UnstableOrbit sorry, I am new in this game, any tip how th update?

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.3 years ago

    @UnstableOrbit wich update is now?
    I use

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.3 years ago

    really cool, but its not connected to the islands in my game, its somewhere in the ozean