@L1nus it seems that after flying it again, the engine nozzle use similar piston tricks. That's also cool. But the OverG bang and normal-UB mode steal the show for me
I also want to add tips, if you use overload, you could also manipulate CoM using centerOfMass function. In overload, it's gonna display like this centerOfMass=0,0,0. You could change the third zero (Z) centerOfMass=0,0,Z to change the CoM forward (if the value is positive) or backward (if the value is negative)
I use this way a lot so I don't have to add additional weight to manipulate CoM.
maybe you could try flip the rotator. Instead the "base" of the rotator connected to fuselage and the "swinging arm" connected to the wing, try to make the "Swinging arm" to fuselage and "base" to the wing. It more or less works for me at the "jelly like connection" problem when connecting weapon at rotators so it might work in this situation
@Walvis I forgot where i got the scanner thingy from, either form this or this. But if you want to place it to you build, you have to copy some variables. Using this as a guide, you have to copy the red and the yellow one. The red outline is for HUD. The yellow is for scanner. Theres some of the radar variables that contain variable from HUD
@SMILEE Generally you have to set the rotator angle to 20-30 degrees and also you have to use FT to have a stable flight. Wing also has to be the flat bottom. Wing loading and thrust to weight also have quite a role.
@EngineerB I don't use it. That's probably the reason you can't touch down I guess? The problems are probably because I set the drag points to 2000 ish. That makes the aircraft kind of glidy but that's the only way to have realistic performance aircraft, sp physics works that way
@EngineerB well during making this , i dont have a problem on landing either powered or unpowered and never have the wheel explode on landing. But then, thanks for making improvement
@Prince1747 I somewhat encounter it too after I tested it, but it happened only to 1 missile and after I activate and deactivate it repeatedly (maybe more than 10 times). Im pretty sure the code is right so probably its the SP physic that cannot handle rapid activativation-deactivation.
@V I see, I will keep that in mind for my future builds. Also for aft, where are the general location for aft button? I think I put AG1 on button in throttle yoke but I'm not sure.
@tomlin5412 Thanks dude you make my works easier
@ReinMcDeer Thanks!
If im not wrong, if you made a new location in the USS beast, the location will be "tied" to USS Beast. But now It didn't. So it will spawn, it didn't tied with the carrier and sometimes it will be in the middle of the ocean.
@DeeganishCountryball here
+1@L1nus it seems that after flying it again, the engine nozzle use similar piston tricks. That's also cool. But the OverG bang and normal-UB mode steal the show for me
+1@BlackGearCompany tengkyu
+1You should probably name it something interesting tbh like siri. how about drewbot? lol
+1@MisterT Saint Barthelemy by krmo. It seems the uploader was gone so it's no longer available in the mods section.
+1@Hutbeast the mechanism itself is not mine, its originally from guyfolk that i modified. But sure you could use it.
+1I also want to add tips, if you use overload, you could also manipulate CoM using
function. In overload, it's gonna display like thiscenterOfMass=0,0,0
. You could change the third zero (Z)centerOfMass=0,0,Z
to change the CoM forward (if the value is positive) or backward (if the value is negative)I use this way a lot so I don't have to add additional weight to manipulate CoM.
+1wow a mopping sailor, thats cool
+1very well made. Really like how you build the fuselage and wing, especially the body-wing transition. Good work!
+1maybe you could try flip the rotator. Instead the "base" of the rotator connected to fuselage and the "swinging arm" connected to the wing, try to make the "Swinging arm" to fuselage and "base" to the wing. It more or less works for me at the "jelly like connection" problem when connecting weapon at rotators so it might work in this situation
+1@Rb2h thanks man
+1youtube req tag
Looks very British. I like the cockpit, might use some of the parts for future build lol. Anyway nice plen
very well made and fun to fly
+1@Walvis I forgot where i got the scanner thingy from, either form this or this. But if you want to place it to you build, you have to copy some variables. Using this as a guide, you have to copy the red and the yellow one. The red outline is for HUD. The yellow is for scanner. Theres some of the radar variables that contain variable from HUD
+1@OPaiTaOn sure
+1hey @BaconAircraft, can you make this as SPiD Hut RI Challenge successor? Many thanks
+1@Lake i use reshade. You could see the speed of rotator by checking the rotator cuz I forgot.
+1@SMILEE you could see input on the elevator's rotator. That is FT that I used
+1@SMILEE Generally you have to set the rotator angle to 20-30 degrees and also you have to use FT to have a stable flight. Wing also has to be the flat bottom. Wing loading and thrust to weight also have quite a role.
+1@SpiritusRaptor Thanks!
+1@MrKtheguy I get that from FT discord. This link direct to the chat bubble of the Glimiter code. You have to join the discord first. Hope its help
+1@Yourlocalhuman balancing point
+1@MRLATTSOO td mau namain Sidra, dr gulf of sidra. Tp gw rasa gak cocok. Dari sana ganti jadi Idra, trus gw ngerasa idris lebih bagus
+1@Smarty I use photoshop
+1@EngineerB I don't use it. That's probably the reason you can't touch down I guess? The problems are probably because I set the drag points to 2000 ish. That makes the aircraft kind of glidy but that's the only way to have realistic performance aircraft, sp physics works that way
+1@EngineerB well during making this , i dont have a problem on landing either powered or unpowered and never have the wheel explode on landing. But then, thanks for making improvement
+1@EngineerB Can you tell me how you land it? I always nailed the landing both in high and low physics
@Wamelon nih diagramnya
+1@JS01 for aircraft with rich details like this, I think things like that aren't necessary lol. Its hidden after all
+1T for the bomber
+1I like the aft shot. The fire looks very cool
+1@Choppercharlie16 Pylon bellow cockpit. That the part that you want to attach to your plane
+1@FeatherWing I use Xbox game bar
+1@Prince1747 I somewhat encounter it too after I tested it, but it happened only to 1 missile and after I activate and deactivate it repeatedly (maybe more than 10 times). Im pretty sure the code is right so probably its the SP physic that cannot handle rapid activativation-deactivation.
+1@V I see, I will keep that in mind for my future builds. Also for aft, where are the general location for aft button? I think I put AG1 on button in throttle yoke but I'm not sure.
@tomlin5412 Thanks dude you make my works easier
@ReinMcDeer Thanks!
If im not wrong, if you made a new location in the USS beast, the location will be "tied" to USS Beast. But now It didn't. So it will spawn, it didn't tied with the carrier and sometimes it will be in the middle of the ocean.
+1@BaconAircraft I like how you worded it. Def r/brandnewsentence material lol
+1damn you make it flyable too lol
+1You could use the smooth function to the engine input if you don't care about realistic twr and don't mind tweaking each part's drag
+1@TRD6932 the detailed one is made after I made this plane
+1@AltmzTrn_39 drag ama mass fuselagenya coba disable aja, jd yang bermassa ama ada dragnya cuman missile core aja
+1@TRD6932 there's the option on camera to lock missile in part properties. 'Missile Locking' from no to yes
+1@Harder258 It's not mine. The engine is made originally by KGCheater but I modified it. If you want to use it go ahead. Updated credit
+1Definitely have the potential to do mine-laying using these lol
+1@Maverick1717272 @Brayden1981