@JohnnyBoythePilot The 12 hard-point rule is made not to overload the plane too much. Keep in mind that we try to be similar to reality. An airplane usually has a load limit. If you load more weapons than the plane should have then you will lose realism and that translates into fewer points. 12 or 14 hard-points is more than enough. Subpilons are also considered hard point. In relation to the second question, there is no problem in using pre-designed weapons. But remember that realistic behavior of weapons is valued.
@ndfr623 El problema está en la cantidad de armas que lleva el avión, son más de las que necesita para la misión. En este reto interesaba un avión rápido, ágil, extremadamente estable a baja cota para poder hacer vuelo a ras del agua... Si quieres te ayudo a construir el avión del próximo reto ;-) no te desanimes. Me ha gustado que tenga la escarapela española ;-)
There can be several things:
a) The Asset version of SimplePlanes is not suitable for Unity 2018. Make sure you delete the SimplePlanes asset from your project. After loading the SimplePlanes mod tools asset you can find it in the path "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ SimplePlanes \ ModTools"
b) If this does not work, then it may be because another asset that is causing that error has been loaded. For example, the Terrain Toolkit 2017 fails me. In your case it may be another asset that you have obtained from the Unity asset store. Not all assets are compatible with SimplePlanes
c) If it still does not work, eliminate everything, except the terrains, and recreate the "Simple Planes Map" and within its hierarchy, the terrain and the starting position of the player. Make sure that the player's starting position is at a sufficient height and does not start at sea or on the ground, at least in the first tests.
If after all it does not work, I could not tell you, I would have to see the assets you are using and see more screens to find out what happens ...
James Bond does not have a plane. With this machine it looks like it has a spaceship! Really incredible design, very much in the Hopotumon line. I watch vector engines, which make it easy for Mr. Bond to avoid any missile. Widely supersonic speed, supercruise and all integrated weapons. Thanks for participating
@WarHawk95 Each one builds the planes he wants... I do not like to waste time building real planes. In fact, I do not usually have much time. I like more to imagine fictitious planes, similar to others or from ideas that I have elaborated. I'm more creative... I think that is the grace that the game has. This game allows me to create any idea I have. Anyway, the important thing is that we all have a good time... But now that you say it, I've made some replicas... for example...
@BogdanX I think your plane is very good, but your way of responding is not good. You are not right. You should rectify and be more respectful. Even if you do not like the result, you must accept what the jury says.
I think Dimkal has done well, has evaluated according to their parameters and approaches of how they should be this type of aircraft.
@Hawkeye156 From what you tell me, it seems that what you want is a mission. To a certain extent, this map gives you almost everything you ask for ... heliports, airport, 2 aircraft carriers, 2 destroyers, many tanks and convoys in motion, mountain, city, capacity to disembark ... But I understand, what do you want, a more directed mission. I think I can do it. However, the introduction of other models of ships, tanks, planes ... is limited to a large extent by the tools we have. If I add a model of a battleship in great detail, the FPS will go down a lot and you will not be able to play well. Therefore, I use the land, sea and air units that SimplePlanes Mod Tools provides me. I understand that it would be necessary to develop some application to convert our models of Simpleplanes to include them in the Unity scenarios, without affecting negatively the performance of the game. In any case, I consider your approach. ;-)
Ease of maneuver -
/30ptRealistic model -
/70ptDetails, paint and accesories -
/30ptRealistic weapons and behaviour -
/40ptBuild quality -
/30ptMission Fulfillment -
/100ptFair play -
+2i´m in!
+2@JohnnyBoythePilot The 12 hard-point rule is made not to overload the plane too much. Keep in mind that we try to be similar to reality. An airplane usually has a load limit. If you load more weapons than the plane should have then you will lose realism and that translates into fewer points. 12 or 14 hard-points is more than enough. Subpilons are also considered hard point. In relation to the second question, there is no problem in using pre-designed weapons. But remember that realistic behavior of weapons is valued.
+2@Thueerra @GhosTerSix @Bife
+2@BaconRoll I'm so sorry, you're a classic in the challenges I organize. But we have another challenge soon. I encourage you to participate.
+2@ndfr623 El problema está en la cantidad de armas que lleva el avión, son más de las que necesita para la misión. En este reto interesaba un avión rápido, ágil, extremadamente estable a baja cota para poder hacer vuelo a ras del agua... Si quieres te ayudo a construir el avión del próximo reto ;-) no te desanimes. Me ha gustado que tenga la escarapela española ;-)
+2@NFIGMT The mod is unpublished, but will be publish in the next Naval Attack Challenge
+2@drgunblood imposible at the moment... sorry
+2@N1KO @Alpha1M @Nachog
+2@JohnnyBoythePilot @RussianAS @Burtcrusher
+2This is incredible! Please include in the Core of Game. Great mod!!!
+2@belugasub press F9 and disappear all interface... ;-)
+2@belugasub I don't know that about FOV. What I know is the MOD to use the different cameras and focus
+2@Laurentjames123 you can build fictional or replica airplane
+2@RussianAS I will make a plane for your faction ;-)
+2@A3 i made this for you 😉 God save Australia
There can be several things:
a) The Asset version of SimplePlanes is not suitable for Unity 2018. Make sure you delete the SimplePlanes asset from your project. After loading the SimplePlanes mod tools asset you can find it in the path "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ SimplePlanes \ ModTools"
b) If this does not work, then it may be because another asset that is causing that error has been loaded. For example, the Terrain Toolkit 2017 fails me. In your case it may be another asset that you have obtained from the Unity asset store. Not all assets are compatible with SimplePlanes
c) If it still does not work, eliminate everything, except the terrains, and recreate the "Simple Planes Map" and within its hierarchy, the terrain and the starting position of the player. Make sure that the player's starting position is at a sufficient height and does not start at sea or on the ground, at least in the first tests.
If after all it does not work, I could not tell you, I would have to see the assets you are using and see more screens to find out what happens ...
+2James Bond does not have a plane. With this machine it looks like it has a spaceship! Really incredible design, very much in the Hopotumon line. I watch vector engines, which make it easy for Mr. Bond to avoid any missile. Widely supersonic speed, supercruise and all integrated weapons. Thanks for participating
+2@EternalDarkness yes but I had a problem with successor part... Probably Will make other plane.
+2nice model!
+2Incredible plane!!
+2@Sgtk @Gameboi14 @Treadmill103 @flyingsteve88 Thank you guys! I wanted to make a car for 007 :-D
+2@MOPCKOEDNISHE i´m editing the entry...
+2@WarHawk95 Each one builds the planes he wants... I do not like to waste time building real planes. In fact, I do not usually have much time. I like more to imagine fictitious planes, similar to others or from ideas that I have elaborated. I'm more creative... I think that is the grace that the game has. This game allows me to create any idea I have. Anyway, the important thing is that we all have a good time... But now that you say it, I've made some replicas... for example...
@AWESOMENESS360 @sexylips35 please, use other post to comment these matters
+2Drone Challenge 2 Update!
@Roswell @BobTheTitanSP @Speedhunter
+2Drone Challenge 2 Update!
@JohnnyBoythePilot @Delphinos @JetFighter
+2Great Job!!! you are the Winner of Drone Challenge 2!! Congrats!!
+2Congrats guys! you are the winners of Drone Challenge 2!!!
@Kimcotupan15 @Ownedpilot @BaconRoll
+2Very nice Work!
+2@BogdanX I think your plane is very good, but your way of responding is not good. You are not right. You should rectify and be more respectful. Even if you do not like the result, you must accept what the jury says.
I think Dimkal has done well, has evaluated according to their parameters and approaches of how they should be this type of aircraft.
+2Handling, stability, agility ::
Realistic model and behaviour ::
Details, paint and accesories ::
Build quality ::
Fair play ::
Total :: 69 points
+2Handling, stability, agility ::
Realistic model and behaviour ::
Details, paint and accesories ::
Build quality ::
Fair play ::
Total :: 40 points
+2Handling, stability, agility ::
Realistic model and behaviour ::
Details, paint and accesories ::
Build quality ::
Fair play ::
Total :: 39 points
+2Disqualified - Sorry... (Without provided parts, not reach 125 parts)
+2Any entry with less than 125 parts and more than 500 parts will be disqualified
@Planefun this is the map Tank test map2 enjoy it
+2This is very nice! Good job!
+2@Razor3278 Very original!
+2@Roswell i will try...
+2@Hawkeye156 From what you tell me, it seems that what you want is a mission. To a certain extent, this map gives you almost everything you ask for ... heliports, airport, 2 aircraft carriers, 2 destroyers, many tanks and convoys in motion, mountain, city, capacity to disembark ... But I understand, what do you want, a more directed mission. I think I can do it. However, the introduction of other models of ships, tanks, planes ... is limited to a large extent by the tools we have. If I add a model of a battleship in great detail, the FPS will go down a lot and you will not be able to play well. Therefore, I use the land, sea and air units that SimplePlanes Mod Tools provides me. I understand that it would be necessary to develop some application to convert our models of Simpleplanes to include them in the Unity scenarios, without affecting negatively the performance of the game. In any case, I consider your approach. ;-)
+2@Dimkal ok please link me these designs tolearn it and develop verter
+2@DuckMintnewprofile i use https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/ i use models with low number of polygons
+2@Roswell this mod also is for android... You want another map more simple
+2@AviownCorp updated 😉
Handling, stability, agility -
Realistic model and behaviour -
Details, paint and accesories -
Build quality -
Personal impression -
+262 points
Handling, stability, agility ::
9 points
penalty - 2 pointsRealistic model and behaviour ::
7 points
Details, paint and accesories ::
6 points
Build quality ::
7 points
Personal impression ::
7 points
Description ::
7 points
Total points :: 41
Rules ::
+2Meet the rules
- But exceed agility parameter for this decadeStatus ::
Challenge page - Results, Videos, Rankings
+2Very nice design! Congrats!
Handling, stability, agility ::
9 points
Realistic model and behaviour ::
9 points
Details, paint and accesories ::
9 points
Build quality ::
9 points
Personal impression ::
9 points
Description ::
9 points
Total points :: 54
Rules ::
+2Meet the rules
Status ::