@Kakhikotchauri1 not really much... only diesels and turbodiesels are somewhat viable, but high pitched engines above 5000RPm are a problem, that includes Jet engines, Jumo 004 goes all the way to 8000RPM and the BMW 003 up to 11500RPM, and to emulate their sounds, (at least in Jumo 004), you have to put the throttle multiplier to 4.7 in the biggest turbofan of the game, but that drains the equivalent of 3000L in a mere 20s which is a ridiculous amount of fuel for just emulating the exact pitch of the Jumo 004...
mind elaborating on how do they bully you? some bullies do it because they don't know how to interact with you other than pissing you off, but there's also bullies who specifically target those who they may seem weak and just go on till you explode on rage or worse. please explain the case so that we may help you.
@jamesPLANESii it doesn't use SP wheels, it will be a fully mechanical vehicle, from the pistons to the crankshaft, passing through a gearbox, a driveshaft, etc
because it's kawaii and/or I feel identified with the character or just like that character in general. for example, for those who know me on Discord, I have Rem (From Re:Zero) as pfp, as I like the character and feel identified with her personality.
@AndrewGarrison is it possible to make a car class variant of Sandsift rift? with the same start but different course, it would be awesome for trophy trucks
the thing is not to exclude mobile, but are your mobile devices capable of holding the stress? I've played a multiplayer game similar to SP on mobile, called Blockycars, and it could get very laggy when people start shooting stuff and bring max part count builds (max was 50 parts). for a mobile server, you guys will have to be on a separate server, so you don't randomly encounter someone bringing their +700/1000 parts build. to note that bombs and explosions do lag the server, and in Low end PC's it crashes the game automatically.
back in the day... lots of Roleplays and military aircraft spam, jelly planes everywhere and youtubers featuring the game, tournaments with no shaker planes.
@Texasfam04 same here, I grew with legos and loved designing complicated mechanical systems. here, even tho there are quite a few bugs (Mostly Unity related), but the posibility of building here is nearly infinite. Geez, even a dude here made a fully walking android based on Gyroscopes some months ago! I hope I'm able to build a gearbox next, but unity loves to glitch out.
There's just no other game like SP. I can build whatever I want, sure it will be laggy or parts will snap off from time to time, but the freedom of building whatever comes to the imagination is unbelievable. Thanks to this game I searched deeper into car engineering just to build the most accurate and functional car suspensions that I could create!
for jeeps, I think it's good, but for hardcore hillclimbing(me in a BMW E30) the hills are too steep, or the transition from plain to steep are too sharp, making my car get stuck in some parts. I really loved the sharp turns and straigh lines! like colin McRae once said: "when in doubt, flat out!"
@F104Deathtrap that's why the Me 163 Komett implemented light activated cannons. when the plane passed under the shadow of a bomber, the LDR would activate and fire the Schräge-musik cannons while under that shadow, that way it assured the hit and you could concentrate on flying.
pls next one Motor mirage or Snow crawl! I really want to test my new cars there. btw guys, feel free to pick any of my cars that are 150 parts or lower for tournaments, but pls use a different paint, so they're not the same when racing
@OtterOfToast is it possible to set a list of maneuvers for the AI so it is not only head ons and mountain crashes? for example: [if: AI opponent is at 6:00, pull up inmediatly]
[if: AI opponent is at 12:00 at 2 miles, fly straigh and pull up at 0.1 mile]
Default AI behaivor: Pursuit
Default Min altitude: 400ft
Default first 10 seconds, fly straigh to gain speed.
just an idea, also the thing of circle inside circle is a must
Most people have grown, a lot of players I used to hang out over here left the game.
To give you an example: I joined SP in my last 2 years of school back in 2015, FF 2024, here I am in my last year of Automotive mechanical engineering. I have many designs collecting dust due to lack of certain in-game skills, but also shifted to other games.
As comparison, many friends my age have already started families or are at full-time jobs (or both).
@SILVERPANZER thx for the upvote! Man, I freaking loved using this thing in Multiplayer or just convoy raid, very precise and deadly too. I had to add a rear stabilizer becase the recoil was so much it would lift the tank with each shot lol.
@SILVERPANZER thx for the upvote! I know I never posted a description but this was a prtotype for replacing the Panther III, it stayed as a prototype and the Otter MBT entered production instead.
@TheIndianGaruda Flyout has easier controls on shaping, but SP has better simmetry adjustment, as you can multiselect and spam mirror for certain shapes, which is far more complex to do in flyout, because mirror in flyout may break the entire thing...
@Kakhikotchauri1 not really much... only diesels and turbodiesels are somewhat viable, but high pitched engines above 5000RPm are a problem, that includes Jet engines, Jumo 004 goes all the way to 8000RPM and the BMW 003 up to 11500RPM, and to emulate their sounds, (at least in Jumo 004), you have to put the throttle multiplier to 4.7 in the biggest turbofan of the game, but that drains the equivalent of 3000L in a mere 20s which is a ridiculous amount of fuel for just emulating the exact pitch of the Jumo 004...
+2mind elaborating on how do they bully you? some bullies do it because they don't know how to interact with you other than pissing you off, but there's also bullies who specifically target those who they may seem weak and just go on till you explode on rage or worse. please explain the case so that we may help you.
+2may I ask, from where is Siren head? silent Hill?
+2@MrVaultech @KerlonceauxIndustries @TheCreatorandDestroyer99 thank you very much! I hope it runs well.
+2I suggest you to decrease the wing area a bit, it's impossible to land honestly, it glides until stalls backwards and then it falls like a brick.
+2@jamesPLANESii it doesn't use SP wheels, it will be a fully mechanical vehicle, from the pistons to the crankshaft, passing through a gearbox, a driveshaft, etc
+2@AgentofFortune nope, my issue is not with collisions with the own aircraft, but rather collisions with the ground...
+2because it's kawaii and/or I feel identified with the character or just like that character in general. for example, for those who know me on Discord, I have Rem (From Re:Zero) as pfp, as I like the character and feel identified with her personality.
+2@ManBoe hehe, thx. currently I'm developing a V8, but I encountered a few problems regarding how to power it, due to firing order...
+2Saludos desde Chile :D
+2@AndrewGarrison is it possible to make a car class variant of Sandsift rift? with the same start but different course, it would be awesome for trophy trucks
+2I just want to test my Taika MBT on this map
+2@MethaManAircraft have the same trouble... actually thought of the activation grop idea before, but never put it to use. you should give it a try!
+2meanwhile on M.A industries... crash, crash, crash and crash... AI simply can't fly in a straight line without doing useless stunts...
+2the thing is not to exclude mobile, but are your mobile devices capable of holding the stress? I've played a multiplayer game similar to SP on mobile, called Blockycars, and it could get very laggy when people start shooting stuff and bring max part count builds (max was 50 parts). for a mobile server, you guys will have to be on a separate server, so you don't randomly encounter someone bringing their +700/1000 parts build. to note that bombs and explosions do lag the server, and in Low end PC's it crashes the game automatically.
+2I'm very impressed by the level of detail, but...maybe add some moving suspension?
+2get well soon mate!
+2Brot... does this mean I can eat this carrier?
+2um... where is the flywheel? arent the exhaust pipes supposed to come from each block?
+2back in the day... lots of Roleplays and military aircraft spam, jelly planes everywhere and youtubers featuring the game, tournaments with no shaker planes.
+2time to recreate my WarThunder Tiger plus some special features
+2I don't think I remember you, but those prototypes look amazing!
+2give this man a medal already
+2@Texasfam04 same here, I grew with legos and loved designing complicated mechanical systems. here, even tho there are quite a few bugs (Mostly Unity related), but the posibility of building here is nearly infinite. Geez, even a dude here made a fully walking android based on Gyroscopes some months ago! I hope I'm able to build a gearbox next, but unity loves to glitch out.
+2might take it for a ride tomorrow if I have time. you almost brought me to tears with your story, A beautiful story.
+2@Minecraftpoweer I wonder if they would make the whole trip to the end of the world(south America, very to the south!) Just to sue for that Lmao
+2Will drive it later, as I'm on the phone rn. I love the fact that you used technical information.
+2how many parts does that engine have?
+2@CRJ900Pilot sure! maybe I should upload a sponsor pack xdd
+2@Spikerya it was an honour. Will you guys post your car too?
+2I remeber when I was drifting around your centipede in my BMW E30
+2There's just no other game like SP. I can build whatever I want, sure it will be laggy or parts will snap off from time to time, but the freedom of building whatever comes to the imagination is unbelievable. Thanks to this game I searched deeper into car engineering just to build the most accurate and functional car suspensions that I could create!
+2@DuckMintnewprofile cool, I'll post some images of my journey on the racetrack
+2for jeeps, I think it's good, but for hardcore hillclimbing(me in a BMW E30) the hills are too steep, or the transition from plain to steep are too sharp, making my car get stuck in some parts. I really loved the sharp turns and straigh lines! like colin McRae once said: "when in doubt, flat out!"
+2@F104Deathtrap that's why the Me 163 Komett implemented light activated cannons. when the plane passed under the shadow of a bomber, the LDR would activate and fire the Schräge-musik cannons while under that shadow, that way it assured the hit and you could concentrate on flying.
+2pls next one Motor mirage or Snow crawl! I really want to test my new cars there. btw guys, feel free to pick any of my cars that are 150 parts or lower for tournaments, but pls use a different paint, so they're not the same when racing
+2Awesome! I can aready see this in my future planes.
+2please make a car tournament! maybe Mirage speedway
+2@OtterOfToast is it possible to set a list of maneuvers for the AI so it is not only head ons and mountain crashes? for example: [if: AI opponent is at 6:00, pull up inmediatly]
+2[if: AI opponent is at 12:00 at 2 miles, fly straigh and pull up at 0.1 mile]
Default AI behaivor: Pursuit
Default Min altitude: 400ft
Default first 10 seconds, fly straigh to gain speed.
just an idea, also the thing of circle inside circle is a must
+1@Johnnyynf That's really awesome! I'm sadly not well versed in FT and very out of date, but I can build engines well tho.
+1Most people have grown, a lot of players I used to hang out over here left the game.
To give you an example: I joined SP in my last 2 years of school back in 2015, FF 2024, here I am in my last year of Automotive mechanical engineering. I have many designs collecting dust due to lack of certain in-game skills, but also shifted to other games.
As comparison, many friends my age have already started families or are at full-time jobs (or both).
+1Welcome back Miko! Missed ya!
+1@SILVERPANZER thx for the upvote! Man, I freaking loved using this thing in Multiplayer or just convoy raid, very precise and deadly too. I had to add a rear stabilizer becase the recoil was so much it would lift the tank with each shot lol.
+1@SILVERPANZER thx for the upvote! I know I never posted a description but this was a prtotype for replacing the Panther III, it stayed as a prototype and the Otter MBT entered production instead.
+1@SILVERPANZER thx fro the upvote, omg, you found this lol.
+1will give it a try in the afternoon or night. Really cool to see one of the collabs with MrVaultech!
+1@TheIndianGaruda Flyout has easier controls on shaping, but SP has better simmetry adjustment, as you can multiselect and spam mirror for certain shapes, which is far more complex to do in flyout, because mirror in flyout may break the entire thing...