15.3k Texasfam04 Comments

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.0 years ago

    Youre right spicy, i checked, even the rotators were xml modified. Not really a glitch plane but a cheat plane really. @SpicyLuckster

  • Area 88 - Postponed 5.0 years ago

    chill out bud, you can see he is busy by the message he wrote above. @Majestic77

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    A propeller engine that runs on nothing? No gas? No battery power? That flies faster then the speed of sound? SMH @MAHADI

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    I thought the use of a propeller engine from the list was necessary. I dont think its fair to allow a plane that has no propeller engine equipped. If thats the case why list it as "prop class" if people can manipulate their own engines that arent from the generic list? @AndrewGarrison

  • XF-3 5.1 years ago

    Looks really nice but flies like a ufo, very unrealistic flight characteristics. Nice job though. 🤗

  • [ A U R E U S ] 5.1 years ago

    Theres no engine...how did this get to enter?? 😂

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    Avg of 1:19.... not enough to win unless crash or missed ring but its reliable. I chose reliable over faster times with more chances of crashing/missed rings last time and my plane won..maybe ill get lucky again. How about yours???@robloxweponco

  • Sunset Racer mk10 5.1 years ago

    How in the world did you come up with that design? Lol

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    If abc123 enters you will have a tough race Z. I entered one this time also...it was actually my alternate indy racer from a couple years ago that i chose not to use, made a few changes for this race. I dont think it can beat yours unless you miss a ring...im abt 3 sec behind your plane. You miss a ring abt 10-20% of races so you have a good reliable racer yet again 🤗. Good luck bud@Zkillerwolfe

  • BDRV ( Base Defense Response Vehicle ) 5.1 years ago

    Its fun but a old design. It was one of my first builds. Glad you like it! @Noahater5245

  • NDAF XCC-01 Contras IV 5.1 years ago

    Is there a race?

  • Bullet 5.1 years ago

    Really really neat! Flies great! Awesome use of airbrakes! I love seeing how stock parts can be utilized.

  • Aegis P5G Gladius (OSTCVS Integration) 5.1 years ago

    Very nice looking aircraft but is really unstable on ios. It pitches and roll way too fast and quickly gets out of control. Looks great though! 🤗

  • ML-422 Pegasus Flying Boat 5.1 years ago

    Big plane! I didnt read description and tried taking off at wright airport 😂

  • Perpetual Motion 5.1 years ago

    Very Cool. At first I thought it was something like the Blumrich Omni Wheel. You always come up with amazing things sled!

  • Circle K Logo 5.1 years ago

    Brings back old memories of tearing up the old floor and installing tile...we renovated 7 circle K in florida....my poor back!! Uggh

  • Moth Mark XI 5.1 years ago

    Dam! These things are so awesome!

  • Area88Challenge 5.1 years ago

    Change the engines out to the weaker engines and xml the power accordingly. @ND40X

  • Desert Hawk 5.1 years ago

    Another thing thats kinda difficult is finding the right combo of engine and power since we cant have unlimited fuel. I used the large afterburning engine at first but it just sucked up the fuel like no tomorrow. Wasnt sure how long the planes were going to need to fly in miko challenge. I thought it was actually a lot more fun trying to make everything more realistic. Its so easy putting a engine in with unlimited fuel and not worrying abt it. @JohnnyBoythePilot

  • Desert Hawk 5.1 years ago

    TY for the upvote!

  • Desert Hawk 5.1 years ago

    TY trainzo and thanks for the upvote. @Trainzo

  • Desert Hawk 5.1 years ago

    TY johnny i appreciate the review. I was trying to aim at more of a realistic flight experience. We all know that jets dont turn on a dime in real life 😂. @JohnnyBoythePilot

  • Desert Hawk 5.1 years ago

    Thanks Sled I appreciate that! @SledDriver

  • Desert Hawk 5.1 years ago

    TY for the upvote and spotlight @johnnyboythepilot

  • Desert Hawk 5.1 years ago

    TY for the upvote and putting the challenge!

  • Desert Hawk 5.1 years ago

    TY for the upvote

  • Desert Hawk 5.1 years ago

    TY for the upvotes

  • Desert Hawk 5.1 years ago


  • Flex Wing 5.1 years ago

    Awesome! Super fun to fly!

  • Flanker 5.2 years ago

    I LOVE the angled intakes! you do it better than anyone Sled!

  • Mi-117 5.2 years ago

    Nice paint job!

  • Area88Challenge 5.2 years ago

    @mikoyanster thanks miko i will get started on a entry.

  • T2 5.2 years ago

    Hey Sled! Yep I got a little bored last year and then had some crap fall in my lap that I had to deal with. Im getting the bug to get back into SP again...Your new script is pretty cool! How long did it take you to write it?@SledDriver

  • NorthProp f-20 Tiger Shark 5.3 years ago

    nice but lockheed never made a F5 tigershark...although Northrop Corp. did. it was called the F-20. Just FYI not sure if you were aware.

  • Wyvern 5.6 years ago

    Love this one! I love how you angled the intakes

  • Invictus 5.6 years ago

    Awesome!!! Long time no see Sled! I have catch up on your recent builds. Any of them you prefer more than your older builds?

  • Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II Battlefield 5.6 years ago

    You arent getting upvotes because you have failed to give proper credit to the original builder. You shouldnt depend on auto credit alone. Its common courtesy to give credit for parts and builds that didnt originate with you.

  • VX-4 Shadow 5.6 years ago

    TY FG i appreciate that! Are you back playing again? I am just coming back myself after taking a few months off. @FGW2014

  • GAU-8 Avenger 5.6 years ago

    Hey i just took a break from the game for a few months. My ipad broke so i lost all my stuff so ill have to start over and build up my sub assemblies again. I see they have made some good updates since i last played. Love your new weapons they are really well put together... ( like always ) 😉@EliteArsenals24

  • The Arsenal Bird Except It's on Severe Budget Cuts 5.8 years ago

    Awesome! Love the changes you made! @JohnnyBoythePilot

  • MiK ATP-14 5.9 years ago

    Dam Miko i go away for a bit and find this is what you have been working on....BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

  • VX-4 Shadow 6.1 years ago

    TY for the vote and spotlight bud

  • UNSC PELICAN AT-88 with M12 WARTHOG 6.2 years ago

    I really dont understand how a run of the mill p51 (on the front page) can get almost 50 votes and a feature and this awesome build gets not even half....smh in dismay

  • VX-4 Shadow 6.2 years ago

    TY! @SuperSix

  • Totally-Not-An-MQ-90-Quox Teaser 6.2 years ago

    I think its great! The design is vert original and awesome looking ! @JohnnyBoythePilot

  • Totally-Not-An-MQ-90-Quox Teaser 6.2 years ago

    And Sick!!

  • NOTAR Helicopter Concept 6.2 years ago

    BTW... my ipad broke(d) recently but if i can get it fixed ill upload a notar prototype i built and never did anything with so if you want to use it feel free. Im going to try to get it fixed withing a couple days. @JohnnyBoythePilot

  • NOTAR Helicopter Concept 6.2 years ago

    Roger That...@DankDorito

  • NOTAR Helicopter Concept 6.2 years ago

    NOTAR is considered a much more stable modern platform which is why a lot of police and emergency services are buying notar copters. @DankDorito

  • NOTAR Helicopter Concept 6.2 years ago

    Looks beautiful!