@ReinMcDeer https://www.simpleplanes.com/Videos/View/1441593/XF-84H-Thunderscreech-Semi-Realistic-Sound
I believe a link to the aircraft's owner is provided as well.
@CookieCrumzReturns Did you use the "<" ">" symbols? That may be the problem. I forgot to mention not to use those.
Or is the activation group just resetting itself back to a number?
Note: if it is unclear how adding yaw input to collective pitch makes the helicopter yaw, let me briefly explain: the inputs cause one rotor to have increased pitch and the other to have decreased pitch. The higher the pitch, the more torque that's generated. Essentially, the input creates controlled and unbalanced torque, which leads to yaw movement.
@X99STRIKER I encountered a similar problem. Try again, it might be visible now.
Edit: it only seems to work with one website.
@X99STRIKER It is fixed.
@X99STRIKER Ok. I will try to find another way.
@X99STRIKER Google Photos
@X99STRIKER Yes, I also tried it with the Simpleplanes logo and it worked, just not with the two other images.
@X99STRIKER Do you have a solution to the problem commented above?
@ReinMcDeer https://www.simpleplanes.com/Videos/View/1441593/XF-84H-Thunderscreech-Semi-Realistic-Sound
I believe a link to the aircraft's owner is provided as well.
@CookieCrumzReturns Did you use the "<" ">" symbols? That may be the problem. I forgot to mention not to use those.
Or is the activation group just resetting itself back to a number?
Under the light's activation group, replace the number with "SelectedWeapon=<name of weapon>"
@NotHG947 Have you tried using the XML editor to disable aircraft collisions on the landing gear components?
@WINGSIRON It is here: (https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/325YGv/WINGSIRONs-WINGSIRON-ENERGY-EH-5U20-Refined-Version)
@Nico1128 It's here: (https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/T0w7IO/Nico1128s-Simply-WW2-Refined-Version)
@WINGSIRON Oh, my apologies.
May I upload a refined version of this aircraft? (I will be sure to give you credit, and I will give you the link afterwards.)
@WINGSIRON ¿Puedo subir una versión refinada de este avión? (Me aseguraré de darle crédito y luego le enviaré el enlace).
Fun fact: if you put "9999999999" for the burn time, it would take about 317 years for the rocket to self destruct.
@V Good to know. Thank you!
@MRM19 Nice! Under "JointRotator" in the XML editor, add a text field, type "audio" for the name and set it to "false".
Link to A110 Air-To-Air version: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/rhXp2E/TFG-Aerospace-Project-A110-Thunderbolt
If you have thoughts, suggestions, questions, or if you want project A100, let me know!
Thoughts, suggestions, or questions? Let me know!
If you want the airline-configured version, let me know!
@XD69 ?
Note: if it is unclear how adding yaw input to collective pitch makes the helicopter yaw, let me briefly explain: the inputs cause one rotor to have increased pitch and the other to have decreased pitch. The higher the pitch, the more torque that's generated. Essentially, the input creates controlled and unbalanced torque, which leads to yaw movement.
I have no idea why the text is in italics in the middle of the page. I'm not sure how to fix that.
Edit: I did some research and discovered that it's the "*" marks. I fixed the problem with multiplication symbols.
I was unable to use the screenshot-upload mod for this, so the screenshots will be lower quality until I can get it working.
If you have thoughts, suggestions, or bug reports, let me know!
On a side note: I am using as a backup, until the primary server is working, or until I find out about the new IP (if it exists).
@Inuyasha8215 Yes, that is the one I use for backup.