15.9k Allstar Comments

  • Chinese J-31 Gyrfalcon Fighter 9.1 years ago

    How exactly is this "superior" to the F-35? Because it has 2 engines? Even so, the Chinese still have problems making reliable jet engines. The design specs on the F-35 are extremely tight. The margin of error on the parts are approximately +/- .001 inches. Chinese manufacturing isn't exactly known for high quality production. Literally everyone takes the "good things of the F-22" and applies it to their plane when designing a stealth jet. Twin engines are a commonality among hella fighters. The T-50 PAK FA, Su-27 variants, F-18, various projected LO jets, and my favorite, the F-15, have twin engines. The PAK FA and some Flanker variants have share TV capabilities with the F-22, but I have to admit that the Russians use it more extensively. The avionics on this plane aren't quite as good as the F-35, mainly because they aren't trying to fuse sensor, which is exceptionally difficult, especially when your not stealing the tech from someone else. Please don't take any of this as aggression, but facts are facts. I still don't see exactly what makes this "far superior" to the F-35. @BRuthless

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 9.5 years ago

    Lol true. But mine was intened to replace the current stock P-51 in SP. @LordofLego

  • Armour plating. 8.9 years ago

    Actually, It's not "One hit and you're out." The issue is that people design planes that are easily destroyed in a chain reaction of explosions. I've shot the prop off of a UAV before while using a MINIGUN. Armor would be cool, and all, but it really boils down to aircraft design

  • What if you could play online on simple planes 9.0 years ago

    You are not the first to think of this...

  • Chinese J-31 Gyrfalcon Fighter 9.1 years ago

    BTW, this is excellent. @Hyperloop

  • Old Parts 9.1 years ago

    Technically three if you count both variants of the old prop. @TheMasterSoldier

  • HPASR-1-A1 (High Power Accurate Sniper Rifle) Civilian Variant 9.1 years ago

    For some reason, I didn't get a notification, but found my way here. IT WAS THE WILL OF THE GODS!!!

  • Afterburners 9.1 years ago

    If you want afterburners to be at 100 %, I can mod some engines to .9 power for you. An engine can only produce so much power. That maximum power is the true 100%. Since this is the state of things, it makes sense that afterburners start at 90%. Not only is there a visual, but there is also an audio indication in the form of a higher pitch. This higher pitch signifies a higher power output. @RamboGaming

  • structural wing with control surface modded 10.0 years ago

    It's stronger than a primary wing. And now that it has control surfaces, wings have the capability to be stronger@Stormraided

  • Mark 48 Torpedo 8.1 years ago

    @Fishbowl1121 That ought to be punishable by law

  • M.Corp Tornado ll 8.2 years ago

    Alright, once I got it into the studio, I realized just how well crafted this thing is. The fuselage placement allows for the easy creation of a cool, yet simple paintjob. You used some of these pieces in ways that I never would have thought they could be used. As far as flight characteristics go, this plane is medium-high tier. The COM could be moved up a bit by transferring fuel from the bottom pieces to the middle on. You could also just angle the engine up so that it's torque cancels out the aircraft low COM. Gorgeous airplane, definitely saving for future use!

  • M.Corp Tornado ll 8.2 years ago

    This aircraft has such a beautiful profile. More on its flight characteristics later

  • Saturn V - low orbit rendezvous 8.2 years ago

    Oh my God

  • F/A-1G Boxing Buzzard 8.2 years ago

    Thanks, I guess. I tried something new by angling the tip down a bit. In all honesty, the tip was originally supposed to be for a stealthy Flanker. @PantherAero

  • the best modern 8.2 years ago

    What is modern?

  • Grumman F9F-5 Panther/First Android Build 8.2 years ago

    Well, it's simple and it definitely flows. Great job!

  • F/A-1G Boxing Buzzard 8.2 years ago

    Thanks for all the support! @Wee BabySeamus @JShay @Rohan @Spefyjerbf @rubbishcraft @EnderWiggin

  • 1:1 iRobot Roomba 650 8.2 years ago

    I have one of these and seeing that somebody made it has me dying if laughter. Great job

  • BRAHMOS(small size) 8.2 years ago

    Super dope. *Edit: I actually downloaded and used this. The way it works is simply perfect. The cameras are a nice touch and I highly recommend that anyone use this AGM. This BRAHMOS is beautiful and simply superb!

  • Updates to the Rules 8.2 years ago

    About time...

  • All my love 8.3 years ago

    The loveliest love with which one has ever loved

  • American flag 8.3 years ago

    It's so beautiful sheds tear

  • F-111C Aardvark (General Dynamics) 8.3 years ago

    Pretty hot stuff. Just wish the gear were longer...

  • 6,500ft PC Killer Tower 8.4 years ago

    I think you meant the Note 7. The S7 is actually really good.

  • ASEA Offworld Habitat 8.4 years ago


  • Deepest condolences... 8.4 years ago

    ...Hope this isn't the same kind of BS PlanesOfOld pulled a couple months ago. If not, I hope nobody got seriously injured

  • CV Valiant 8.4 years ago

    I'm pretty sure these are stock planes...@UnknownNate

  • Aircraft 8.4 years ago

    This design is actually pretty nice. It's simple,but the profile is pretty aggressive. It's very agile too. 8/10!

  • FGFA 8.4 years ago

    Decent paintjob. Also, who is this N.K that supposedly got crushed?

  • Trump's Boeing 757 8.4 years ago

    Tremendous plane. I haven't flown it, but it handles like a beauty, believe me. This aircraft handles very much better than even the most agile Mexican and Chinese fighters. I know it. You know it. Everybody knows it.
    What?!?! Whaddya mean this plane can't be featured because you're already a gold builder?!?! This whole featuring process is rigged. It's all Crooked Garrison's fault, that I can tell you (End of satire).
    In all seriousness, this plane is very good looking. I really like the T on the tail. Love the plane, despise the candidate...

  • Any cool combat pics or stories? 8.4 years ago

    Nah, this is welcome too, but that's pretty brutal @SalmonSmeller

  • What happened to iFalco? 8.5 years ago

    Yeah, I'm still good. I've just found myself extremely busy in recent weeks. I still check out the site every once in a while. I'm liking a lot of what I'm seeing, though @TheLatentImage

  • F-16 the most popular 4G Fighter 8.5 years ago

    I second that thought @SimpleFlight

  • Mig-29 mobile friendly 8.6 years ago

    Excellent changes were made here. That wing loading makes it fly like a dream.

  • McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet 8.7 years ago

    Exceptionally well done, all things considered. This plane is just gorgeous

  • Well.. I've gotten sick... 8.7 years ago

    What is a zed?

  • Where are you Allstar?! 8.7 years ago

    Has it really been that long?@bjac0

  • M9 High Maneuverability Fighter 8.7 years ago

    Very well shaped

  • Mikoyan Mig-29GT Fulcrum 8.7 years ago

    I haven't checked out the site in a while, and I must say that this plane is a refreshing drink of water

  • P-39 Airacobra 8.8 years ago

    This is actually really well made!

  • Whale Shark 8.8 years ago

    Oh my God!

  • Tornado v1.0 with Glass Cockpit 8.8 years ago

    Love at first sight

  • Mach 3 Stratosphere Express 8.8 years ago

    My word! This plane is in a world of it's own. I like how it simply reflects your style. I knew it was one of your's even before I read the name. The body styling is eye candy. Keep up the great work!

  • Avro Vulcan B.2 8.8 years ago

    Umm... yeah? @XxMicroMasterxX

  • WALL•E 8.8 years ago

    Great Scott!!!

  • Ferrari F2004 8.8 years ago

    I see a strong contender for the feature page here @WeeBabySeamus @andrewgarrison

  • A sad realization. 8.8 years ago

    Frankly, you should start by sucking up that defeated attitude. You can never grow if you continue to tell yourself that you are unable to grow. Just keep building, but instead of focusing on points, focus on improving yourself. There is a feeling of accomplishment that people tend to feel when they look back on their past and see how vastly they've improved. Trust me, the points will come in naturally.

  • WE WANT 5 PLANES PER DAY BACK 8.8 years ago

    This is coming from someone the rule was made for. Honestly, you upload previews for mediocre work. @Arcues

  • SHADOW/STEALTH BOMBER 8.8 years ago


  • P-71 Viper 8.8 years ago

    No problem. You earned them.