23.2k XaFearedSniperx Comments

  • I got Kerbal Space Program! 7.1 years ago

    If you can’t deporbit try going EVA and pushing your vehicle out of orbit with the RCS pack, saved me many times! Note: The monopropellant for your RCS pack will comeback every time you get back in your module and get back out.

  • Pigpen could you reassemble it 7.2 years ago

    This is actually a pretty neat idea!

  • What video recording software do you use 7.2 years ago

    The recorder that comes with the Xbox app on Windows is great, Open Broadcast Software is also a good option too as well but you need a stronger PC to use it with higher quality recording. Both are free, but the one that comes with the Xbox app runs in full 1080p 60fps easily on my laptop, while I can barely get a good looking 720p 30fps video with OBS. OBS can be downloaded off of the web, just make sure you download it from the companies website and nowhere else!

  • Goodbye 7.2 years ago

    I think for about 2 years with random visits to the site in that time span. Here’s a forum post explaining that he has to leave since his country requires him to serve in the military @FlyingHonda27

  • As SimplePlanes is growing, so is the community, and with that growth comes needs. 7.2 years ago

    I think the moderators/devs will try their hardest keep anything like that from happening. Seriously, a while back there was a person creating accounts with an IP switcher in order to get around the perma-ban system. He used this to post extremely racist and toxic forum posts every couple of seconds. The moderators had to stay on the site all day removing them until (If I remember correctly) one of the devs tracked down his IP adress and got the police to actually go to his house. So as long as our moderators remain as dedicated as they were (and still are) I’m sure the community will be fine. However I do believe the devs should introduce a new batch of moderators with 1.8!

    Edit: I’m pretty sure that incident is also why you now have to have a registered email and be logged in to comment and upvote

  • The most violated rule in all of SimplePlanes: 7.2 years ago

    I would say a first name is fine, as well as emails since a lot of people use that to talk to each other. If it’s serious stuff though like their address or something that could be used to find out where you live I would report it.

  • The most violated rule in all of SimplePlanes: 7.2 years ago

    I know people have already said this but a good life lesson is that “Freedom of Speech” only applies in the public setting, and not private settings. It’s like how you can’t walk into school or your workplace and start cussing everyone out, it just doesn’t work like that. The rules are also there because many children use this site and the devs don’t want them giving out their info to potential stalkers or worse. @Knight697

  • Is this really that bad? 7.2 years ago

    Any landing is better than mine. They usually consist of slamming the front landing gear into the ground and balancing on it until coming to a stop

    Edit: Just watched the video and there was nothing wrong with that landing!

  • Question 7.2 years ago

    Yes, swastikas are only allowed in accurate replicas as far as I know

  • Simple Planes won't work!!! Please read Devs! 7.2 years ago

    Maybe uninstall and reinstall? Also check and see if it’s up to date. That’s all I can think of. @Gravity

  • Galaxy On Fire2-Veteran 7.2 years ago

    One of my favorite mobile games and you did this perfectly!

  • How to make this community more fun? 7.2 years ago

    A weekly challenge similar to what KSP does would be cool!

  • polar express (christmas present to you) 7.2 years ago

    This is awesome!

  • What did you get for Christmas? 7.2 years ago

    I got some clothes and games

  • New PC. 7.2 years ago

    I’m not a tech person but it can run on the brick that is my laptop with almost max settings

  • What’s your stance on aliens? 7.2 years ago

    Do I think they’re on Earth? No.

    Do I think they exist somewhere in the universe Absolutely!

    Has NASA discovered aliens? I don’t think so, but if they did they would never tell us because of how many religions would be destroyed and mass hysteria.

  • Happy 4th of July everyone! 7.2 years ago

    What are you going to be for Halloween next week?

  • What Do You Think? 7.2 years ago

    Should be a clickable one at the bottom now @Jengstrom

  • Any good movie you guys like and enjoy that I would watch? 7.2 years ago

    Forest Gump, not as much aviation stuff, but still an amazing movie

  • I hate sp right now!! 7.2 years ago

    I can relate. One time I lost days worth of progress on Skyrim, I have saved literally EVERY single time I do anything in a video game since then.

  • The Last Jedi 7.2 years ago

    I want to see it but considering what happened when Force Awakens came out I’m sure I’ll probably know every line of dialogue by the time I see it

  • Net Neutrality 7.2 years ago

    I would like to believe that internet providers and people realize that if internet providers follow through with the supposed “goal” of net neutrality’s repeal they will be bankrupt by the end of next year.

  • It’s a frigid day in Florida! [Also, important info] 7.3 years ago

    I was about to say 40 is not that cold but for Florida I bet it is. I live up in Ohio so we usually get 30 and below for 3-4 months of the year.

  • I Just Thought Of The Solution To Potential Airplane Hackers... 7.3 years ago

    The only thing that seems like it wouldn't work very well is the camera, because there would likely be a delay almost like how there is when you watch a stream. Other than that it seems like a good idea!

  • When is the best time to upload planes? 7.3 years ago

    If you live in the US just upload in the afternoon but upload time didn’t matter as much as it did before spotlighting so you should be able to upload whenever

  • Can you change your name? 7.3 years ago

    You have to ask the devs and have a really good reason for it. Ex. If your username is your actual name

  • 1K Special! Thai Fighter 7.3 years ago

    I want this featured!

  • SimplePlanes - Humble Bundle 7.3 years ago

    If here’s any video game company to trust for anything really, it’s Jundroo. @SimpleFairlines

  • Idea for 1.8 update 7.3 years ago

    Sounds a lot like SAS in KSP, good idea!

  • SimpleRockets 2 - Dev Notes 7.3 years ago

    I will definitely be being this on my phone and for PC. The pictures are wallpaper worthy!

  • Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird 7.3 years ago

    Seems a little short, but other than that its great!

  • Blocking People Based on their First Impressions 7.3 years ago

    I’ve only ever blocked one person because they went and looked for me on Twitter, and started calling me by my real name here. I unblocked them a while ago though and we’re good now.

  • What is your dream car 7.4 years ago

    A 1980 Z28, but more realistically is an Acura Integra Type R (They’re cheap and I think they look cool)

  • The funniest/cringiest/most noob thing you have done in simpleplanes... V. II 7.4 years ago

    When I first started playing I uploaded an F-35 on an anonymous account, then I made an account and reuploaded it. Needless to say, people were not happy when I said that I had built it!

  • Indy Air Race 7.4 years ago

    I know engines and fuel tanks can’t be XML modded, but what about rotators?

  • The feeling when you play Ace Combat series... 7.4 years ago

    Did you see that Ace Combat 7 is supposed to release in early 2018?

  • What are the requirements for pc 7.4 years ago

    No problem man! @TheRealAlbinoMosasaurus

  • What are the requirements for pc 7.4 years ago

    My potato laptop can run it near max settings (although it does get pretty hot) so you should be fine. Seriously though, you can hear the fans start spinning when you load up a browser

  • Messerschmitt BF 109 G 7.4 years ago

    Looks good! I would make the first screenshot of the entire plane though, more people will look at it then.

  • p-38 7.4 years ago

    Looks great! I would suggest making a custom cockpit next time though

  • North American XP-51G Mustang 7.4 years ago

    @EpicPigster1 Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

  • Republic P-47D-22 Thunderbolt (PLATINUM SPECIAL) 7.4 years ago

    @EpicPigster1 It looks great, better than anything I can make. I'll give it a try in a bit!

  • North American XP-51G Mustang 7.4 years ago

    I decided to make the first showcase video of this plane! Here is the link to the video.

  • I'm back from the gliding camp... 7.4 years ago

    @Dimkal Dude calm down, I'm sure he didn't mean to disrespect anyone and some people do care. He'll probably delete this post once he makes the other post tomorrow.

  • My Ultimate List of Games you need to try. 7.4 years ago

    How dare you not put any halo games on here! (By that I mean 1-3, non of that 343 crap)

  • Could you featurers please stop featuring so many P-51s???? 7.4 years ago

    @BlazeInfinity I think that was because they changed a policy with how many features a person could get (It used to be only one per person and you had to be below gold!) so they went back and featured some

  • USS ECRS (flying carrier) 7.4 years ago

    Sorry, I ended up not using it in the trailer, I’m definitely making a video with it though! @PilotOfFuture