4,347 Formula350 Comments

  • [MOD REQUEST - FULFILLED!] Anyone able/willing to make an "Auto-Save" mod?? 3.1 years ago

    @MintLynx That's what I (try to) do, it's just, sometimes you get in the zone, ya know? :( heh
    I call it "Builder's Vision" for sandbox games like this. Happened to plenty of us, back when I ran a Minecraft server, and we'd be constructing new areas for the players, but would totally forget to monitor the kiddos in chat... :} (The aqua-blue admin chat thankfully became a visual trigger, most of the time, as even then I'd be too zoned in to notice it! lol)

  • JR-MB335 4.1 3.1 years ago

    Also will modify connections if you:
    - Rotate a part, especially if it's near parts
    - Accidentally-drag-your-entire-plane-instead-of-moving-the-camera and drop it on "Make a SubAssem" button to resolve the situation (partially).
    - etc etc :(

    I could make such a list of QoL Improvements (and, I have), that would make SP a more pleasing experience... but I don't think they're too interested in the low-hanging-fruit heh

    Anywho, Rambo, out of curiosity, what are these builds? "One Build, One Day" uploads?

  • RJ "Dave" VTOL 4.4 3.1 years ago

    Nnnnot gonna lie, I initially read this listing's title as:
    DJ "Rave" ..... :}

  • Which Speed Readout does everyone prefer? GS, IAS, TAS? 3.1 years ago

    @ReturnOfJeffChandler But... what's the conversion rate of that so I can get it in Bananas?????/

  • Which Speed Readout does everyone prefer? GS, IAS, TAS? 3.1 years ago

    @meteorbook345 Presumably, even with the Weather set to Dynamic, it doesn't add any Wind, does it?
    I've never noticed it producing any, even when it changes the weather to "Stormy". Which if that's true, that's unfortunate, as it seems like a missed opportunity :(

  • [RESOURCE] Enhancing Button/Switch Labels and Text Labels using these "Rich Text" codes (UPDT'D Nov29) 3.1 years ago

    November 27th Changelog:
    - Updated the "Limitations & Caveats" section to include that the <font="[Font name]"> code does not work. (I'm speculating, but I was unable to get any results with what I have access to.)

    Update #2:
    - Added a new section, "Undocumented Features / Functionality", to include things that are not included on the Official page. (Contradictions to what's on that page will go in the Limitations category, since that may be exclusive to how it's been implemented in SP.)
    ----- Includes info about value "Modifiers", the <rotate=[value]> I'd mentioned already, and the **<scale=[value]>&& feature... which I had mentioned in yesterday's 'Limitation' but didn't know it was an undocumented feature! lol

  • Which Speed Readout does everyone prefer? GS, IAS, TAS? 3.1 years ago

    @meteorbook345 No no, I get that, my question isn't about what they pertain to and how they're calculated.
    I'm curious if anyone has actually witnessed in Simple Planes, the GS and TAS providing different values, because they always display the same speed for me. *shrug*
    In other words, I'm trying to figure out if that's a bug (which if so, would've been present in v1.10, as well as the current v1.11).

  • Data Scraping SP + A couple Questions about Old School Parts? 3.1 years ago

    @GenrichTitov (weird, I didn't get menu-bar notification of this reply...)
    That's exactly it, thank you! :D

  • Which Speed Readout does everyone prefer? GS, IAS, TAS? 3.1 years ago

    Well, it's... a LOT more "all over the place" than I thought it'd be! lmao
    This is great feedback (data) though and just solidifies my reasoning to make it switchable in the cockpit.
    A followup though, to @Noname918181, @meteorbook345, or anyone else that can answer:
    Have you ever switched between GS and TAS in a vehicle (on the built-in HUD I mean), and had those two have a discrepancy in their reported speeds??
    Because in my time in planes, at... basically any altitude, they have always been the same -- or within 1mph difference that I attributed to my craft's speed having changed between my clicking over. (I suppose the true test would be to have two Debugs displaying, one for each...)

  • [SUGGESTION] A slider for setting the corners of fuselage 3.1 years ago

    Yes please. This is sort of. similar to my own recent suggestion, which would pair lovely with this.
    Please add "4-Corner Manipulation" to Fuselage and Wings!
    @ReinMcDeer You'll probably be onboard with the 4-corner idea, for that reason you just suggested.
    In the meantime, if you hadn't seen my post about tweaking Slice values through Override, it can help with making Slices (cuts) more customized. Granted, it's still quite limited in its capabilities, but it CAN save you from having to add at least 1 extra chunk of Fuselage at times. :)
    Also this one, which I should have added to the above, that points out that you can also "hack" the Fuselage Cone, to make it easier to slice.
    The TL;DR for that post is that you need to manually change the cone's "tip" size (which is actually, oddly, the rearScale), as it defaults to 0,0 and that's what makes the Slice so unwieldy. Paired with manually adding the Slice line/values for the Pointy end (which is fillBack 1,1,1,1; all 1's is default though and will auto-delete the line, so set any of them to 0.99 to keep it around), you get even more freedom.
    (Both are linked in my profile, too, for ease of access at any time.)

  • [RESOURCE] Enhancing Button/Switch Labels and Text Labels using these "Rich Text" codes (UPDT'D Nov29) 3.1 years ago

    November 26th Changelog:
    - Added section about "Limitations & Caveats" (functionality or incompatibility between code) that I'm finding
    ---- I may shuffle around some of the TIPS section that fit better with this category.
    I'm toying with the idea of making this into a Google Doc, as the whole thing is more easily able to be formatted and thereby (hopefully) made more readable/easier to follow. Let me know if that'd be preferable?
    (and for anyone that ever needs to reach this thread easily, I have it -- and similarly helpful posts -- linked directly at the top of my profile's Bio section, for easy access.)
    I also understand I'm... overly verbose in my... everything lol
    If ANYONE has suggestions --or even wants to help by outright editing-- for how to parse this down into either a more succinct format (ie just the facts, less the explanatory-rambling), that'd be great and I'm open to it!

  • Data Scraping SP + A couple Questions about Old School Parts? 3.1 years ago

    @zwen hah Interesting, I'll keep an eye out for that, thanks :P

  • Data Scraping SP + A couple Questions about Old School Parts? 3.1 years ago

    @V (@Featherwing too)
    Are you certain that's correct?
    The reason I asked about Wing-1 is because NONE of the current Wings in the Parts Menu use it...

    • Primary Wing = Wing-3
    • Vertical Stabilizer = Wing-3
    • Horizontal Stablizer = Wing-3
    • Structural Wing = Wing-2
    • Structural Panel = Wing-2

    The differences between those are:
    - Primary | Vertical | Horizontal = Just their pre-configured control surfaces and Airfoil; Primary is set to Semi-Symmetrical, Vert/Hor set to Symmetrical
    - Structural Wing = controlSurfaces = false; can't add any flaps, but it still produces lift
    - Structural Panel = controlSurfaces = false AND wingPhysics = false; can't add any flaps and does NOT produce any lift, but also as a consequence of no wing physics its Root and Tip thickness also goes away in the menu (which is dumb)
    - Wing-3 vs Wing-2 = 3 is "flexible" and will bend in flight, which is realistic but problematic for builds since nothing else flexes WITH them; also when using multiple Wing-3 together to construct a big wing, they all flex to different degrees sadly. 2 does not flex, so makes life easier all around when building (ie "stronger than") and weighs almost twice as much (22lbs vs 12lbs); easiest is to grab whatever "3" wing you want and then XML it to "2" before placing it.

    Which brings me to Wing-1.... ??? heh
    Since I can't drag it from the menu, I don't know what its "defaults" should be. It simply inherits whatever the settings were of the wing I XML change to "1"...
    In flight, it behaves similar to "3", in that there is flex, but beyond that I know noth.....ing..... SCRATCH THAT
    I just now had a lightbulb moment, and checked something.
    Placed the Primary Wing on a build, checked it's weight. Changed to Wing-1, and... well, ok there's no change... BUT!
    I noticed its control surfaces...! They all shifted, just like when changing "3" into "2"...
    So it looks like... Wing-1 has the fine-grain ability to adjust Control Surface sizes, that Wing-2 has. (Technically, I'm sure "1" existed first, and so it's really the other way around, but I digress...)
    Because "3" has about half the amount of adjustability when it comes to sizing/placing the control surfaces.

  • Anyone else notice the Asterisk in the "Military" font?? 3.1 years ago

    @Bellcat To... Boldly go...?
    *snort* :}

  • Curation and uploading new XML to your craft posts 3.1 years ago

    @Tanker123 Aww, don't look at it that way bud...
    There's nothing preventing you from still building stuff the old-school way.
    This just makes it so everyone can not only make snazzy cockpits, but now more people can ENJOY those builds, since now they don't require all the parts to accomplish it!

  • [SUGGESTIONS] NO Fuel Consump if "powerMultiplier = 0"; BFE150 Nozzle; & MOAR!!! 3.1 years ago

    Aah, ok, yea that makes sense! I hadn't thought of doing that :P
    I did notice once that a massively underpowered (like 5HP) Prop engine makes a nice throaty sound, but unfortunately any other propulsion would've drowned it out. :(
    On that note...
    they definitely need a Volume option on them, too, as I have a build with quite a few Prop engines in close proximity to the cockpit, and had to put a warning on the build to turn the system volume down :} Mainly for headphone users. (but this has been suggested a few times already)

  • [SUGGESTIONS] NO Fuel Consump if "powerMultiplier = 0"; BFE150 Nozzle; & MOAR!!! 3.1 years ago

    Admittedly, this become longer than originally intended, so... I slapped a TL;DR to the top that delivers the meat and taters' of it.

    @meteorbook345 Just out of curiosity...
    By "sound" are you meaning like audible sounds?
    Sound as in "accurate" or "plausible"; ie making more true-to-life builds?

  • Data Scraping SP + A couple Questions about Old School Parts? 3.1 years ago

    @GenrichTitov Interesting heh
    Wonder if it had a different model... Or if its model is what eventually became the Blasto J90 (Engine-Jet-4).
    If there IS an 'unused' model floating around in the SP code, be it our compiled game or in the "Folder of Misfit Parts", it'd be nifty to deploy it like a "Blade T1000", where it's configurable to a degree :P
    For that matter... further banking on the hope a dev takes a peek at this thread...
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take that lovely modeled V-12 that's part of Engine-Prop-2 and give it to us as a Standalone "Engine"!!! (Just the engine, not the cowling or prop hub.) Such a waste that it's there but not being used :(
    Which, if it's not much more work, the ability for it to be scalable a little (granted, we have scale), and/or have paintable valve covers (at the very least), would be equally awesome :}
    That engine model would undoubtedly look great in not only airplanes, but also Cars/Trucks, Tanks, Ships (scaled to like 10,10,10 lol)... ^_^

  • Anybody else struggling getting error messages when upvoting, spotlighting and uploading crafts? 3.1 years ago

    P.S. - I notice that around 7pm to 7:30pm (Eastern Timezone; it's 7:31pm at time of typing), is when I tend to have the most trouble with comments/posts submitting lately.

  • Anybody else struggling getting error messages when upvoting, spotlighting and uploading crafts? 3.1 years ago

    Yep, but over the last month or so, actually.
    It's hard for me to tell which are site related, and which are my own horses*** internet to blame. Though I suspect any time it's a unique dialogue-box error that shows up that I have to click OK on (not a normal one created by the browser or Windows), it's the site's fault.
    I imagine there's lots of back-end work being done in prep for the VR rollout, as well as the new XML Update capability, such that new changes behind the scenes get rolled out and cause hiccups for us.
    I just click OK, or give it a half hour, and re-try to post or comment, and it usually works fine then. :P

  • Simplifying parts menu 3.1 years ago

    @11qazxc Interesting! I'll have to take a look at that. I knew of the file, but I just... never actually dove into it to see what it did... :}

  • Is There a List of ALL XML Properties? 3.1 years ago

    Found another one, NO idea what it does besides being in reference to the rendering system... (if I remember correctly, "Depth Mask" are used for the Lighting on textures, via shading and reflections)
    renderQueue set to BeforeDepthMask
    Placed right in the main "Part" section.
    So whether there are other choices, or even what. there are for other choices... *shrug*
    I suppose it's plausible that there's also an AfterDepthMask option heh
    EDIT: Nope, After errors, and reverts it back to "Default", as per the console.
    Found it on the Propeller of the new P-51-D that came with the v1.11 update, so you know it's legitimate! (I suppose the fact the game didn't auto-remove it also make it a bit 'obviously legitimate', too lol)

  • how can I make more stable airplanes 3.1 years ago

    To clarify further, the Center of Mass (CoM - Red sphere/lines), Center of Thrust (CoT - Yellow), and Center of Lift (CoL - Blue) are dependant on your PROPULSION as well -- in other words, the type of plane you're building.
    WWII Jets had their engines on the wings, so CoT was more mid-point.
    WWII Props had their engines either on the wings for multi-engine, or one at the absolute front, so CoT was either similar to those Jets, or right at the front.
    "Modern Military Jets" (roughly Korean-war and newer) generally have their Jet engine at the absolute rear, so CoT is opposite to that of a single-engine Prop.
    I'm not an expert yet but I've worked out this much so far, on how to place your CoL and CoM in respect to CoT:
    REAR Engine: CoT - - - CoL - - CoM
    WING Engine: CoL - CoT - - CoM
    FRONT Engine: CoL - CoM - - - - CoT
    Lastly, ideally only use "Symmetrical" airfoils (Wing part setting) on the Tail (Rudder and Elevators), with the Primary wings set to "Semi-Symmetric" or "Flat Bottom". If your main wings are set to "Symmetrical", it has a chance of being really unstable. (Example: the new "Twin Prop" included in the game; unless they included my fixed version I sent them, which if it has interior lighting now then they have)
    It's a shame these forums only display posts for a few days, as I'm sure there's a wealth of this sort of knowledge that could be found by just clicking through old pages. (I know we can search but that doesn't allow for 'stumbling across gems' T_T)

  • Curation and uploading new XML to your craft posts 3.1 years ago

    @V @jamesPLANESii @2papi2Chulo @Kenneth (etc etc)
    During this special time period before SPVR is launched, will builds that miss curation requirements by tiny elements, be commented on by a curator to point out said "tiny elements" that prevented it from being selected... for us to then address?
    Andrew had mentioned doing this on the previous entry. But I'm hoping that is a requirement of the Curation process, where Curators like you will be doing similar! (ie: not just him simply being kind)
    Would take more work on your parts, but would ultimately -- in my opinion at least -- result in a much better/bigger selection of curated builds in the end.
    Also, is this specific to the VR Challenge, or are all submitted builds outside of that challenge also being looked at?

    @AndrewGarrison Perhaps for us non-VR equipped folk, you could provide a "Textbook Example" cockpit we can load to reference?
    -OR- maybe something as simple as a specific FOV setting might be able to crudely simulate the VR experience on our single-screens...?
    I don't know what the default FOV is set to, but going from 90 to 45, the fisheye being reduced can "pull-in" the center of the view so to not look as far away (referencing the "seat being too high" in your other blog entry)
    The "don't change the scale of the cockpit stuff" was a good tip though, as in my 2D-opinion, they seemed WAY too large and I HAD been scaling them down! Now I know not to. So I'll also assume we shouldn't move the camera from its default location when placing Seats, or change its offset for that matter... heh

  • (+Pics) [XML] New Discovery! Using Fill (Slice Tool) with GREATER-THAN 1.0 or NEGATIVE Values 3.1 years ago

    @hpgbproductions I think I follow you.
    In which case, no you can't exactly do that..... with Slice alone...
    However, Slice and using "Angle", will. As "Angle" can. ""add"" (though it technically may be "stretching", I dunno?)
    That's only IF I'm understanding you. I'm a hands-on learner, so this is what I've come up with after monkeying with it a bit. Let me know if this is what you were trying to achieve?
    fillFront = 1,2,1.1
    fillBack = 1,0,1,1
    inletSlant = -0.5 (aka "Angle" in Part Settings menu)

  • [RESOURCE] Enhancing Button/Switch Labels and Text Labels using these "Rich Text" codes (UPDT'D Nov29) 3.1 years ago

    November 15th Changelog:
    - Added a Tip about use of Rotate.
    ---- That tip also happens to include a use-case for <cspacing=[em]> ... and <smallcaps> but what it does slightly self explanatory anyhow. (These both appear on the Documentation link either way, and its only Rotate that was needing mentioning.)

  • (+Pics) [XML] New Discovery! Using Fill (Slice Tool) with GREATER-THAN 1.0 or NEGATIVE Values 3.1 years ago

    Do you have an example of fill values?
    Because it sounds like what you're saying is similar to what I did in my "Bonus" example at the bottom. Where I cut both Left and Right on the Front and Back:
    ----------------T | B | L | R
    fillFront = 1 | 1 | 0 | 1.2
    fillBack = 1 | 1 | 1.25 | 0.5

    @BaconEggs lol Thanks
    It isn't "over-9000" but I'll still take it! :D

  • (+Pics) [XML] New Discovery! Using Fill (Slice Tool) with GREATER-THAN 1.0 or NEGATIVE Values 3.1 years ago

    @Kangy Yea, for me personally, finding a way to replace the "Angle" / "Inlet Slant" function, is going to be really handy. I won't have to worry as much about if I have a Fuselage the "right way around" in order to use it lol
    Though, similarly, being able to adjust where the slice ends, now also means a person doesn't need to use 2 pieces of Fuselage to accomplish that same sort of taper! :D

    @AWESOMENESS360 I'm "ok" at building, but am better at finding ways to exploit stuff to do (or look) how it wasn't intended! So the quicker I can figure out ways to manipulate stuff, the quicker the community can come up with ways to use it and make all kinds of... *ahem* awesomeness... with them! lol
    For example, I recently found out that a Sliced in half Inlet, if the middle value of the scale variable is set to -1 (so 1,-1,1; at least in how mine was sliced)... it looks fine in the Designer, but when spawned into the game it sort of turns itself inside-out and looks 2D :}

  • Beast Corp. Scorcher 3.1 years ago

    @BeastHunter You upvote a lot of my threads, but you might've missed the on on Label Resource. In it, I linked to this person's 1-part HUD, and you might be able to reverse-engineer it to be better suited to a wheeled-vehicle :D (ie no need for all those Attitude lines)

  • (+Pics) [XML] New Discovery! Using Fill (Slice Tool) with GREATER-THAN 1.0 or NEGATIVE Values 3.1 years ago

    Now with some basic pics! Whether they help convey what's happening to any appreciable degree, I dunno :}
    Having played around with this enough, I can see the difference, but to others it may be like "Uhh... Looks the same?" heh

    While making that Bonus, I found out that using even a small amount of Negative on just ONE of the complimentary sides (ie Front and Back, or Left and Right), while the other side uses positives even within vanilla range, can result in the part being Sliced into oblivion (disappears), OR all that remains is a itty bitty sliver of fuselage.
    Using the Bonus Example's values, all it takes to 'vanish' is changing the Back's 1.25 into -1.25, and changing it's "Angle" (Slant) to 0%.

  • (+Pics) [XML] New Discovery! Using Fill (Slice Tool) with GREATER-THAN 1.0 or NEGATIVE Values 3.1 years ago

    @Kangy *grumbles* lol
    To really do it proper justice that'd need a lot of images, and, ideally they'd have to be also GIF to show the transition from original to modified. And while a few static images would be doable, I don't have the monthly bandwidth to tackle uploading a bunch of GIFs :( (Blame corporate America's crappy rural internet infrastructure)
    That's why I opted to provide the two pieces of code in each example.
    As with that, all you have to do is select the piece of Fuselage you've just placed out of the Parts Menu, open up Overload, select Fuselage from the drop-down menu, and add the lines.
    If adding new entries is new to you, that's Ok! It's easy:
    1] At the bottom of Overload is a subtle darker-gray box with a + in it. Clicking that adds a new line.
    2] Click on it twice (2x), to make two new empty lines
    3] In the first new line's "Name" box, paste or type in fillFront, and in the "Value" box type or paste any of the number sequences I provided in an Example above. ie 1,1,0.25,1
    4] In the second new line, put in fillBack and the second number sequence from that same Example. ie 1,1,-5,1
    5] Click on Checkmark in Overload (bottom-right) to accept the changes, and you'll see the Fuselage immediately change.
    But yea, I just figured it was easier to appreciate the changes first hand, by being able to first play with the Fill sliders through the Parts Setting menu in real time to see the limits of the default 0-to-1 (0% to 100%)... Then be able to contrast it against what I've shown. I didn't think that pics would've actually illustrated what it's doing compared to what was possible via the menu.
    Alas, I'm still happy to oblige, so I'll add some basic pics for each example, in case that's all anyone really wanted; give me a bit.

  • Variable-Package Installer - v0.1 3.1 years ago

    It's allll good!
    Again, it's just great to at least have a utility like that, period, even standalone!
    Since that also gives you the freedom to have a menu system of your own, that's what the bulk of those suggestions were for anyways. :)
    Given it WILL remain to be a standalone utility... Perhaps if you gave it:
    - A tickbox for "Always On Top", which in addition to doing that, sets temporary conditions that make...
    - "_Minimize_" collapse the window it into a small rectangle at the bottom of the screen (instead of going to the Taskbar)
    - "[X]" then would instead "Close to Task Tray" (or ideally, taskbar, if that's possible instead), to quickly/easily get it off screen, but not closed.
    For those of us who play in Fullscreen, we could still have it open and accessible, whilst still having SP in the foreground and continue doing our thang. :)
    Just a thought, though.
    (I can appreciate I... have lots of ideas/suggestions... so if at any point I'm becoming ""too much"", by all means, do let me know! heh)

  • So I lived a tornado 3.1 years ago

    @Bobyo NY... Yep, weird indeed for a 'nado!
    Oh and that reminded me of ANOTHER contrast between MN and TN... You mentioned basements, and that was common in MN, but for whatever reason they don't have them in TN. At least not in the same way. Down here, when they do have them, they're walk-out basements where the basement is built into a hill, but one wall is fully exposed with windows and a door.
    With how much different a basement's temperature can be, you'd think that in the south where it's warmer, they'd want to leverage that cooler underground aspect... but... nope... lol *shrug*

    @Wibbley Ah yes, Russia, you certainly have a good relationship and understanding of Winter, then, just as I do.
    One could even say that growing up where we have, Winter is like a third parent! -- and depending on where Bobyo lives in NY, for him as well! As a parent does, Winter also teaches us what to, or not to do, and the (literally) cold, harsh lessons it presents us each year by living with it for those 4 to 6 months. :D\
    .... Hmm ok, maybe less like a parent and more like a dysfunctional and mentally unstable Uncle, who bounces between living with family members for various periods of time... lol (thankfully, I am not speaking from experience, but that just feels rather accurate; I imagine it'd be fun having them around for some days, but other days, wishing they would go away... like how it can be with winter!)

  • Beast Corp. Scorcher 3.1 years ago

    @BeastHunter The beauty of the game, at least with shared builds (in case you lose the local save), is we can easily go back and modify stuff to improve it as our knowledge grows. (Or in this case, as new updates add new parts and capabilities!)

  • PLEASE Add "4-Corner Manipulation" to Fuselage & Wing Parts! 3.1 years ago

    @CrimsonOnigiri Exactly. The Wings can do this sort of already, so it's not a stretch (pardon the pun) to have similar capability on basic Fuselage ends.
    This would also let us slim down a single corner of a Fuselage part. Similar to what Slice does, but at a / instead of the + that Slice currently does.
    Although, my new Slice discovery I just posted a new thread about could aid with this a little bit, but it wouldn't be nearly as user-friendly as just letting us move the corners visually.

  • So I lived a tornado 3.1 years ago

    @Bobyo @Wibbley Where do each of you live, if you don't mind me asking?
    I was born and raised in Minnesota most of my life, to which Tornadoes, Snowstorms, Damaging Hailstorms, and Flood-inducing Thunderstorms, were all things I grew up experiencing... enough so that MN has the classic Severe Weather Sirens ALL over the place. Although, thankfully, no damage from any of those aside from a couple lost shingles and some small dents from the hail in a car my parents had that was outside at the time.
    I'm not positive I've ever seen a legitimate Tornado though. I tell myself I have, but I'm pretty sure it was just a distant whisp of cloud that happened to be present when a big storm was brewing. lol
    I HAVE seen the skys turn a deep teal colored green due to the storm clouds rolling in, and we've had plenty of Tornado Watch and actual Warnings over those years :P (I always found it weird that the "Watch" was for you to be cautious because the conditions are right, and "Warning" for when there's actually been one spotted; always felt backwards to me lol)
    Now I live in Eastern Tennessee, where all of those things are UNcommon! Sure, we have the Sirens........ but they aren't used for Severe Weather warning. Nay, it's Evacuation Sirens for if the local Nuclear Power Plant goes critical! lmao
    There's been severe weather, really high winds, and even a Tornado within the last couple years, but they don't blare the sirens for that.
    Speaking of wind, though. It wasn't till living here, a few years ago, that I actually got to experience the "Wind Blowing So Hard it Sounds Like a Freight Train Coming"... that was pretty cool heh

    (Also, I can confirm: outside indeed becomes a free Walk-In Freezer to store stuff during the winter lol)

  • Beast Corp. Scorcher 3.1 years ago

    Love the "thinking outside the box" with the Chaff part! I had not considered to use it like that, for creating 'smoke'... :D

  • Variable-Package Installer - v0.1 3.1 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s hah Awesome :D
    That'll be great, even though I only now realized my failure to convey (in my original comment) that I was thinking this was going to be accessible from in-game. :}
    Nevertheless, being able to grab variables from other downloaded builds, to build up a library, will be great for ignoramuses such as myself! lol
    Some 'care' might need to be taken, though, during this record-keeping. Otherwise we may have a huge and great DB we can access... but have no idea which variables make up a "set" -- i.e. rely on each other to be present, or even noting they were from the same build (file).
    Which might also require mentioning the specific part where the Variable was used as well, plus providing the actual line containing the Variable (I say "line" instead of input due to my understanding that Variables CAN get used in various other fields, like activationGroup or designText in for a Label). As someone like me does best when there are examples of use provided, so having that info to be able to see the correlation is key; hands-on-learning in essence.
    Furthermore, while I'm keeping myself in mind and thus others who have limited understanding in all things FT/Variable, BUT also that not everyone using it would be like myself... So having a menu system with the option to display all the variables as a library without the aforementioned "where it came from and which others came with it", might be preferable for those like yourself who can most likely look at a line of code and make quick sense of what it does. :P
    Much appreciated though, whatever the final result ends up being! Thanks!

  • I will be shipping and swiping and it will not do anything! 3.1 years ago

    TL;DR -
    Dry weather = dry hands = touch screens are unable to detect what you're trying to do. Use lotion.
    (and other speculation, if that wasn't why.)

  • Variable-Package Installer - v0.1 3.1 years ago

    That's a long comment.

    Go big, or go home, right? LOL

  • Is There a List of ALL XML Properties? 3.1 years ago

    Waaaaait a second...
    I just had a Wing selected and accidentally clicked on its Variables menu -- the one in the "Rotate" menu, as this is key -- and saw that there's a Lift Force and Drag Force?? o_0
    Anyone know how to use those?

  • I will be shipping and swiping and it will not do anything! 3.1 years ago

    It's winter in the Northern Hemisphere... Make sure your hands aren't sapped of moisture, as that's quite necessary for the Capacitive Touchscreens to detect touch input.
    My mom, who still does lots of work around her place, has quite dry and slightly callused fingers. Pair that, with her phone having a screen protector (which even causes me the occasional hiccup on that device), makes it hard for her to get it to register her touches.
    Otherwise, my other thoughts would be a damaged Digitizer -- the part built into the screen that does the touch input, like laptop's touchpad but totally see-through -- from dropping it, or from moisture getting inside somehow.

  • Variable-Package Installer - v0.1 3.1 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX This was kind of what I had hoped this release was going to be: A tool that would export Variables into a single Database file, which then we'd be able to access from any build we open, to "install" them onto that plane. heh
    Nevertheless, this does sounds like it'll be quite handy still! :)
    Thanks, @SnoWFLakE0s :D

    @PlaneFlightX If your ending sentiment reflects your own situation, I might have a solution for "doing work on PC but manipulating files on an Android device", ie copy-pasting your Variables between files and across platforms.
    The app called ES File Explorer has a handy feature where you can have your Android device (tablet/smartphone) configured as a Local FTP. Which then you could use something like FileZilla or WinSCP to connect to it, which with a tiny bit of configuring, set it to check for file-changes.
    After you've connected from your desktop machine, navigate to the directory where SP stores its files, and through either of those two programs, right-click the file in question and select either "Open" or "Edit". (You'd have to probably set that up as well, to have it execute "*.splane" with Notepad.exe or Notepad++.exe, etc)
    Then, every time you make a change, CTRL+S the file in whatever you're editing it in, and FileZilla/WinSCP will ask if you want it to update the remote file. :)
    Using FileZilla/WinSCP was to edit files was how I ran my Minecraft server for years, which was hosted by a service. It had a web-accessible front end as well that was provided by the MC Server Management software I was running, but modifying config files this way was SO much faster and easier.
    I use the ES File Explorer FTP method when I need to transfer large files to/from my smartphone, since it lets you set up a homescreen shortcut to one-click enable the FTP. Which in the end makes it faster than tracking down its USB-C cable lol
    (Caveat: I haven't updated my version of ES in a MANY years, since I only really use it for that function, I presume they still offer the function though. If not, ye olde v3.1.4 is what I use, and I'm sure the APK can easily be found on an App Archive site since it's a Free program.)

  • Why doesn't "Ground Speed" factor in AoA?? 3.1 years ago

    @BlinIndustry That's pretty much exactly what made me go o_0, was switching over to GS and noticing it didn't matter if I was going up, down, or horizontal, its speed didn't vary any compared to TAS. heh

    @hpgbproductions So it's sort of like Doppler Shift, in that like the sound of something passing by having its pitch change (depending on whether it's coming or going), GS is more our "perception" of the speed we're traveling at?
    (not to say that Doppler Shift is meerly our perception, as it has a much deeper basis in physics, such as Redshift.)
    Doppler Shift happened to be what my brain drew a parallel to. That is... if I understood correctly? heh

  • Is There a List of ALL XML Properties? 3.1 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO @IceCraftGaming Aah ok, so it's just the "Firing Delay" on Rockets, but for the Missiles. Strange that it wasn't in the menu, like it is with Rockets. (Then again, the decision for a LOT of things not being in the menu I've found to be strange, so this is par for the course... lol)
    If I ever decide to make a successor Derpship rocket build, that may come in handy. Though even in my original, I just used the Detatcher to handle all of the timing and staging (ie ignition of the rockets).
    liftScale will be fun, though, and just so happens I threw together a Blended Wing design these last few days which I'm thinking are going to benefit from this, given it's reluctance to stay aloft under 250MPH lol
    Anywho, thanks for the explanations!

  • Is There a List of ALL XML Properties? 3.1 years ago

    Yes, not providing us with the complete list of functions, to me, is a huge "dropped the ball" situation with the devs :\ Only they have the means to tell us definitively, via their access tot he source.
    I also wanted to even offer to pay WNP78 to update Overload so that it would PROVIDE all the available baked in variables and their valid values... but everyone dubbed it a "bribe" for some reason. (Pretty sure most didn't read the entire post, which... it was long, as all mine tend to be...)
    I've never heard of the two you've mentioned, and am keen to play with them now. Though I'll need to know what details you have on ignitionDelay so I can go about utilizing it :P
    All I have to offer is that the main Part variable of partCollisionResponse can be set to None (case sensitive), which seems to basically make parts still collidable BUT immune to taking damage.
    Also that you can change the Airfoil manually to NACAPROP to access the airfoil that is used on Props/Heli Rotors (this may actually be in SimpleCheats). As I'd been told, the difference is that this airfoil has a linear and hard coded stall table that... I guess makes it unable to actually stall? *shrug*
    The technicality behind it is beyond me; however, in my experience playing with it I can share that it is poor at producing lift, in that it's very similar in that regard to the "Symmetrical" airfoil but it can handle much greater AoA's, and therefore seems to work really well for fully-moving control surfaces (ie canards).
    (Again, poor lifting properties, so for a canard you'd sort of want to make sure your plane flies well without them)

  • What if modern jets today were prop planes? 3.1 years ago

    I very much enjoy this sort of What-If with aircraft :) Not only "backwards", propelling modern with props, but also with modernizing the old with more modern parts!
    Back almost two decades ago when I learned about "Turbo Props", my immediate thought was "How cool would it be to shoehorn one of them into something like a P-51?!". Wouldn't be until much later that I'd learn people have done such things :D
    @F104Deathtrap Makes me wonder what the top speed potential is on Ultra-High Bypass Fans.

    On that note: SHAMELESS PLUG TIME lol
    Here's my Alternate Reality ""SR-71"" with said Ultra-High Bypass Fans
    Also a 1917 de Bruyere. "C.1" that I ran with his design and updated into what I dubbed the "xC.2".
    (I have a much larger "C.3" in the works too, but the recent update sidetracked me... considerably... haha)

  • Playez...Haa-alp... Rotating Parts Connected to a Hinge Rotator?!? [Sliced Fuselage Bug?] 3.1 years ago

    What The Actual ****?!?!

    As I was putting together a build for upload to try and get help with... As I set it up to test out... now. it decides to work as intended?!
    What am I on now... hour 5? And it just decides to randomly do as it was supposed to..... :sobs:
    Not funny, SimplePlanes. Not even a little bit. :(

  • Playez...Haa-alp... Rotating Parts Connected to a Hinge Rotator?!? [Sliced Fuselage Bug?] 3.1 years ago

    *grumbles* I dunno, I think SP just hates me :( (naw, I know it's cuz I'm a just an idiot who can't get his brain wrapped around this...)
    I'm still having a similar issue with the damn Small Rotator as well....
    I mean the system functions, that's not the issue. it's me getting the parts in the correct placements.
    These are my steps, on just ONE of my failed attempts over the last hour...
    1) I start off with the Doors I made, in their "Closed" position.
    2) I place the Rotators into the position where I want the Doors to pivot around.
    ---(NOTE: This is slightly inboard, and higher than the Door, so it's technically "hovering" over the Door, about 1/5th in from the Door's pivoting-edge.)
    3) Using MultiSelect, set to "First Selected" for movement, I select the Rotator first, then the Door pieces.
    4) I input a value for Z of 105deg, as that's not only what looks best, but also functions how I'd like for it to open, by extending wide enough to clear the Wheel of the Landing Gear.
    5) I set up the Rotator's settings to have a Rotation of 105deg (and all the other pertinent stuff to operate; as I said, that aspect works fine).
    6) I make connections from Rotator to Door, and Rotator to plane's main Fuselage.
    7) Spawn in, and toggle LandingGear...
    The gear part moves in and my Door rotates to its Closed position...
    Except... the Closed position is somehow offset from where I originally had it before Step 3.
    Which by "offset", it isn't that the Degree of Rotation is not enough or too much, it's physically too far away from the trim piece that it's supposed to sit flush against.
    And I have all the Door and related parts' disableAircraftCollisions set to true, so it's not that they're colliding with anything and it's causing displacement... :\

    All my ""engineering knowledge"" tells me that if I put a hinge (or a shaft, aka 'rotator') at the location I have it, and rotate it around that pivot location, that it will close to the exact same place that I started...
    However, I think it's time I make something IRL out of cardboard and coathanger wire, to determine if it's me or the game at fault! lol
    EDIT: Well, at least I have peace of mind in knowing it isn't my engineering of it! :} It functions just as intended, and how it's perceived to while in the Designer and rotating the entire thing around the Z axis, which displays it closing flush as intended.

  • Playez...Haa-alp... Rotating Parts Connected to a Hinge Rotator?!? [Sliced Fuselage Bug?] 3.1 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO ....... :epic_thinking_face:
    Suppose I could do that... couldn't I o_o ?? lol
    Thank you!
    Not sure why I didn't think of that last night, as even now it took me typing a response on why it "wouldn't work" for this, before I realized that it WOULD work. So I don't think I could blame the fact it was late on me not coming up with it! :}

    That being said, if anyone else happens to have a 'trick' on how to turn _('rotate') multiple parts to a new Angle which connect to a Hinge Rotator, and still have the Hinge Rotator return them back to their correct place -- and not creating a roughly 0.1 distance gap -- when actuated... I would still be interested in knowing, as that'd be handy info to have!