246k EternalDarkness Comments

  • SkyWolf Tri Pup 2.4 years ago

    It's so boxy, Short Sherpa fell in love with it.
    I like it though.

  • A Project Trainer Pb (Cockpit) 2.4 years ago

    You can edit description by pressing the little triangle next to the number of downloads, and then "edit". I'm not requesting that you do, as I find the comment and auto credit above description to be more than enough. Just for future use, when you find yourself in the need to correct a typo or something.

  • Regarding Mass Tagging 2.4 years ago

    @IICXLVIICDLXXXIIIDCXLVII you have a point there.

  • Moderator announcement: Purpose of moderators + Strike system 2.4 years ago

    @JacksEpicGamingYT it's difficult not to know that something is rude. Usually, you would get a warning for the first minor offense, at least back when I was a moderator. For the current state of affairs, you would have to ask current moderators.

  • Mirage (1882) 2.4 years ago

    I like pre-dreadnoughts, and this build sort of captures the spirit of one.
    You should try to, if not build a replica of a real pre-dreadnought, then at least work off a picture and try to get close.
    Should you decide to do that, you can ask me for tips, or join PortSP, Discord server for exchanging shipbuilding techniques.

  • M.Corp 152mm Pattern 1903 Naval/Coastal Gun 2.5 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming it's heavy for what it is. Actually for what it was meant to be. The build it was made for was supposed to hold twelve of them, along with assorted smaller guns, and other things a protected cruiser should have. Over one thousand parts just for the main guns would be a bit excessive.

  • GAZ 69 2.6 years ago

    @RomanoMilos oh, then it's great. I didn't know that.

  • M.Corp SA-1 Tarantula A SAM 2.6 years ago

    @fantasyucakistan this is a very old build. It could use a complete remake. Game's physics have been somewhat updated since this was built, and it wasn't a very good build to begin with.

  • MCS Sorrow (ASC-03) 2.7 years ago

    @UrLocalGallade definitions of a corvette vary, though this ship indeed fits most of them. Its design is even based on an actual corvette.

  • Yakovlev Yak-18 2.7 years ago

    You should have used a camera for pilot view, so I can keep it on the instrument panel while fiddling with buttons. Other than that, nice build.

  • 1812 Overture 2.7 years ago

    Oh, hi Jasp. I haven't noticed it's you.

    PS: I upvote what I like, regardless of who made it.

  • Westland Wyvern S.4 2.7 years ago

    @KingOfTypos They are very nice indeed. I'm glad that you have found my technique useful.

  • Sms Emden 2.7 years ago

    I suggest joining PortSP Discord server if you are interested in learning more about building ships in Simple Planes. It's a dedicated shipbuilding server. Here's the invite link.

  • Sms Emden 2.7 years ago

    Very nice. It's rair to see a cruiser from the first word war on this site.

  • What should I build? 2.8 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer no. RPČ-214 river patrol boat.

  • S-100 Class "Schnellboot" 2.8 years ago

    I would expect it to lift more (the most interesting trait of S-boot was that both bow and stern lifted while still cutting the water instead of planning on it), and more tolling in turns. It would be nice to see the spare torpedoes actually pushed in when reloading.
    Other than that, very nice boat. Great details, fun to use, and accurate.

  • Scout Miro 2.8 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii indeed. It's not a beast, but it can run this build just fine.

  • Scout Miro 2.8 years ago

    I can finally play with your builds.
    Very nice work, I really enjoyed it.

  • Egg + Testosorone = 2.8 years ago

    Never skip the leg day.

  • M.Corp 152mm Pattern 1903 Naval/Coastal Gun 2.8 years ago

    @Lerkov1991 it's an abandoned build. It was made over a year ago, and I don't want to update it to the current standard. You can play with it though. Here it is.

  • Wing Technique Demonstrator (1.11 slicing) 2.8 years ago

    @FRIGGLES I'm glad to hear that.

  • Wing Technique Demonstrator (1.11 slicing) 2.8 years ago

    @FRIGGLES you can download this and check. One good way to learn could be literally making a copy next to this original.

  • Fictional Battleship 2.9 years ago

    When transferring the build from one device to another or making an online backup, upload as unlisted. You can select to upload as unlisted in your upload window in the game. To do that, click on the blue button that says "Public" so it turns into "Unlisted". Only you can see your unlisted posts.

  • Jackhammer with navel cannon 2.9 years ago

    @Kingmjm0000 you did credit in description. That's good enough for this.

  • M.Corp 152mm Pattern 1903 Naval/Coastal Gun 2.9 years ago

    @FRIGGLES I don't know. I don't count that. Fifty-ish, I guess.

  • M.Corp 152mm Pattern 1903 Naval/Coastal Gun 2.9 years ago

    @FRIGGLES thanks.

  • M.Corp 152mm Pattern 1903 Naval/Coastal Gun 2.9 years ago

    @FRIGGLES yes, I was asked to develop a stock build with a gun on it when cannon was first released, as cannon part was mostly my idea.

  • M.Corp 152mm Pattern 1903 Naval/Coastal Gun 2.9 years ago

    @FRIGGLES little know fact: Jackhammer is also originally my build (:

  • Project 56 kotlin class destroyer 2.9 years ago

    Very impressive build, though a bit heavy on the part count. I can't run it, but from what I can see, details on it are amazing. Good work.

  • Wing Technique Demonstrator (1.11 slicing) 2.9 years ago

    @FRIGGLES nope. Try replicating this wing part by part, that should help.

  • ANe-108 2.9 years ago

    It looks very nice. I suppose it's meant to work as ekranoplan at low altitude with the high altitude option?

  • Kolko ACA-5 3.0 years ago

    That's better.

  • Heinkel He177 "Greif" 3.0 years ago

    @SimplyPlain you can make each turret aimed by a different camera. I could show you how if you want. Just find me on Discord, site is a bit clumsy for a conversation. I run PortSP, you can find it in Discord server list.

  • Kolko ACA-5 3.0 years ago

    @llusernamell you can edit the description on the site. There's a menu next to the tags. Description window ingame is nearly useless.

  • PELICAN cesna type model#cesna 3.1 years ago

    It's a decent build, but not great. Improvements to it shouldn't be particularly difficult.
    First thing, and the biggest problem I've noticed is the engine power. Engine should be only 4% as powerful. It gives perfect performance at 4% throttle.
    Next thing is extreme pitch authority. While good for STOL, it's a bit too much for cruising. Not necessarily a problem though.
    I also advise investing a bit more work into wings. With slicing, airfoils are now very easy to make. Here's my method. Wing should also be considerably thicker.
    Main landing gear is a bit tall. Also, on planes like this, doors are usually only on one side, and rear doors are usually smaller and open towards the back, with no column between them. That leaves a lot of space for both pilot and passenger to enter while minimizing complexity and reducing disruption of airframe structural elements.

  • Steampunk 1 vr update 3.1 years ago

    My friend LaSoul correctly labeled it as "Dieselpunk". Steampunk is Victorian and WW1 style. Wood, canvas, and brass. Steel and machine guns are dieselpunk.

  • Downloaded planes 3.1 years ago

    No. You can download any build on any device. Only limiting factor are performance of your device. If your phone is of a newer generation, you should ignore the part count warning. It's for low-end devices.

  • Douglas SBD Dauntless 3.1 years ago

    @Bellcat for self-defence, for strafing and for suppressing the target so it has hard time shooting back.

  • SS Gold Coast 605 3.2 years ago

    @MentallyDistorted nothing to be sorry about. I'm sorry if I sounded harsh.
    Still, description and pictures are what sells the build. It's worth the effort.

  • BTR-90 3.2 years ago

    @O5BIRD I'm glad to have helped.

  • BTR-90 3.2 years ago

    @O5BIRD it is a lot better now. Excellent build.

  • BTR-90 3.2 years ago

    @O5BIRD yes. I advise playing first with the throttleResponse. I haven't thoroughly tested that yet, and would like to see if people actually find it adequate for the task. Input for the funky trees solution is basically Pitch+PitchAngle/x A bit more complex if you want it to add power when also climbing in reverse and not add power when you're going downhill.

  • BTR-90 3.2 years ago

    @O5BIRD you can edit the acceleration in a number of ways. One is a funky trees input that increases power as the pitchAngle increases, while having very low power on flat ground. It lets you climb slopes while being slow and cumbersome on flat ground. Another option is brand new. It came with 1.11 update, and is, in my opinion, a lot handier than funky trees. Add a line throttleResponse to the engine in Overload, and adjust a number. It will tell the engine how quickly to throttle up. Default value is 1.
    I usually tweak my suspensions until they are nice and cushiony. Try running your vehicle over some rough ground and see what feels good.
    Another thing is steering. Default steering of wheels is far too quick, and I advise always using rotators to turn the wheels. That way, you can adjust the rotation speed, so it feels like someone inside is actually turning the steering wheel.
    I hope this helps.

  • PS Dunav (1868) 3.2 years ago

    @YourLoocalKid417 it is one of MisterT's maps. He took the pictures, as my laptop can't run Reshade very well.

  • BTR-90 3.2 years ago

    Very nice visuals, and I like the main gun controls. However, performance are a bit stiff. It accelerates a bit too well, and is easy to roll over. Suspension is a bit stiff too.

  • PS Dunav (1868) 3.2 years ago

    Requested tags from teaser:

  • MS Lucky Star 3.2 years ago

    Those bridge wings are sticking out a bit too much, and draft should probably be considerably greater. Other than that, not bad.

  • Danube paddle steamer [Teaser] 3.2 years ago

    @CrimsonOnigiri thank you.

  • Fokker D.VIII 3.3 years ago

    @ForwardUntoDawn well, now you know. I'm hoping to see this implemented on your future builds. If you need any tips on how to make it work, ping me on Discord.

  • M.Corp Panther 30mm 3.3 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 original Jackhammer. I've made the one that comes as stock on Jundroo request by adding a mortar turret.
