Mod DeezDucks Comments

  • Sea Plane 3.4 years ago

    Looks kinda trash, wonder who made it

  • What annoys you the most about the SP website? 5.1 years ago

    People who post "teasers" without any screenshots, or even anything built. They just post a picture of what they want to make or even nothing at all, saying they're going to make it. It's useless and it's annoying.

  • So Jundroo accidentally added 1 part custom images to the game... 3.5 years ago

    SP rendering sweats nervously

  • Hitler's crappy wounder weapon 4.6 years ago

    calling this the crappy wonder weapon implies that the others were better.

  • At this point I just embrace it... 3.2 years ago

    Alternatively you can download one of Kenneths photo maps and watch as your pc starts to levitate.

  • Pigpen 2.5 years ago

    Wake up babe, "new" Pigpen just dropped

  • Map update leaked 2.8 years ago

    Walvis, we had an agreement.

  • Lioness Mk.II ATV 3.4 years ago

    @wurenya Having the flag of a country on your build isn't inherently wrong in itself, it's a very normal thing to do. I however will have to ask you to refrain from making any political remarks as it's against site rules and does not add anything to the conversation.

  • My TOP wishlist item for SP2... 2 months ago

    I want a banana for scale part

  • Antonov AN-225 Mriya 3.0 years ago

    @BOEING77W Alright buddy, you're done.

  • My apologies to the community 4.1 years ago

    SP is fine, the circle of 10 children that keep screaming at eachother isn't indicative of the community as a whole.

  • I Am On The SimplePlanes Wikipedia lol 2.4 years ago

    totally not suspicious at all

  • Why Do All mods Say "Your post has been removed because it appears to have broken the website rules. You can read them here"? 10 months ago

    Totally not something to do with your post violated certain rules. I don't know why everyone else is commenting on that.

  • Bottlenose Dolphin 3.0 years ago

    That sunset shot mmmm.... mwah

  • Lioness Mk.II ATV 3.4 years ago

    @wurenya I have just stated that the way he has shown the flags on his post do not violate any sort of site rules. The flags placed under the hood are there for fictional world building, kind of like a mark of where the vehicle has served in. Please refer to this comment I have made for our explanation.

  • New Moderator 3.6 years ago

    Greetings, I look forward to ruling over yo- being a professional and hospitable member of the mod team.

  • tunable airfoil characteristics 3.9 years ago

    Please, please let this be the one good Tomcat made out of the 6 good ones that actually gets finished... please.

  • 2FA Now Available for Players with 1000+ Points one month ago

    @Graingy inadvisable

  • Evidence of bot comments in 3 months ago

    User's likely an alt account and using a chatbot to write all his text for him. A bit cringe, he's been dealt with for now.

  • Why is SimplePlanes just so simply, bad? (Rant) 8 months ago

    Post edited for language. On another note, skill issue =T

  • A (not so) simple guide to the future of SimplePlanes 1.7 years ago

    Well, being as someone on the mod team, we're privy to some inside info. Lemme let you in on a little secret about SP2, the secret is that-

  • AFX-3 Super Tempest 2.4 years ago

    Reject modernity, return to Biplane

  • chubby Blooper guppy 2.8 years ago


  • My watch is ended. 3.8 years ago

    It's a damn shame that you're stopping but thank you for all the really cool mods over the years. I think the reason why not many people used those mods besides them not being vanilla parts was cause the instructions on how to use them were really complex for the average player. That and people who don't use mods scream at you when you upload something with it.

  • I won't Say Who 3.9 years ago

    @KnightOfRen my braincells committed mass suicide reading your comments, thanks

  • You may or may not have noticed I am not active anymore. 4.3 years ago

    I in fact, did not notice.

  • Well crap. 5.3 years ago

    Looks fit for release to me, I don't know what you're on about.

  • What are the points for? 6.4 years ago

    Legend has it that if an individual obtains 500K points, they are able to do limited levitation as well as possessing immunity to bullets in real life.

  • Advanced version of the default Sea Plane 3.2 years ago

    Pitch is kind of heavy but as the original maker, I approve of this version. You did what I wanted to do with it myself lol

  • NAMC YS-11 with ANA 3.5 years ago

    This new beta was supposed to make cockpits far easier but this is still extremely well done. Keep up the good work :)

  • Regular Dodecahedron 4.0 years ago

    I don't understand what this means? No, clearly you are trying too hard to sound big brained, delet

  • JUNDROO seriously you need to find a way to earn more money 5.5 years ago

    What makes you so sure that you know how many people are willing to donate, buy merch etc? You aren't the voice of the entire player base.

  • Nice GA Challenge you got there, @EternalDarkness..... It would be a real shame if I were to crash it. 6.2 years ago

    I'm 100% sure that the 1000 part limit was made for you.

  • Can mods ban themselves? one year ago

    rumors are circulating that we can, it's too bad that you'll never be able to find out because we all get along swimmingly

  • 1993 Toyota Supra 3.1 years ago

    Yo.... is that a..... is that a sooooopra? o_o

  • Ban me now mods 3.4 years ago

    Now now, don't tempt me with a good time ;)

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 3.6 years ago

    WNP sat in vcs with us watching us panel, and for what? To cackle at us later? True evil

  • DHC-2 Beaver 3.9 years ago

    @Davaskonaviatornewacc If you think you're better than me by all means, I invite you to build a DHC-7 or Beechcraft 1900 (with interior and cargo door these are important don't forget it). If it's up to par I will give you 10 upvotes and rescind my opinion that you are a peabrained lizard child. Of course that is, if you have the skill to do so :)

  • Guess who is gonna work with Lockheed Martin! 4.5 years ago

    Cap and a half

  • question 2.4 years ago

    Idk, not doing stuff like editing yourself on to the SP Wikipedia and then going "oh who could have done this" would be a good start however :)

  • (old) Gif Archive Forum Thingy 2.5 years ago

    this is indeed, a steaming pile of trash

  • MPmod 24/7 public servers: the server#2 ends but another new server starts now! 3.0 years ago

    This is a name I haven't seen in a long time

  • Temple of Andrew Garrison 3.2 years ago

    thanks I hate it

  • New Moderator 3.6 years ago

    @spefyjerbf Nutz, goteeem

  • Ducc 4.0 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX No it's a friendly greeting card

  • Space Shuttle (Autoland) 11 days ago

    I can't say I'm very good at flying this but phenomenal work, especially for 500 parts

  • What Happend To SP In The Past Three Hours? 2 months ago

    Yes the site was down for a few hours, not the end of the world. Do not panic, maintain order lol

  • The Eliminator 4 months ago

    For an SP Muscle Car it's pretty fun to handle, fishtail-ey like how you think an old muscle car kind of should be. But the suspension feels overly stiff? The Willy's jeep also had this issue to an extent. Perhaps it's just me but I feel like a lot of muscle cars from the period had more mushy/bouncy suspension.

    Also I tested with other cars just to be sure, no idea why but this one's the only one that causes my game to freeze for 1-2 seconds every 10-15 seconds.

  • BOEING Sonic Cruiser China airlines 5 months ago

    inch resting

  • F-104A Starfighter 2.5 years ago

    I love me an F-104. Just some things for note, the rear gear doors are supposed to be sectioned in two parts, one stays open with the gear and the other closes when the gear is down. Also a lot of people get this wrong in SP but the engine in the 104 is tilted at about a 2-3 degree angle upwards, idk if that's to fit the engine in the body without tailstriking, or to counteract some sort of flight tendency I really don't know. But the afterburner exhaust should reflect that else it looks rather strange. Overall pretty good job :)
