@BogdanX Thanks. I tried to keep the handling similar to the other versions. Had to shift some ballast after installing the gear doors and radiator flap actuators.
@Tully2001 @BaconEggs The better a surface is at reflecting sunlight, the cooler the interior stays.
Blinding ground crews is just the price they pay for maximum passenger comfort.
@Liensis Guardians are ideal for mid-range air-to-air engagements against slippery targets. The wider locking radius and shorter lock time give you more room to catch targets attempting to move out of your sights, and once fired, the missiles themselves have a tighter turning radius than interceptors, making it easier for them to come around for another pass should they miss the first time. The only downside of guardians is the fact you have to keep looking at the target, making them more risky to use in head-ons.
@CeeToTheZee That's one configuration, yes. But, I chose the "Christmas-tree" style mounted on the outboard wing.
You can see it in this image
That's a P-38M, but they were mounted on the L pretty frequently.
In fact, there was a good half-dozen different ways to mount the rockets. The tubes being just one of many. It's hard to find historical photographs for the type I chose. I'll do some more digging.
@Supercraft888 Very well crafted. I can tell a lot of thought and effort went into the placement of every part. Flies great too. Responds how I'd expect it to without any fight at all. My only small gripe would be the stiffness of the landing gear. I like landing on struts that have at least a little give. But they never broke on me, so I guess they're fine. Overall, this is a fantastic piece of craftsmanship.
@AWESOMENESS360 Yeah! I'm always tweaking the thing. Finally decided to publish another version since I really can't think of much else to add. Good time for some good uploads too. I'm getting pretty close to Platinum!
@SomeFox Thank you! this plane is my magnum opus, so I work harder on it than any other.
@Mostly The MiG-15 was a very deadly plane during that era. Most piston fighters couldn't hold up against it. However, MiG-17s have been shot down by Skyraiders, so maybe pilot skill and advantage state is more important than capability gaps.
@Thebossrevolution101 If you don't aim for accuracy when making a replica, you're not doing the plane justice. Besides, having access to engineering drawings is just my prerogative as an actual certified aircraft mechanic. If I have the tools, I'll use them.
@AdlerSteiner Judging by your other works, I'm sure it will be top-tier for sure.
@AdlerSteiner Sure. Just be sure to tag me on it.
@BogdanX Thanks. I tried to keep the handling similar to the other versions. Had to shift some ballast after installing the gear doors and radiator flap actuators.
@Liensis lol
@Salamandastron You'll get there with enough practice.
You should of seen my VERY first attempt at a P-38! It was pretty bad.
@Tully2001 @BaconEggs The better a surface is at reflecting sunlight, the cooler the interior stays.
Blinding ground crews is just the price they pay for maximum passenger comfort.
@getorge Simply returning the favor, friend!
Plus, you have some very nice planes.
Looks about right.
@Liensis Guardians are ideal for mid-range air-to-air engagements against slippery targets. The wider locking radius and shorter lock time give you more room to catch targets attempting to move out of your sights, and once fired, the missiles themselves have a tighter turning radius than interceptors, making it easier for them to come around for another pass should they miss the first time. The only downside of guardians is the fact you have to keep looking at the target, making them more risky to use in head-ons.
@ChiChiWerx Glad to help!
In Overload, you'd go to the joint tab, input "disableBaseMesh" for the first column, and "true" for the second.
@ChiChiWerx Yes. It goes in the joint section I think.
Looks like:
<JointRotator.State range="35" speed="0.4" disableBaseMesh="true" />
Very very nice!
@JohnnyBoythePilot Well, I'm happy either way. I've already published 2 versions in the past.
@CeeToTheZee Thanks!
@getorge And thank YOU!
@JohnnyBoythePilot Thanks! I was secretly hoping my new P-38 version would do the trick! lol
@getorge omg you madman!
Thank you so much for all your upvotes! You single-handedly lifted me to platinum!
@CeeToTheZee Here is the best image I could find.
@CeeToTheZee That's one configuration, yes. But, I chose the "Christmas-tree" style mounted on the outboard wing.
You can see it in this image
That's a P-38M, but they were mounted on the L pretty frequently.
In fact, there was a good half-dozen different ways to mount the rockets. The tubes being just one of many. It's hard to find historical photographs for the type I chose. I'll do some more digging.
Beautiful simple Raptor!
Hehehe! All the Tintin fans love this one.
@Freerider2142 Thanks!
@JohnnyBoythePilot Thanks! And lmao, you're blowing up my notifications now!
@AWESOMENESS360 Actually, it's only 900. I have 24,100 points.
@JohnnyBoythePilot No problem. Just taking a look at all your other creations.
@JohnnyBoythePilot It makes me happy to hear that!
@Supercraft888 Very well crafted. I can tell a lot of thought and effort went into the placement of every part. Flies great too. Responds how I'd expect it to without any fight at all. My only small gripe would be the stiffness of the landing gear. I like landing on struts that have at least a little give. But they never broke on me, so I guess they're fine. Overall, this is a fantastic piece of craftsmanship.
@JohnnyBoythePilot Sure thing! I like your style. Pretty unique!
@AWESOMENESS360 Yeah! I'm always tweaking the thing. Finally decided to publish another version since I really can't think of much else to add. Good time for some good uploads too. I'm getting pretty close to Platinum!
@SomeFox Thank you! this plane is my magnum opus, so I work harder on it than any other.
That's a nice Connie!
@RailfanEthan Thanks a bunch!
@Mostly The MiG-15 was a very deadly plane during that era. Most piston fighters couldn't hold up against it. However, MiG-17s have been shot down by Skyraiders, so maybe pilot skill and advantage state is more important than capability gaps.
@Mostly Thank you!
@paolops Thanks, friend!
@Treadmill103 lol true. It's still far too chilly for April!
I had a similar idea years ago, but never got it to actually work.
Very nice. You're a power user in the making.
More posts like this, and you'll be gold in no-time.
Absolutely stunning.
Very high quality build.
Among the best on this site.
@Maxwell1 @SomeFox @Treadmill103 Thanks!
@CRJ900Pilot This is a seriously good build. Don't know why I never noticed it.
@Thebossrevolution101 No biggie, bro.
@Thebossrevolution101 If you don't aim for accuracy when making a replica, you're not doing the plane justice. Besides, having access to engineering drawings is just my prerogative as an actual certified aircraft mechanic. If I have the tools, I'll use them.
@QingyuZhou Hey, thanks! I put quite a bit of effort into this one.
Hell yeah! I love 727s. The shape is a touch off in some places, but the detail is awesome. I especially love the cockpit!
@Megaplanesinc It's the "A" key in the default control scheme, I believe. It should say in the options.
Looks strikingly similar to a Mitsubishi F1M.
@Treadmill103 Glad you like it!
I'm genuinely impressed.
Seems to lose synchronization before the first loop ends though.