5,234 noob11 Comments

  • TELL SOMEONE THEIR VALUE 6.7 years ago

    you’re not being disrespectful, it’s that no one wants to hear about personal problems on a SP forum. We come here to discuss the game, not to receive emotional support. There are other, better websites for that. @Spacedoge12345plane

  • TELL SOMEONE THEIR VALUE 6.7 years ago

    ...ok? why do you post stuff like this on a gaming forum?

  • Ugandan Knuckles 6.8 years ago

    god has left us

  • Seeing How Bungee Treats It’s community really makes me appreciate everyone in Jundroo. 4.9 years ago

    Honestly, I share your sentiment about scummy monetization. This is extremely prevalent in mobile games as well. I play COD on my phone occasionally and a while back there was a fiasco with the devs giving half the players insane deals on skins, and the other half crates with awful odds, claiming that it was to “test” which monetization method was better. Of course, people were pissed, so after a month the devs promptly threw the issue under the bus, removed the better deals(of course) leaving everyone with the crates, and to this day have never publicly addressed the issue to my knowledge. So games like SP and many others that just make you pay once for the full game, and have devs that actually interact with the community are great in my book.

  • TELL SOMEONE THEIR VALUE 6.7 years ago

    ...you didn’t have to mention me three times, you know...

  • My Issue with Mobile Friendly Builds 4.9 years ago

    If your build isn’t less than 8 parts, it can’t run on my barely operational flip phone from 2003 that’s held together by packing tape and therefore isn’t mobile friendly.

    Case closed.

  • meme 6.6 years ago

    ok, this is epic

  • A nice storm for you 6.6 years ago

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the age restriction of 13 is actually a federal law, not a rule exclusive to SP.com.

  • When People Don’t Look at Your Builds... 6.7 years ago

    SP is weird. If someone made a simple meme build, it would likely get far more upvotes than their actual serious builds. Plus, I’m still surprised as to how my tank that I spent two weeks on has more upvotes than the ship that I spent two months on. But as always its best not to worry about what are basically worthless internet points, anyway. Just play the game to satisfy yourself, not to satisfy other people, or it won’t be fun anymore.

  • What do you guys think about furries? 6.7 years ago

    Tbh if all you do is have a furry pfp and act like a normal human, we’ll get along. But if you insert furries into unrelated conversations, post weird art, and unironically use furspeak and emotes then I’ll do my best to avoid talking to you

  • Anyone else notice this?!?!?! ????? 6.7 years ago

    This was already explained, its a problem with image hosting sites

  • NEW SIMPLEPLANES GLITCH!! 6.7 years ago

    This happens to me too, but only with one plane. Whenever I spawn my MBT in, the ground disappears briefly and my tank gets thrown several dozen feet into the air. The game usually drops to 1-2fps when this happens. The strange thing is that I only experience the glitch with that one tank, and I'm also playing on a fairly new computer.

  • Update 1.8 ideas 6.7 years ago

    I’d just like to be able to change the input for various weapons and the detacher part via XML. Right now bombs only drop with the “bomb” button, wing guns only fire with the “guns” button, etc. I’d like to be able to make weapons deploy/fire on different inputs like AGs, Throttle, and other things, this would open up a lot more possibilities for custom weapons.

  • tonk 6.8 years ago

    @SUKHOI Yes, this tank is mainly based off of the Leopard 2A5. Nice tank btw!

  • tonk 6.8 years ago

    Yes! It took me quite a while, a lot of trial and error with the suspension, lol

  • Is the sound an airplane makes? 4.9 years ago

    High Quality Post ™

  • T-14 Armata (2 Year Special) 6.5 years ago

    This is amazing, I can't believe I didn't notice it sooner. Great work!

  • How to build EXTREMELY detailed builds 6.5 years ago

    thanks, this was really helpful

  • 1.8 Or SimpleRockets2? 6.6 years ago


  • A nice storm for you 6.6 years ago

    @Caveman999 He means the user was given a 27 year ban, not that they have been banned for 27 years

  • Kirov-class Nuclear Battlecruiser Frunze 6.6 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries It's fine, just please credit me if you post the modified version.

  • Will SR2 stop the development of SP 6.7 years ago

    @s5ehfr9 That would definitely be nice, but I don’t think it would be that simple to just “enable compatibility”. Plus, if the devs intended for people to be able to bring SP creations into SR2, then they would’ve just updated SP to include rocket parts and planets instead of making an entirely new game.

  • What's the most upvoted comment? 6.7 years ago

    the answer to this is literally a few posts below yours

  • Will SR2 stop the development of SP 6.7 years ago

    Personally, I'm hoping SR2 doesn't completely replace SP. I mainly use this game to build land and sea vehicles, and SR2 seems to be focusing more on spacecraft and aviation. However, I do feel activity in SP will slow down significantly, as many users will probably move from this game to SR2.

  • "My builds suck I am sorry" 6.7 years ago

    says the guy with 22.2k points lol. Just because a build has alot of parts doesnt mean its good

  • The fitness team pacer test 6.7 years ago

    dead memes have no place here. begone

  • DID QINGYUZHOU LEAVE??? 6.7 years ago

    “Repeatedly posting NFSW, spammy content throughout multiple warnings."

  • DID QINGYUZHOU LEAVE??? 6.7 years ago

    he got temporarily banned, and this is like the tenth post asking what happened to him

  • Kirov-class Nuclear Battlecruiser Frunze 6.7 years ago

    @EternalDarkness @Dllama4 @Supercraft888 Thanks guys! The ship lags for me too, due to the huge size, but it was very entertaining to build and sail it.

  • How to turn a ship? 6.7 years ago

    I’m on windows @Minecraftpoweer

  • How to turn a ship? 6.7 years ago

    I tried using both the underwater wing method and the vtol nozzles but neither worked. I didnt try using them both simultaneously, but the problem with vtol nozzles is that if they are powerful, the ship goes too fast, and if they are weak, the ship will not turn. @Minecraftpoweer

  • How to turn a ship? 6.7 years ago

    @JamesPLANESii I tried that, it didn't help at all

  • @DLLAMA4 IS ONLINE! 6.7 years ago

    this is very important news. totally worthy of its own forum post

  • What is popular now? 6.7 years ago

    It usually isn't a good idea to let what other people like dictate what you build. But if you must know, fighter jets and sports cars usually seem to get the most upvotes.

  • What happened to suspension 6.7 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer it's kind of hard to explain, but you can download my SPAA for an example. Usually several wheels on the tanks are connected to fake roadwheels, and do not twitch. I leave these with 100+ traction.

  • What happened to suspension 6.7 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer 110 upvotes is only 1500 points since 1 vote=15 points. Also I just reduce both forward and sideways traction, but you can experiment with only reducing one or the other if you want.

  • What happened to suspension 6.7 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer This might only work for me but I found that either reducing the wheel’s traction or reducing the weight of the build helps with eliminating the twitching wheels problem. That’s why a lot of the wheels on my tracked tanks only have 10-25% traction.

  • With all these requests for 1.8, you guys have forgot the most important feature. 6.7 years ago

    @RailfanEthan We still are going to have to pay for SR2 lol. Additionally, it’s called “SimpleRockets”, which leads me to believe the game and its players will mainly focus on spacecraft, which i suck at. Plus I’d rather not have to start over, I’ve spent a lot of time on SP and already love it, and also am working on several projects already. I’d be pretty disappointed if the game died out before I reached gold.

    So sorry, I think I’ll stick to SP. I just hope it stays relevant and everybody doesn’t end up moving to SR2...

  • With all these requests for 1.8, you guys have forgot the most important feature. 6.7 years ago

    I hope SR2 doesn’t replace SP... i just got the game a couple of months ago and would rather not see it die so soon. Plus, I am terrible at spacecraft, I’d much rather keep building ships and ground vehicles.

  • M-89K SPAAG 6.8 years ago

    The “tracks” are actually just xml modded wheels. They’re attached to shocks. @yenbert @Schwalbe1

  • tonk 6.8 years ago

    Looks great! @Rapidfire747w

  • Results - Anti-Aircraft Vehicle Challenge 6.8 years ago

    I didnt even expect to place, so i was pleasantly surprised by the results. thanks! :)

  • Anti-Aircraft Challenge 6.8 years ago

    my entry

  • tonk 6.8 years ago

    @Rapidfire747w yes, it’s fine. Just please credit me in the description of your post or make it a successor of this one.

  • tonk 6.8 years ago

    @DragonAerotech Actually I’m not a returned player. This is probably my 4th tank or so, and one of the few I’ve put effort into building.

    @Rapidfire747w I was planning on making another AFV with a lower part count for mobile users, and also because I have an awful computer. Unfortunately, I just haven’t had the time to start on it yet, plus I normally build slowly.

  • tonk 6.8 years ago

    @DragonAerotech Thank you! I purposely lowered the engine power as the tank previously had a high power to weight ratio and would fly off of small slopes. Also, I’m fairly new to gyros, and my stabilizer design is not the best, so the turret would just go limp if the gyro was turned off. Anyways, I wouldn’t mind if you used the chassis for anything as long as you credited me in the description.