8,995 XjayIndustrys Comments

  • Chinese auditorium (true fans would recognize me) 6.5 years ago

    Very disappointed... this bf-109 hasn’t even got landing gear and I doubt it has an inverted v-12
    1/10 for the effort in the description
    I’m joking sorry lol but I had too...
    I have no idea what this and I can delete this comment if u want XD

  • Announcement 6.0 years ago

    Australia's a day past the 1st so ill be taking this seriously

  • B737-800[RYANAIR] 3.4 years ago

    does this drop off passengers in belarus?

  • We're in a bundle! 6.0 years ago

    definetly because you can steal other peoples stuff and use it as your own, Tully strikes back after plane stealer changes paint job to blue angels...

  • Quiz) What company in the world makes games well? 6.5 years ago

    Jundroo is da way

  • Regarding reporting users/posts 6.2 years ago

    • teaser

  • oh 6.4 years ago


  • road cone 6.5 years ago


  • A Game Security Weakness 6.5 years ago

    Open up it’s the FBI

  • Registration Number Question (Moderator help please) 6.6 years ago

    It’s not like the FAA are going to impound your SP aircraft for having a cool paint job

  • Perfectly Normal F-14 1.5 years ago

    Oh no I pressed 1 and 2 at the same time

  • Opinions that makes a "Military Enthusiast" mad 2.3 years ago

    Holy smokes you animals made me log in for this

    Idk about guns but what does the Vulcan fire? I mean round type, if it’s not depleted uranium I’ll be sad :(
    Who tf said the f-14 is the best we all know it’s the Brewster buffalo, also what the hell who said the f-14 is the best?
    A-10 has more friendly kills, tell me more?! Also a-10 is hot f-111 isn’t even if it has a better personality I’d still take the a-10 or maybe I wouldn’t
    F-22 is beautiful honestly only a spaz would say it’s the best, I don’t think it could go 1v1 with the Brewster buffalo, but overrated? Maybe but only just it’s beautiful
    Oh jeez it’s too hot I can’t fire my missiles, naw man idk I thought it was cause they were told not to by higher ups and so were forced into turning dogfights with more manoeuvrable aircraft, crappy situation, I understand they held their own thou
    Ok explain the dogfighting thing more, if I have an aircraft that hasn’t got excellent manoeuvrability, it’s gonna get hit by the missile anyway, so why have aircraft at all? Why not send a bunch of long range missiles? Idk man idk <3 peace out interesting discussion

  • Update 2.0.001 - SimplePlanes 2 Mobile Beta 5.0 years ago

    "Why was Vader so invested in the construction and maintenance of the Death Star? Because he knows Obi-wan can't have the high ground if there's no ground left."

  • Proof of concept: Flying Wing with no vertical surfaces 5.3 years ago

    This may be the first actual plane in this game that uses real world ideas to fly

  • Update 1.9 - High Caliber 5.3 years ago

    First, Middle and Last, thank you very much Devs, community etc
    Uno questiono...
    I am on an iPhone 6, the add a blueprint button isn’t there, am I too old fashioned to have it?

  • Coldstream XXI 5.3 years ago

    @Chacheckcha Thank you, ur 1st haha
    @emanuelga Thanks
    @Numbers Cheers

  • Airborne Carrier - USS Macon II 6.5 years ago

    wow, I get the reference, its really cool,

  • A Game Security Weakness 6.5 years ago

    The FBI wants to know your address

  • How to build EXTREMELY detailed builds 6.5 years ago

    But everyone cares about all anime characters!!!
    Wait a sec should I just mirror parts till something happens

  • P-51D-30 Fixed 6.5 years ago

    Thank you for your lovley restoration of this amazing ww2 era fighter, I can only hope that Flypast has a 10 page article on this restoration

  • C-66.6 UP B+B-B+B wide nose unit 6.5 years ago

    Look it works fine but the toilet seat catches on fire

  • JAS39E Gripen NG 6.5 years ago

    Flys great i dunk 4 ships in one go
    ATA unguided rockets be like lol
    Flys well
    LG high physics 1fps

  • I’m back 6.6 years ago

    I’d ask who u are but that’s disrespectful
    So welcome hurry up and build a plane

  • The Old The New and The Teasy boy 6.6 years ago

    Whoa the new one at the back looks great jk
    I’m honing to get hate for this

  • Psammolepis 1.7 years ago

    Very cool
    Love stuff like this
    I like the gallery shot
    “Tactical ancient stingray deployed”
    TAS for short

  • Aerial refueling 3.5 years ago

    me after watching those rudder airbrakes
    do it again

  • Cobra Manuever in an Airbus A340-600 4.9 years ago

    The flight computer didn’t even argue that one
    It was like
    Oookkkaaayyy pitching uuuppp
    About to stall, push the stick forward silly
    Oh craaaaaaaaaaapppp
    Ooooohhh craap
    Whoa, terrain

  • Scout Eagle (Update) 5.3 years ago

    Okie dokie
    Places I find difficult: (let me know what u think)
    Uno. Hanger at Wright air port
    Duo. Parking spots at Wright coming in crossways so it’s a descent then landing
    Tre. Long ways beam on a bridge, my LG is too wide but I can do it haha
    Quatro. Destroyer smoke stack
    Cinque. USS Beast elevator on bottom floor
    Seh¿. I don’t speak Italian
    7. Any of the platforms on the beasts comms tower
    8. The front platforms on the beasts comms tower (you need to come in from a 45* angle and turn at last moment)
    9. Fuel tanks at snowstone
    10. Somewhere else at snowstone I can’t remember
    11. Where the ww2 destroyers aft depth charge rack would go (where a normal heli pad would be)
    12. Okay I can’t remember anymore but here’s some I’ve tried with marginal success (as in it’s worked but I haven’t done it twice or it’s probably possible haha)
    A transport in a convoy
    Bottom of the volcano (need serious down force over the main wings to ride the vertical part but have wheel contact)
    Turret on ww2 destroyer
    Torpedo tubes on ww2 destroyer (Farragut I think)
    Turret on destroyer
    Flat beam on Wright hangar
    Cross beam on bridge (horizontal ones)
    Missile/laser platform in snowstone
    Missiles on destroyer
    Meh I’m out

  • Coldstream XXI 5.3 years ago

    Thank you
    And @Shnippy

  • Coldstream XXI 5.3 years ago

    Thanks heaps @Botfinder
    And @TheRealTDawg

  • Scorpion V8 Sandrail Buggy 6.2 years ago

    wow, that is amazing

  • Lucky Stars 6.4 years ago

    awesome idea!

  • The (blank) in SP is based on the real life (blank) 6.4 years ago

    twin prop is a beech starship which crashed into a king air which crashed into a long eze

  • Old Jokes, Week 1: The doc's receptionnist is completely finished 6.5 years ago

    Dammmmm that’s gold, u should change one of the words in the first one though...

  • Vector 6.5 years ago

    I hardly even hit [my 3D laser printed 1/48 scale version of sleddrivers (removed for children under 15) toy] @Texasfam04

  • Vector 6.5 years ago

    I just want to touch it

  • C-31 6.5 years ago

    Awesome! Very good looking, I have a thing for cargo planes XD
    Guys check this
    Hope u don’t mind the tag

  • Yay! 6.5 years ago

    Wait! What’s the photo of?
    I’m not dumb I can see but what am i looking for

  • Top 10 SimplePlanes arguements part 1 6.5 years ago

    Lol what the actual @Dllama4 @stig27

  • Unis Shinden MK2 TRICK Hommage 6.5 years ago

    Wow. Mate this is beautiful:)

  • SeeRey-12’ GOLD CELEBRATION!! 6.5 years ago

    Thanks @BlackHole @randomusername @BaconRoll

  • C-666 ADV 6.5 years ago


  • Zero - Wing [GA Version] 6.5 years ago

    rocket engine

  • Swamp-Hopper SH1 6.5 years ago

    Coooool!!!! The name makes sense, short tail boom so no tree or grass strikes
    Floating floats for, well, floating
    And the colour makes you less visible to crocodiles
    Yay it’s really cool I like the cockpit

  • Functionality, Good Looks And How To Get In The Good Books 6.5 years ago

    ego proceeds to bite hand

  • Airtrike 500 Paramotor 6.5 years ago

    Just when someone spends a very long time in the designer and takes it for a test flight and there’s an problem that makes the plane unstable (like it automatically rolls or pitches down by itself or pieces of the custom LG don’t attach together lol) it’s really annoying. It’s not overly important just enough to be annoying lol :)

  • Did the font change? 6.5 years ago

    Sometimes randomly to a thinner text but always goes back
