@LunarEclipseSP i forgot how to read for 27 days but yeah, since you're the only opinion currently (and probably the only opinion ever), ill post it later today after i fix some bugs, it'll be temporary
do not save plane (because it consistently getting work on so you wont even be updated on it)
do not re-upload plane
you can make a video on it (optional if you want to.)
do not make large edits of it, only small stuff like-but are not limited to: color changing, [weapon changing,] etc.
[only change weapons if you can handle the code changing, especially the DSMS, ARM-LaserG-MasterArm switches, and TGP Interfaces.]
and keep the plane in tact.
follow these rules, please don't disappoint me, vision <3 u
@BMilan i open the XML and see the code, do you know which lines in particular from start to end im supposed to copy and do also when i opened it i wasnt sure on how to actually type in there so i can edit on it. (i have a laptop and phone)
It's using multiple text boxs to show what you want on the MFD, then connect them all to 1 text box, then connect that to the piston, move it back and test it until it display closely on the screen, connect it to button, and it'll work, i've made 2 before with many things
do not save plane (because it consistently getting work on so you wont even be updated on it)
do not re-upload plane
you can make a video on it (optional if you want to.)
do not make large edits of it, only small stuff like-but are not limited to: color changing, [weapon changing,] etc.
[only change weapons if you can handle the code changing, especially the DSMS, ARM-LaserG-MasterArm switches, and TGP Interfaces.]
and keep the plane in tact.
follow these rules, please don't disappoint me, verxzl <3 u
can someone help me make waiting commands with Guages for an engine start up?
+3can I get some help making a Dynamic Launch Zone for an AGM-65D?
+3never thought I'd see a plane with a BBL
+3I screen searched your profile and I must say;
pretty nice.
+2we need. UH-60. Mil Mi-24(or 26, 28, 35.) jeez I could name so many helicopter rn
+2@Christiant2 I could've sworn I made it under 96, I'll remake it real quick.
+2@BMilan appreciate it so much man 👍
+1@LunarEclipseSP i forgot how to read for 27 days but yeah, since you're the only opinion currently (and probably the only opinion ever), ill post it later today after i fix some bugs, it'll be temporary
+1@LunarEclipseSP i would need more of a yes or no, not a if i want to
+1@BMilan thanks man, you seemed to be the only one who understood the question, appreciate it 👍
+1@Axartar for me rn, this Is this one of the most useful ways
+1@llDeadboyll hooray!
+1we love feba gunship
do not save plane (because it consistently getting work on so you wont even be updated on it)
do not re-upload plane
you can make a video on it (optional if you want to.)
do not make large edits of it, only small stuff like-but are not limited to: color changing, [weapon changing,] etc.
[only change weapons if you can handle the code changing, especially the DSMS, ARM-LaserG-MasterArm switches, and TGP Interfaces.]
and keep the plane in tact.
follow these rules, please don't disappoint me, vision <3 u
@BMilan i open the XML and see the code, do you know which lines in particular from start to end im supposed to copy and do also when i opened it i wasnt sure on how to actually type in there so i can edit on it. (i have a laptop and phone)
I have a question, is there any waiting functions?
You should search up "A-10C DSMS" and make a weapon view manager based off it.
@FartResidue yea, it's a lot easier that way
you ever try to make a piston powered MFD?
It's using multiple text boxs to show what you want on the MFD, then connect them all to 1 text box, then connect that to the piston, move it back and test it until it display closely on the screen, connect it to button, and it'll work, i've made 2 before with many things
all I'm gonna say and quote is, "This has the most realistic hud i’ve ever seen in an A-10 in simple planes before" you already know.
do not save plane (because it consistently getting work on so you wont even be updated on it)
do not re-upload plane
you can make a video on it (optional if you want to.)
do not make large edits of it, only small stuff like-but are not limited to: color changing, [weapon changing,] etc.
[only change weapons if you can handle the code changing, especially the DSMS, ARM-LaserG-MasterArm switches, and TGP Interfaces.]
and keep the plane in tact.
follow these rules, please don't disappoint me, verxzl <3 u
"Number of Parts 1"
"Preformance Cost 9,189"
that 1 part really putting in alot of work.
without help of a lazy man, you did it yourself. nice job bro bro.
I feel like the people who downloaded this never got their device back to working ever again
@AviationCreations I didn't know what XML modding was back then 😭
@Chromatic I might make different variations, but thanks man
should i make this forest green, sliver, or black?
haven't even downloaded it yet, I just wanna be nice fr, have a good day
to make a mod for android, use the app, MEGA, I got a mayware and Wright airport update on MEGA
I'm actually Hella surprised people know feba gunship
@KenzarAircraft dawg has a WHOLE f-14 in sub 💀
forgot to mention I added a radar inside the cockpit