@EngineerOtaku btw, win or lose is not too important for me my friend.. i just want to participate here.. third place is not bad, at least u win this..
sometime i need the "X" work only if the number 0-50, then turn off when 51-100..
if i put this -Throttle*sign(0.50-Throttle) input to the engine, the engine only can power up when Throttle reach 50%.. how if i want the opposite code..? so the engine can run only from 0-50% Throttle, then shut off when reach 51% Throttle..
@asteroidbook345 but your Challenge was close.. so this plane is just like a common collection of mine.. it's ok my friend.. and thanks if u say this plane is good.. :) i just try to make this plane as good as i can..
@Kipo "put them to the ground.." easy.. remmember, APC will provide longer range to attack to all infantry inside.. bring grenader to your APCs.. those grenader will clear them all..
@Kipo hmm.. if u can't buy more troop, then build them.. so u can have your own troops.. kidding..
just be patient.. watch Right and left of your base.. there are building there that u can occupy.. put your soldier there.. and wait until APCs arrive.. then u can call an full attack..
@Kipo this is not dropship.. Orca is gunship or attacker VTOL.. and yes, i make this is inspired from that 3th tiberium wars Orca concept.. and this is not end here.. this plane (my plane) is just for fuselage and VTOL system test..
@Stargazzer great model my friend :)
+1Starcraft Siege tank combine with C&C3 Mammoth tank with more cannons.. :)
+1Awesome buit dude..
+1great plane design bro..
+1@JohnnyBoythePilot U are welcome dude.. This pod is good..
+1@GhostSquadren thx if u like it my friend.. I have another ekranoplan also.. Maybe u like it too.. :)
+1Hey.. How u set "impactForce" for gun..? There is a default number that we can change to higher or lower..?
+1I recognise this tank is from C&C Generals.. Great tank.. :)
+1@ThePaPa i will try but not in hurry.. :)
+1@Jerushah u can use fuselage block to cover that wings.. Try it, and no shake anymore.. :)
+1@typeZERO bring some of fuel air bomb to their base..? Sure.. XD
+1@mikey216 u just need to combine some part mate.. :) i use fuselage block, rotator, cockpit ofcourse, and some missiles..
+1Hey.. I think i familiar with this thing from youtube.. Great job mate..
@Cheeseburger12345612 😅😅 yes..
@INDOMIEGORENG28 tergantung freelance dibidang apa.. Freelance bidang apa yang di tuju..? Sesuaikan sama keahlian..
@GGVP thx my friend.. I hope i can add countermeasure latter..
@shipfinder568 have you try to use your flaps or trim control..?
I love the design and the music..🤗 Music name please..?
It's amazing.. This's what i'm looking for..
awesome.. i don't know how to combine the FT like yours..
I wonder, is ekranoplan and zubr exist in this mod..?
that cobra.. wow.. amazing.. nice plane my friend.. :)
what is the song name..?
nice badger.. always love the badger..
the first plane remind me YAK-141..
take me on your mighty wings, tonight..
@EngineerOtaku btw, win or lose is not too important for me my friend.. i just want to participate here.. third place is not bad, at least u win this..
@tucan u'r welcome.. I like how u mix that planes..
sometime i need the "X" work only if the number 0-50, then turn off when 51-100..
if i put this -Throttle*sign(0.50-Throttle) input to the engine, the engine only can power up when Throttle reach 50%.. how if i want the opposite code..? so the engine can run only from 0-50% Throttle, then shut off when reach 51% Throttle..
u have a lot of experiment progress and experiment plane.. awesome..
@Aghsan22 LOL.. Further Pigpen evolution, maybe..
@asteroidbook345 but your Challenge was close.. so this plane is just like a common collection of mine.. it's ok my friend.. and thanks if u say this plane is good.. :) i just try to make this plane as good as i can..
@asteroidbook345 i have no idea.. Maybe you are right, you didn't say curve block in the list.. And i'm forget about that part is in Alpha SP or not..
i think i enjoy the music.. nice plane btw..
awesome.. i miss ace combat planes..
freaking crazy.. awesome..
That's using gyro..?
VTOL.. More flexible mission.. More power..
@Kipo "put them to the ground.." easy.. remmember, APC will provide longer range to attack to all infantry inside.. bring grenader to your APCs.. those grenader will clear them all..
@Kipo hmm.. if u can't buy more troop, then build them.. so u can have your own troops.. kidding..
just be patient.. watch Right and left of your base.. there are building there that u can occupy.. put your soldier there.. and wait until APCs arrive.. then u can call an full attack..
@Kipo this is not dropship.. Orca is gunship or attacker VTOL.. and yes, i make this is inspired from that 3th tiberium wars Orca concept.. and this is not end here.. this plane (my plane) is just for fuselage and VTOL system test..
@Kipo :) not bad plane there.. but, my plane that u see here is just for challange..
i didn't see sukhoi in this video.. where is the sukhoi..?
make ANOA..
funky trees..?
@asteroidbook345 how about airbrake..? airbrake is one of important part in airplane, so it should come with alpha version, right..?
No inlet part allowed..?