The reason why people like us are attracted to this game is very simple. Its a game where you can build basically ANYTHING, specifically aircraft. For me personally I wanted to play a game where you could build your own aircraft for along time, but I never new about simpleplanes until my brother found it and we were instantly hooked. I can't think of any other game I play more consistently than this game, it never gets old because there always room for improvement of ones designs, theirs always a new challenge. Not to mention that there an amazing community that you can always talk to about aircraft to. Theirs so much to love about this game I could write an essay about it, but no one would probably read it, but this is the ultimate game for aircraft enthusiasts. You can say all you want about Microsoft Flight Sim, but I would play SP any day over MFS.
So, as someone who has struggled with self-acceptance and acceptance from others, I can say I know exactly what your feeling. It's a maddening feeling of pain and hatred that you don't even know where to direct, so you point it at yourself. If people are being mean and bulling you then it feels like you must be doing something wrong, there must be something wrong with you.
I'm going to guess by what your saying and what others are saying to you, that your around middle-school/high school. People in that age demographic generally suck, I know from first hand experience and I'm sure that you do as well, but don't (and I know this can be a hard ask) let people get to your head. It may take a while, but know that there opinions on your work isn't worthwhile if they are just being a**holes.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks your art looks great, I'm someone that doesn't really care for anime (besides Gundam), but I can appreciate art when art is good. Don't give up, don't listen to them, I'd say just stick with your friend(s) and keep working and find communities of acceptance instead of listening to communities of hate.
Sorry, I know that was long, I'm not sure it 100% makes sense, but reading what you felt like when writing this, the words you said, I remember saying and feeling very similar things. I'll admit that I'm still searching for a sense of self and someday's it's still hard to ignore hate and to not hate yourself, but you will overcome
I called someone something very bad, and I kinda regret it, but he was talking trash about every AH-1 Cobra on the website, which is one of my favorite helicopters, and tried to steal a epic Chinook, I was banned for 5 days
Kinda the same, he wasn’t bad, but he wasn’t good either, I don’t have a lot of respect for people who strive to get points and basically nothing else (which at time he seemed to be like) and his spammish ways will definitely not be missed. I never hated him, but I definitely didn’t look high at him, especially because he pirated the game, there’s no excuse for that. @Awsomur
Idk if it matters or not, but you were my (and still are) from the beginning of my SP journey, I remember before I had an account finding the luftwaffle and laughing uncontrollably, I'm so happy that your going into aeronautics and good luck!
+3@RailfanEthan oh yeah! My friend went to that
+3@Chancey21 I know, I mentioned it in the post 😔
+3Best build of 2019, calling it now
+3P-39 airocobra?
+3Awesome! Can you tag me when its completed
+3I dont care if the guys from india surpass pewbs (aka pewdipie), I will never subscribe to pewdipie
+3The reason why people like us are attracted to this game is very simple. Its a game where you can build basically ANYTHING, specifically aircraft. For me personally I wanted to play a game where you could build your own aircraft for along time, but I never new about simpleplanes until my brother found it and we were instantly hooked. I can't think of any other game I play more consistently than this game, it never gets old because there always room for improvement of ones designs, theirs always a new challenge. Not to mention that there an amazing community that you can always talk to about aircraft to. Theirs so much to love about this game I could write an essay about it, but no one would probably read it, but this is the ultimate game for aircraft enthusiasts. You can say all you want about Microsoft Flight Sim, but I would play SP any day over MFS.
+3It can be a custom design right?
+3So, as someone who has struggled with self-acceptance and acceptance from others, I can say I know exactly what your feeling. It's a maddening feeling of pain and hatred that you don't even know where to direct, so you point it at yourself. If people are being mean and bulling you then it feels like you must be doing something wrong, there must be something wrong with you.
I'm going to guess by what your saying and what others are saying to you, that your around middle-school/high school. People in that age demographic generally suck, I know from first hand experience and I'm sure that you do as well, but don't (and I know this can be a hard ask) let people get to your head. It may take a while, but know that there opinions on your work isn't worthwhile if they are just being a**holes.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks your art looks great, I'm someone that doesn't really care for anime (besides Gundam), but I can appreciate art when art is good. Don't give up, don't listen to them, I'd say just stick with your friend(s) and keep working and find communities of acceptance instead of listening to communities of hate.
Sorry, I know that was long, I'm not sure it 100% makes sense, but reading what you felt like when writing this, the words you said, I remember saying and feeling very similar things. I'll admit that I'm still searching for a sense of self and someday's it's still hard to ignore hate and to not hate yourself, but you will overcome
Gran Turismo Sport vibes
+2Dang, that's a change i'll never get use to
+2Yooooo you talking about EGGS
+2No one:
USS Beast: I am speed
Just built a gunpla of this lol. This is awesome!
+2Wonder women.... @ChrisPy
+2Holy crap are you alright??
+2When Ducks go to war...
+2The USS Beast is a helicarrier confirmed
+2I’m a casual Gundam fan, I’ve built some of the kits, watched some of the shows, I GUESS IM A WEEB @Axartar
+2@Wewee2010 cool
+2:) > 😀
+2I saw the one owned by nasa do a low level pass over my high school last year.
+2I called someone something very bad, and I kinda regret it, but he was talking trash about every AH-1 Cobra on the website, which is one of my favorite helicopters, and tried to steal a epic Chinook, I was banned for 5 days
+2I haven’t gotten rolled in a long time
+2Gods Speed!
+2I feel like I'm fading as well, though I haven't done anything monumental
+2@RailfanEthan Oh yeah, there are Giraffes there to right?
+2If only I had a computer :(
+2Our country? Not everyone’s in the US lol
+2The notadelorian
+2If your iOS, your screwed
+2I'm so jealous
+2This is probably my fault xD
+2How many more Typhoon teasers must you post!?!? When will the suffering end!
+2Kinda the same, he wasn’t bad, but he wasn’t good either, I don’t have a lot of respect for people who strive to get points and basically nothing else (which at time he seemed to be like) and his spammish ways will definitely not be missed. I never hated him, but I definitely didn’t look high at him, especially because he pirated the game, there’s no excuse for that. @Awsomur
+2IKR! He got banned! Get over it! It happens to lots of people. @Stormfur
+2wax on, wax off
+2Watch Tora Tora Tora
+2Could this be a sign of, ANCIENT ALIENS!?!?
+2@Awsomur Ultimatly, its your choice, dont let anyone stop you for spotlighting who you want
+2I'm no advanced builder, but heres an upvote to spread the word
+2@belugasub DoOd, the paint is arsome
+2We have Rick and Batman already
+2Idk if it matters or not, but you were my (and still are) from the beginning of my SP journey, I remember before I had an account finding the luftwaffle and laughing uncontrollably, I'm so happy that your going into aeronautics and good luck!