It got reported by people saying that you stole something from this post. I approved it but try to remember to give credit if you borrow someone else’s parts, even if it’s something minor.
It’s awful. Most or at least a significant number of users on this website are under 18 and I’m sure a decent amount are under 13. Advertising this to kids is just disgusting.
If you see one just report it instantly. It will help everyone.
Will the ui be similar to simpleplanes? In Juno I can never figure out the ui and it is way too complicated for me to understand. Also please make sure the undo button works in simpleplanes 2
Curated builds are visible for everyone in the vr menu. To view non-vr and upvote planes builds you need to log in. I’m pretty sure that upvoting in vr is the same as on the website since you can’t upvote unlisted posts or your own posts
@WinsWings Since it is curated it shows up for vr users and I’m assuming most people don’t log into vr so they can upvote it. That is probably how it has so many downloads. I’ve noticed the same thing with my non curated builds and my curated builds.
This was actually one of the first planes I downloaded in vr
this youtuber copied your plane and put it in a mod for another game and made it sound like he made the plane. If you watch the video and look at your plane you will see that they are identical.
I don’t think they “reviewed your content carefully“
+16RamboJutter a good tutorial. Or you could wait for sp2 probably.
+9It got reported by people saying that you stole something from this post. I approved it but try to remember to give credit if you borrow someone else’s parts, even if it’s something minor.
+9If you go back the predecessor trail it appears you had some help. A lot of help
+9Our lord and savior, Andrew Garrison
+8All other answers are incorrect
I think they never had it uploaded to the website
+7Simpleplanes VR is also on sale on Steam
+7It’s probably cork
+7This is such a bright idea
+7@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 You should probably listen to HowlingMaster
+6Procedural fuel tanks
+6And Mal0ne
+6Will this come to mobile?
+6@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 Just give credit if you borrow parts from someone else. it’s not difficult
+5@Tornadoblobbo If you are continually telling people their airplanes suck, then maybe you suck.
+5@ComradeSandman put them in the jar
+5@KPLBall done
+5It’s awful. Most or at least a significant number of users on this website are under 18 and I’m sure a decent amount are under 13. Advertising this to kids is just disgusting.
If you see one just report it instantly. It will help everyone.
+5maybe babies should come with nice rubber handles on them
+5Will the ui be similar to simpleplanes? In Juno I can never figure out the ui and it is way too complicated for me to understand. Also please make sure the undo button works in simpleplanes 2
+5@SPTNR It looks like he was banned
+4@GalaxiesDontSlleep no upvoting alt accounts
+4Try directly connecting the inlet to the engine.
+4I can un-curate planes and re-curate them if you want to edit the description
+4Will 2 people be able to fly in the same plane? Like if one person was the pilot or one was the gunner
+4I think the air traffic controllers are on strike in simpleplanes
+4I can tell this plane got too close to some radioactive material since it glows at night
+4Nice plane but it looks very similar to this plane. maybe a little too similar…
+4How do you jump
+4If past usernames weren’t saved old tags would break.
+3what are you using to model it?
+3You have to give credit to the people you stole the furniture from
+3As long as we don’t click or anything the person running the bots might realize that posting here isn’t worth their time
+3According to the source,
+362% of statistics are made up
@Solent19 @Graingy
Curated builds are visible for everyone in the vr menu. To view non-vr and upvote planes builds you need to log in. I’m pretty sure that upvoting in vr is the same as on the website since you can’t upvote unlisted posts or your own posts
+3Sometimes I feel like mapa’s followers were all a cult
+3Minecraft story mode looks better than this
+3@HudDistance No I’ve only been a curator for a few days. There is a good chance that I will curate more of your vr builds if you make any though.
Oh and I asked Andrew to be a curator and he said yes.
+3@F16xl here’s an easy way to remember: mods moderate and curators curate
+3@WinsWings Since it is curated it shows up for vr users and I’m assuming most people don’t log into vr so they can upvote it. That is probably how it has so many downloads. I’ve noticed the same thing with my non curated builds and my curated builds.
+3This was actually one of the first planes I downloaded in vr
@StrangeGameAYT thanks! I reached gold a few days ago so I guess
+3i should make another
this youtuber copied your plane and put it in a mod for another game and made it sound like he made the plane. If you watch the video and look at your plane you will see that they are identical.
the floats look nice but I couldn’t get it to take off from the water
+3Stop bypassing the autocredit