1,050 vidzforlyf Comments

  • AAM-16B (Realistic Fox 2) 3.5 years ago

    @Thecatbaron sup I made use of your system a lot and even created a whole new better system, still using your code. check it out, the one that looks like a normal missile,m that I uploaded.

  • KCC Dolphin Dart 5 months ago

    the ford M113 Aero-Gavin

  • Mikoyan MIG-29 9-12 WIP 5 months ago

    @LunarEclipseSP yeah i might need to explain that, the wings when you put drag on them does not say it in the drag thing, but it does actually provide drag, and even better the drag increases by the AOA, so turn gives realistic speed loss. this is kinda of negated at very high speed so i have a funky trees airbrake to slow down in high speed turns, just not on this model.

  • Mikoyan MIG-29 9-12 WIP 5 months ago

    @LunarEclipseSP I'm expecting a total of about 1200-1300 parts with all the details i want, I'll go with the German Unified Air Force camo, the gray one. but performance should hold as practically no parts have drag calculated on or weight, so it should be fine.

  • Mikoyan MIG-29 9-12 WIP 5 months ago

    @SuperSuperTheSylph Yup and I'm nowhere near done I'm actually changing the whole intake and engine section, the nozzle is wrong and too long. the wings and especially the control surfaces on them are very wrong, ofc the cockpit and so is missing. some people would be fine with some of that but I didn't download 20 blueprints to get it wrong. landing gear is very hard especially the back ones as they use a funny angle to fit into the fuselage I have prototypes but they clip slightly into it.

  • Realistic AIM-9H 1.9 years ago

    heyo so its not fully like Warthunder the missile still burns until it stops tracking i fixed the issue here in this vid(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lBQ_oG7cLs) also could you make an all-aspect version? where the range is shorter at the front but still able to track at the front?

  • even more realistic missile, smoke gone. 3.8 years ago

    @GeneralWilbur yeah well there is only "fox 1" and "fox 3" missiles in the game which are radar-guided methods, wish "fox 2" was in the game then id be 100% acurate.

  • even more realistic missile, smoke gone. 3.8 years ago

    @GeneralWilbur I have made some videos to show the missiles and how to edit them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr4JERbB9Js < showing missiles in action

    https://youtu.be/mRO51ELc_6w < how to make use of more missiles.

  • even more realistic missile, smoke gone. 3.8 years ago

    @GeneralWilbur yeah I just realized that no one knows how to set so you can use more, so I'm going to explain. the missile has a name, and in the name is a number, the pylon the missile is connected to makes so you can only shoot within a certain distance and stuff like that, it also has so it only shoots on a certain missile. in the XML just find the name of the missile and change the number so it fits the correct one. on this one, the rockets that propel it also get fired by a detacher with the same XML code used by the pylon, just change the number like you had to do on the pylon.

  • realistic missile with plug and play function. 25 days ago

    @BARREND go right ahead, it's why I uploaded it.

  • realistic missile with plug and play function. 25 days ago

    @BARREND no the magnets hold onto another missile whose only purpose is to be a booster, so when it runs out the smoke and thrust goes away but it still guides to the target.

  • Mig-29A Fulcrum (REWORK) 5 months ago

    @Imacatnow Also good luck with your studies!, they should have priority over a fun silly plane game.

  • Mig-29A Fulcrum (REWORK) 5 months ago

    @Imacatnow dont make it better for me, make it better for yourself and everyone else whos going to use it. making a good plane is more than just cool functions(which are very cool very good job on landing gear and cockpits and such) and looks, it's about the experience if the plane lags the game and flies poorly it will not be fun and it will not be something people will want to fly.

  • Mig-29A Fulcrum (REWORK) 5 months ago

    im going to be harsh, but like the flight model sucks the start-up is straight-up annoying and worst of all you haven't done anything to make it run well, you have calculated drag on, this is not a hard thing to avoid its 2150 parts? how? where? the model isn't even that accurate. there are other small things that really annoy me which I am not going to go into. turn calculate drag off on all parts, fix the flight model, and come back again, it has such great potential.

  • Mikoyan MIG-29 9-12 WIP 5 months ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO idk does not feel like it, cant tell you why there are so many parts already

  • Mikoyan MIG-29 9-12 WIP 5 months ago

    oh also gun is broken moved it last minute

  • Mikoyan MIG-29 9-12 WIP 5 months ago

    if you are wondering why there is no landing gear its because they are hard, and I have spent many hours trying to do it correctly.

  • Mikoyan MIG-29 9-12 WIP 5 months ago

    @YOURGORILLA1246 Well i would but i want people to have a test of it

  • Brainwashing the Spooky Head 5 months ago

    uh its me from reddit, what links?

  • mig-29 9-12 WIP 29.1 1.4 years ago

    @florky thanks, there are parts i can't get exactly right and after a while, i kinda gave up.

  • mig-29 9-12 WIP 29.1 1.4 years ago

    @Michiganstatepolice was not on purpose when I uploaded it

  • Realistic AIM-9H 1.8 years ago

    @RoastHam9146 hi if you are not busy now I would very much like to know how the code works I can't really figure it out, I have only figured out range and size of the middle circle lock thing but I can't really figure out how the rest is set up. would you be able to make some # for the code please and thank you.

  • realistic missile with plug and play function. 3.3 years ago

    @L3thalPredator the missile has limited fuel, which means the burner isn't running until the missile dies or just hits an enemy, it also stops putting out smoke when the burner runs out like on a real missile. it just looks much better than what's currently in the game.

  • F-16A Trailer [BETA] 3.4 years ago

    how in gods name did you make the curves so good, if you look at my prototype it's good but hot damn this is the best f16 out there.

  • AAM-16B (Realistic Fox 2) 3.5 years ago

    @Thecatbaron wait I think I get what you wrote in the description.

  • AAM-16B (Realistic Fox 2) 3.5 years ago

    @Thecatbaron thanks, although I don't know if it's just me, when using more than 2 missiles the thing messes up. like I fire the third missile and when it detaches the rocket the missile explodes plus the last missile if you have 4 on the aircraft also detaches the missile causing the firing aircraft to go funky and probably crash. do you know if there is a fix for this or should I keep experimenting with your design, till i find a fix?

  • AAM-16B (Realistic Fox 2) 3.5 years ago

    hey man looks good (I'm the dude who made the original) this is awesome I didn't know how to do this, so it's nice somebody does. mine does actually have so you can add more it's just a pain in the ass so I thank you for figuring it out. I will be using this code much more.

  • Funky Trees! 3.6 years ago

    help, I want a thing that activates after a certain amount of the same input, so like a missile that fires after I click fire 4 times. can anybody figure this out because I cant. been sitting here with a stupid face for 5 hours.

  • calling bs on that one chief 3.6 years ago

    @BaconEggs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Shd8pcbAAfs
    so i did a test with a test missile. an amraam normally couldn't reach this far.
    anyhow it did track all the way so it probably something with aero dynamics.

  • calling bs on that one chief 3.6 years ago

    hey nice, I made the same type of missile except mine don't loft, they do however burn, and then when it's out of burn the smoke goes away and the velocity it has carries it. i made one like that, that looks like the aim120 amraam and I got it to track all the way to a target 150 km away about 93 miles, so I don't think it's tracking. it might be because there are parts on the missile that affect it like wings that have physics enabled or parts with mass. maybe look into that, and id like to know how you make it loft if you could tell.

  • realistic missiles aim9, amraam. 3.8 years ago

    I have made some videos to show the missiles and how to edit them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr4JERbB9Js < showing missiles in action

    https://youtu.be/mRO51ELc_6w < how to make use of more missiles.

  • realistic missiles aim9, amraam. 3.8 years ago

    yeah, I just realized that no one knows how to set so you can use more, so I'm going to explain. the missile has a name, and in the name is a number, the pylon the missile is connected to makes so you can only shoot within a certain distance and stuff like that, it also has so it only shoots on a certain missile. in the XML just find the name of the missile and change the number so it fits the correct one.

  • [PINNED] Useful Links 3.8 years ago

    so I have designed a missile that works more like real life and also looks more like the real thing. the missiles in real life don't have thrust till they hit the enemy normally. fx the aim9 only has 2.2 seconds of thrust in real life, but in-game it's thrust as long as it's active, but that means it cant track and stop having thrust, which is unrealistic. what I have made is so the rocket on the missile only gives thrust for however long you need it to but still tracks the target even if it's out of fuel. would you like me to put up a tutorial for that?