Okay, mate. in no way should and can you demand attention. No one is paying you to build stuff.
This is the very definition of useless posting if you ask me.
if this is what we talked about yesterday, your MAUS camouflage being messy and unrefined, it was.
You send screenshots hoping for feedback i assume, and you got it.
Once i got attacked by 15 Chinese government spies. Died in a car crash at 8, got pregnant at 15, started working for the KGB, played golf with Vladimir Putin, accidentally armed a hydrogen bomb, crashed a passenger jet. And died of old age six years Ago.
@Ren @Default4 What are you trying to get at exactly? We are all being more than patient with you lot, and you still can't take the time to read and understand what we say.
@Default4 Cause we're incredibly epic.
+9I Don't like it, I Don't understand what this means so obviously it's cause you're dumb.
+9Okay, mate. in no way should and can you demand attention. No one is paying you to build stuff.
This is the very definition of useless posting if you ask me.
if this is what we talked about yesterday, your MAUS camouflage being messy and unrefined, it was.
You send screenshots hoping for feedback i assume, and you got it.
+9Yes. Not that it'll stop people from complaining sadly.
+9Oh no...
+9Once i got attacked by 15 Chinese government spies. Died in a car crash at 8, got pregnant at 15, started working for the KGB, played golf with Vladimir Putin, accidentally armed a hydrogen bomb, crashed a passenger jet. And died of old age six years Ago.
I'm speshjial
+9I Love you and all Andrew but... We need the caterpillar tracks.
+9What is wrong with you sir.
+9I was but a mere child when i heard this for the first time.
Now i am... manchild.
Utmost impressive mate!
+8Alright, let's wrap this up.
+8I have changed your description since we do not allow memorial posts. Looks great by the way.
+8@CharlesDeGaulle My dude, this is obviously satire. No need to get worked up over a cri-cri/Rafale comparison.
+8Those people with long descriptions sure are pulling their weight.
+8What the duck...
+8@Stinky @RandomUser09 I Don't understand what either of you are on about.
+8Climate change.
+8Make sure you just don't, Bundle up.
+8There's constantly drama on this website, I Choose not to care about it.
+8At least a meter.
+7What is this SimplePlanes game you mentioned? Never heard of it before.
+7@rexzion It's past your bedtime Rexzion.
+7@Ren @Default4 What are you trying to get at exactly? We are all being more than patient with you lot, and you still can't take the time to read and understand what we say.
+7i'm sorry, i didn't quite catch that, did you say Ultragauge?
+7Hello, changed the name to Yonda due to a potential trademark issue.
+7Quiet down, i'm sleeping.
+7PlanariaLab literally made a 1-piece HUD.
+7Nanana na na naaa, na na nana na na naa I'M STILL STANDING YEAAA YEAA YEAA
+7Long sleeves, short sleeves and uncut JPG's
+7smh J-10 copy.
+7I don't even like Maple syrup
+7Nice Canadian copy of the F-16 commie bastard.
+7Keep going with this part count & it'll be Tour De Hospital
+7Because some find it childish & annoying.
''Keep breathing heavy with your keyboard & fedora''
+7Rip forgot to credit me for the smoothening of the rear.
+7Going to call cops on you now.
Haha, just spent like 10 minutes looking through audio files, only to find out someone answered it before me.
+6Wow, that sure is crazy
+6Oh nice! J-10 is definitely one of my all-time favourite planes.
+6Nice! Grinding the ZTZ-99A in War Thunder right now.
+6This looks like a fun challenge.
+6Greatly appreciated!
+6Can't believe you've done this.
+6@BeastHunter I'm saying no, you can talk to any of the other moderators if you feel like it.
+6@ForwardUntoDawn If you want your plane to stay, i recommend that you also stop discussing politics.
+6@handitover Your fantasy, not mine.
+6Does this work on a BlackBerry?
+6The best small indie game dev studio.