Hit the gym
Don't spend all of your free time in games
1h or 2h a day is enough for games.
Playing games is only pure pleasure that adds notting to you.
@EmmanuelDu11 there is already tutorial in game on how to build
I suggest that you read all of them before trying to make anything.
They have a simple guide explaining basic game mechanics.
It is in the first tab after you click on play
It's called School in English
There are 5 sections that guide you on how to build a simple plane, how to take off, fly and land and how to use weapons plus a simple explanation on game mechanics
Take a look at them and if you had any more questions that was not answered by those guides i will try my best to answer them.
Why don't you put the throttle part that is already in game and can be grabbed inside your custom throttle
Hide it inside and from outside it looks like you are grabbing your custom throttle
Just have to make sure they move in sync and don't clip through each other
Also piston move faster at beginning and slow down as they reach the end
@XtarsAgency well first i have to point out that (as far as I know) chaff is not really hot.
It's just tiny metal particles that create noise or confusion on radar so it can't distract heat seekers (only works on radar guided ones)
Another thing is that in SP the sizes of your builds doesn't effect missile tracking
Missiles in SP only look for your cockpit's location
So the closer your countermeasure is to your cockpit the easier to distract missiles
Now I'm not sure if missiles in SP have a limited targeting angle integrated into them (because irl missiles with smaller targeting angle is more resistant to getting fooled by flares, they simply don't look outside that cone).
Do you build to impress others or to enjoy your own achievements?
Sharing them is fine
Complaining over upvote is cringe
I put a weak of hard work on some thing but i never upload because what matters is that i proved to myself i can make better and that is all i need to be happy
The sooner you understand this the sooner you be at peace with yourself
rear-aspect missiles Can only lock from behind right?
As far as I know all missiles in game only need direct line of sight no matter of aspect
So to limit them is it even possible!!?
Probably not
Hit the gym
Find happiness in pain
+5🗿🔥Downdate simple planes🔥🗿
+5Put thigh highs on it
+5It's in the name :
Simple planes
+5This is what I use
+4floor(smooth(LandingGear, 1/8))
Change 1/8 to any number
I think this gives it 8s delay before activating it
1/2 will delay 2s
Like a dead star from far, you see it's light but it already died long ago.
+4I don't think you can
According to the funky guide you can set input as target selected but not when you are being selected
It's very interesting tho
+4Too late for you
+3Maybe your grandchildren can see an update haha
Have you seen their new post?
Where Update?
+3Me want update.
Don't kill yourself
+3Talk to a doctor or an expert
Hit the gym
+3Don't spend all of your free time in games
1h or 2h a day is enough for games.
Playing games is only pure pleasure that adds notting to you.
+3It only exists in your eyes
@EmmanuelDu11 there is already tutorial in game on how to build
I suggest that you read all of them before trying to make anything.
They have a simple guide explaining basic game mechanics.
It is in the first tab after you click on play
It's called School in English
There are 5 sections that guide you on how to build a simple plane, how to take off, fly and land and how to use weapons plus a simple explanation on game mechanics
Take a look at them and if you had any more questions that was not answered by those guides i will try my best to answer them.
+3Tf did mojang do
Are you born before the dawn of Christianity?
+3Are u a vampire?
bruh it got boobs
+3It's not a bug
+2I'm not sure what did you expect launching Bismarck from a catapult
In short Snowball effect
+2It's all fake internet points so don't be bothered
Camera man
+2He is at all places at once
Infinity ^ infinity km/h
Very nice
+2Thank you for sharing this
I try to make something like this and tag you
+2@teddyone02 i used it because he was a shark guy and ka50 also is called black shark so...
+2Also like kisame, cool dude
Why don't you put the throttle part that is already in game and can be grabbed inside your custom throttle
+2Hide it inside and from outside it looks like you are grabbing your custom throttle
Just have to make sure they move in sync and don't clip through each other
Also piston move faster at beginning and slow down as they reach the end
@ToeTips clamp(x, min, max) - x clamped between min and max
+2Take a look at funky guide on the internet
@ToeTips not sure
+2If it makes life it mean it's reacting to air drag
You just have to balance it
Custom wing+rotor hinge would work great
+2Just balance them on both side if you don't want them to produce any lift
@Talon7192 @ToeTips @DatRoadTrainGuy19
It will take a while to get it to a decent state tho
It's almost naked, most parts are place holders.
I cant help you but i will pray for your success comrade
+2@XtarsAgency well first i have to point out that (as far as I know) chaff is not really hot.
It's just tiny metal particles that create noise or confusion on radar so it can't distract heat seekers (only works on radar guided ones)
Another thing is that in SP the sizes of your builds doesn't effect missile tracking
Missiles in SP only look for your cockpit's location
So the closer your countermeasure is to your cockpit the easier to distract missiles
Now I'm not sure if missiles in SP have a limited targeting angle integrated into them (because irl missiles with smaller targeting angle is more resistant to getting fooled by flares, they simply don't look outside that cone).
+2Hello new to the game
+2If you have any questions or problems building stuff feel free to ask
I will be happy to help you.
my question remains:
*Why do mods only removed his messages
They allways remove both party's posts (talking from experience)
And another question :
+2Why do you people had so much interaction with him, why didn't you simply report him so the mods can do their thing.
Peak comedy
+2@LJh1 u could increase gun mantle length a bit and the lower turret to tighten it up
+2It's not noticeable when driving it its just a bit of a sore eye
it knows where it is at all time...
+2Wtf you talking about man
+2This not German front 1945 chill
Its soul has ascended
+2here I go stealing the technology eh eh eh (`▽´)
edit : well I couldn't click on anything cuz I got 1 fps and the game crashed
+2I guess it had an anti-theft system on
It called simple planes
+2It's simple
It's like telling mojang change thire blocky designs cuz you don't like em.
Welcum bak
+2Fan of Japanese bombers eh?
Cool stuff
Do you build to impress others or to enjoy your own achievements?
Sharing them is fine
Complaining over upvote is cringe
I put a weak of hard work on some thing but i never upload because what matters is that i proved to myself i can make better and that is all i need to be happy
The sooner you understand this the sooner you be at peace with yourself
+2rear-aspect missiles Can only lock from behind right?
+2As far as I know all missiles in game only need direct line of sight no matter of aspect
So to limit them is it even possible!!?
Probably not
runway is oily
+1well done
@OrionIndustries did we really get 8 years worth of update?
+1I Think no
+1Update when!?