Im sorry, I cannot and never will enter any of your challenges. I am a person who likes to be given creative space and freedom to invent, and your requirements are far too specific for me. Unfortunately, you will not see a submission from me.
Final word: Cybertruck looks cool as * as a spaceship but once you’ve had a normal standard looking truck drilled into tour gear your whole life and the cyber trick comes to ruin that, it’s gonna seem ugly.
Do whatever would make you feel the most satisfied and accomplished with the final result. Or, follow my design rule: Does it look and function exactly like it’s supposed to? If not, fix it. @jamesPLANESii
My advice (I have an Ender 3 and I have scratch built several RC planes)
3D print normal glider airfoils and pass balsa wood through them to keep them together for wings, you can cut tons of weight there
Keep the cowl and make the bottom of the engine smaller, scale the engine down to fit inside, then also release a lo we part count version with like a simple 10 part cowl
Neat configuration design, it’s creative and I like it a lot. Tag me before the release so I can give feedback and help you improve its quality. It has great potential.
This is not maneuverable enough for my tastes, Im gonna rip out its guts and re-build the flight model
End of March would be ideal for higher quality builders with multiple projects @ND40X
And, please extend the deadline, you will get more high quality entries without a difficult stress/speed requirement to meet
Please remove the present day requirement, it kills all the cool replicas from the 50s
+1Im sorry, I cannot and never will enter any of your challenges. I am a person who likes to be given creative space and freedom to invent, and your requirements are far too specific for me. Unfortunately, you will not see a submission from me.
All that work and the door handles are still pieces of garbage
I’m impressed, one of the few update ideas that could actually work
You should replace those 0s with hollow fuselages and smooth edges
Sad maywar noises @DeathStalker627
Kinda entertaining cringe, but cringe.
No, it was the first manned powered controllable heavier than air flying machine though @ErichVonLudendorff
+1Final word: Cybertruck looks cool as * as a spaceship but once you’ve had a normal standard looking truck drilled into tour gear your whole life and the cyber trick comes to ruin that, it’s gonna seem ugly.
This was my tourney placeholder and automatically uploaded @xXRaindropXx
It’s an 11 @Zanedavid
Why can my iPhone run this smoothly at full graphics...
Link the car to someone with a PC and ask them to use it. Use Imgbb for uploading, it’s more reliable than Imgur@aircraftarsenal123
+2Too bad those beautiful screenshots are super low res
Always been a fan of Star Wars builds, tag me for sure, or even better, tag me early for feedback
Do whatever would make you feel the most satisfied and accomplished with the final result. Or, follow my design rule: Does it look and function exactly like it’s supposed to? If not, fix it. @jamesPLANESii
Thanks @QingyuZhou
Then use low/no Infil with epoxy and wax paper, there is actually a YouTube video on lightweight 3D printing @DerekSP
My advice (I have an Ender 3 and I have scratch built several RC planes)
3D print normal glider airfoils and pass balsa wood through them to keep them together for wings, you can cut tons of weight there
Keep the engine but cut it down till it fits
Keep the cowl and make the bottom of the engine smaller, scale the engine down to fit inside, then also release a lo we part count version with like a simple 10 part cowl
Yeah, blender is so confusing, I use fusion 360 and it’s way better, and free
how did you smooth out the motion like that?
Just use wings, ground effect is only important in real life, just exaggerate normal wings in SP @Mobius1Cyka
Not ground effect, wings act the same regardless of surfaces underneath them @Nerfaddict
Helicopter engines are currently the only part in the game that simulate ground effect
+1Original/Kevin Quinn
? @Pulkit
You mean as a collab for the project?
I’ve flown the arrow
All tanks look the same
+2change my mind
No jk I love planes but not tanks.
Why is this not in the rules tab? This forum will be gone in a week basically
+9I have a Ender 3! I love it. I should make some plane parts. I build FliteTest planes irl
+1That’s the point. The whole idea is to take your idea of a truck and throw it out the window @AdlerSteiner
+1Lower the drag and lower the power, that will fix the acceleration @Diloph
way too much thrust, way too much drag
So this is a SP tabloid... ok...
+1What did i just watch
+2Hint: I have been working on it for months now @P0TET0Z @Hedero
@belugasub Thanks
Words words words...
Where is the demo? I need a proof of concept to back it up. Can we see it work please?
Neat configuration design, it’s creative and I like it a lot. Tag me before the release so I can give feedback and help you improve its quality. It has great potential.
+1Please make the back hollow so I can put IKEA furniture in it