9,447 vcharng Comments

  • Prototype Inertial Navigation System (INS) (Beta) 5.1 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf I am thinking about making a VOR, but setting the station position will be a problem...

  • Mods not working 5.1 years ago

    "I have fine tuner and overpowered downloaded even though I never downloaded them"
    They are now built-in in 1.9.
    "I have downloaded alot more than just the nukes mod but it's the only one I have applied at the moment"
    are you using Android? Android version banned mods, that's why the two mods mentioned earlier were included in vanilla game.

  • Is there a such thing as deactivate7? [Nope] {pls add devs} 5.1 years ago

    Try using funky trees on input.
    For example you want to deactivate engine on AG7 ON, place your input as:
    "Throttle * (-Activate7 + 1) / 2"
    Activate7 returns 1 for on and -1 for off, so (-Activate7 +1) returns 0 for on and 2 for off, divide by 2 and you get 0 and 1.
    So once AG7 is on, no matter what your throttle input is, the engine always get 0 input.

  • Its Sad But it may be the end of me 5.1 years ago

    @AircraftoftheRedStar Same here.
    The only "A7M" that should exist to my knowledge is the A7M3-J full-sized model made by the crew of browser game "Kantai Collection".

  • O-I (Type-100) - CANNON CHALLENGE! 5.2 years ago

    On a sidenote, I don't think O-I would be named Type 100...
    I checked the development of Japanese tanks, they are usually named after the year when the prototype was completed. For O-I this would be 1944 (Imperial Year 2604) or even later.

  • How to make Flak! 5.3 years ago

    @Darjeelings183 In theory yes, there is proximity detonation for missiles.

  • Funky Trees! 5.3 years ago

    I would like to suggest a "changerate" function (differential)
    For example, the change rate of altitude would be vertical speed
    the change rate of heading would be turning rate (used for turn coordinator)

  • There should be more options for magnets. 5.3 years ago

    Polarity and area of effect.
    No matter how strong you set it to be it still only affects a small area.

  • Worst Aircraft Ever Made 5.7 years ago

    Doesn't look very professional.
    The X-29 was intentionally made unstable, and the 40 correction per second is sincerely a FEATURE.

    TBD is a death trap and easy target for jets? by the time jets existed they've phased out already. And it's the torpedo's fault (early model Mk13 torpedo is instructed to be dropped very slow and very low), not the plane.

  • What weapons to give the plane? 5.7 years ago

    Historically the BV 246 is basically an early anti-radiation missile (glide bomb) and thus doesn't have armaments beside the warhead.
    If you want to carry more weapons, I think the choices are very limited given the space of BV246

    MK108 should be able to fit in, though ammo count would be questionable.
    If you don't mind hampering flying characteristics, R4M rockets under the wings should be cool too.

  • New Team Member 5.7 years ago

    Mods by WNP 78:
    Designer Suite
    Advanced Targeting
    Underwater Cam
    Nukes... and more

    So would it be too much to ask most of them, if not all of them becoming part of SP vanilla game soon?

  • Tease Me Baby.... 5.7 years ago

    My guess is that there are some wing "ribs" on the drawings that could be mistaken as elevators...
    During the cold war, the West had very confusing references regarding MiG-21 early models. According to wiki, Jane's even thought the "Fishbed" is a Sukhoi thing, and gave an illustration for Su-9 "Fishpot" back in 1960.

  • Suggestion of how to end this mod discussion and get mods on android in the future. 5.7 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer Nah I don't think that'll work.
    You can't change 32/64 bit in the program, you need to install a completely different program.

  • How to make a bigger explosion for bombs and rockets 5.7 years ago

    There's an old nuke mod which allows you to set the power, blast range, absolutely kill range and explosion scale.
    it also takes surprisingly low resources, especially when you compare that with the Boom 9000 mod's 2000lb bomb.

  • How does the com/col works? 5.7 years ago

    The Center of Mass should always be slightly in front of the Center of Lift for an aircraft.
    Wings create upward lift as well as a rotational force to make the plane flip backwards. So you need the CoM in front to create a front-flipping torque to more or less counter this out.

  • WW2 US transport fleet 5.7 years ago

    now all we need is a U-boat wolfpack....

  • Question on guns 5.8 years ago

    Make sure you're doing with "burst count" and not "ammo count".
    ammo count doesn't have function.
    and check your firing rate.

  • What Challenge Next? 5.8 years ago

    STOL challenge? no tailhook, no airbrake, no drag chute, has to reach certain max speed, see whose plane can take off and land with the shortest run.

  • What unit is Impactforce measured in? 5.8 years ago

    I've changed the value between 20 and hundreds, and don't really see a difference.

    This is what I do about damage though:
    Vanilla wing gun (assume it's 12.7mm) : 40 (measured by firing at USS Beast)
    20/23mm: 70 to 80
    30mm: 150-250 depending on rounds.
    37/40mm: 750-850
    45mm: 2500 (to compensate with the slow firing and lack of explosion)
    50mm: 3000

  • HK F-1C "Nue" '301st Squadron' 4.4 years ago

    Ah, nue...
    In Japanese, "nue" is written in Kanji as a "night" on the left of "bird" 
    ”鵺” <<I hope it shows up normally.
    Could it be that you're referencing to this?

  • Macchi_M.C.72 4.4 years ago

    Oh, great, now I have a better thing to base on to make the "Sonoka's M.C. 72R"...
    Don't worry, will credit properly.

  • I found a point counter bug 4.5 years ago

    point counter has some notable delays.
    After an upvote it could take half an hour before the point counter reflects it.

  • v1.10 Radar/Targeting Technology Demonstrator 4.5 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick Ah yes, I forgot to update the codes, hold on.

  • v1.10 Radar/Targeting Technology Demonstrator 4.5 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick yeah, should've given it an ejection seat, lol.

  • Update 1.11 suggestions list WIP 4.5 years ago

    I'd like a getdata([part ID], [data name]) command.
    for example
    getdata(352, health) returns the hit points of part ID 352.

    I would also like to have an addition system of the target-related commands in 1.10, on that sets on your plane's system.
    like, targetelevationplane means the elevation angle of the target relative to your plane's current orientation, instead of relative to the absolute elevation.
    Using all the coordinates and stuff to calculate target direction from your plane is just so much trouble...

  • [Beta] FT advanced combat systems vol.2 4.5 years ago

    BTW, "&lt;" means the "less than" sign, I guess the "bigger than" sign would be "&gt;" or something.

  • [Beta] FT advanced combat systems vol.2 4.5 years ago

    @marcox43 I think it means the radar "swings" +/- 55 degrees.
    In my take I made it rotate 54 degrees to each side (because easier to code), and only show targets within that range.

    It is hard to make a +/-55 deg arc in SP's systems, so I made the screen to have a 180 deg arc, but only the front 110 degrees (+/- 55 deg) is used.

    I am going to use the Lichtenstein display for my FuG 200 radar. I will not touch the Berlin but I'll remake the FuG 200 so that it has the performance of FuG200 (except range) but uses the interface of Lichtenstein.

    The page about Lichtenstein in the PPT you shared is kinda chaotic because the author copy-pasted the radar screen from other pages.... I will try my best to make a version that will both work in SP and more or less resembles the real thing.

  • [Beta] FT advanced combat systems vol.2 4.5 years ago

    @marcox43 Not really, the 240 doesn't sweep a full 360 deg, to begin with.

  • [Beta] FT advanced combat systems vol.2 4.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison please forgive my rudeness for suddenly tagging you.
    I just want to know if it is allowed & possible to self-suggest one's own works to be included in the next version's introduction video? I think having a few shots from my radar system may be a good way to let people pickup what's happening with the new Target-related FT commands.
    Thank you.

  • Focke-Wulf Fw BMW803 Fighter (UAF) 4.8 years ago

    @TheOwlAce Well the actual plane was like that.... I'd agree that having a frame would look better though.

  • A super rudimentary guide on how to make the basic gauges (will be updated) 4.8 years ago

    @RuvienRepublicCitizen Another way is to use fuel consumption, but unfortunately fuel consumption rate in SP is very unstable.
    (the input would be "rate(Fuel) * [total fuel capacity] / [maximum reading of the dial]"

  • A super rudimentary guide on how to make the basic gauges (will be updated) 4.8 years ago

    @RuvienRepublicCitizen There is unfortunately no actual RPM input now. We usually use Throttle input instead. However, this can deviate from the actual RPM greatly, especially in the case of propeller (in particular, manual pitch) engines.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 "People know where it's form"
    Yes this is what exactly I'm talking about.
    It doesn't matter how good you build your plane it has to be a famous American plane

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii And you tell me how my P-0310 was superior to my BMW 803? Why does the 310 gets 27 ups yet the 803 only 15?

    My most appreciated work, the H11K, got 40 while it doesn't even have two-tone paint job. Why does it have 40? because it participated in a challenge.

    It's not even about how you make a plane, how or when you upload. It's all about all those external stuff (how famous you are, how famous your challenge holder is, etc.)

  • 12th Century Cog "Stella Maris" 4.8 years ago

    @Mod We need a medieval tag or something. I think the earliest tag we have now is 19th century?

  • BT42 Keizoku Highschool 4.8 years ago

    Sakkijarven Polkka intensifies

  • [Teaser] WWII? Cold War? Early post-WWII? 4.8 years ago

    Sincerely this looks more like 3rd to 4th generation jet fighter to me....

  • My best propeller plane 4.9 years ago

    Hey I remember that avatar picture, it's from this week's My Next Life as a Villainess.

  • Destruction System 4.9 years ago

    @Mobius1Cyka I would prefer props having their own 100HP, once one of them breaks off the whole prop system fails (because propeller balancing)

  • Destruction System 4.9 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii And, the falling props can destroy the rest of your plane.

  • Focke-Wulf Fw BMW803 Fighter (UAF) 4.9 years ago


  • Honest feedbacks please 4.9 years ago

    Try a more colorful livery, maybe? J35J isn't really THAT curved to make liveries impossible.

  • HOW DO U GET MORE UPVOTES? 4.9 years ago

    Try to make better and better aircrafts. Perhaps even try to make videos and/ or mods.

  • Solved: Realistic turn rate 4.9 years ago

    you can use a PID controller to limit the Gs, or use a speed-dependent control surface scale to limit the angle of control surfaces.

    And unfortunately, it is actually pretty difficult to make a realisitic turning model in SP due to the physics differences.

  • I'm really unsure about this livery... input please 4.9 years ago

    @TheKraken3 Using high contrast colors would make camo ineffective, you know.

  • Questions About "Names" 4.9 years ago

    v is the first letter of my name, Charng is my family's unique way to spell our surname.

  • What each SP weapon is based off of! 4.9 years ago

    @F4f879 Yes I think the rocket is 5 inch HVAR (WWII American airborne rocket)

  • Pre-Dreadnoughts[TEASER] 4.9 years ago

    "Activate Windows"
    Sorry but I keep being distracted by this......

  • What's Funky Trees? 4.9 years ago

    Oh god, really?
    There was just an identical question yesterday!
