Good day/ night and thanks for response in advance.
How much of a heli the build is allowed to be?
What if i built something that performs like a V-22 Osprey, would it be a valid entry?
What if i use a mixed (heli-blades and jet) propulsion, only a jet propulsion or ended up with something sci-fi'ish (something just for looks + mix of jets and heli-blade for actual propulsion) ?
Deadline, was at april 15, so, changing has put me in an extreme need of clarifying a few things.
*The missile knows where it tee-hee's because it knows where it isn't...* That's it. For now.
Type names for the outputs.
Type those names into aim codes.
The End.
Like, really, just change the PitchAngle in code with that name you use in a flight computer, and repeat that procedure with RollAngle and Heading.
And it should work fine. That's all.
@CarMakerFry20 Just put your rim on a rotator. Set it's range to 180, speed 10000% (or even more) and insert sum(RPM1/60) as an input. RPM1 is an a variable output you can set from the wheel part (don't forget each wheel should have different output names)
Many thanks to those who upvote, leaves spotlight and/or comment and those who just downloads this craft of mine or passes by.
Oi, i got over pow(10,3) points. Wow. Its pow(10,4) dummy! Umm, three eighties, is nice
O ye, 1000 downloads, cool.
abs(insert code here) - converts values to a positive ones.
Or, perhaps **Value** less than 0 ? **Alternate equation in that duration** : normal **Value** code
As far as you don't have PC, i can recommend checking this forum for the exact formula.
Or if you're actually have it (Le Personal Computation device, oh gosh) you can check this out.
The post has a link to a hand-made prog for auto-aim+prox. fuse, useful but a bit outdated (can confirm that it works well).
That's it.
Have a good day.
Open build xml.
Get all the way down.
Copy-paste Material color lines, excluding (or deleting) those with hidden=true
Save changes.
*Interstellar intensifies*
... Wake up.
Mario and Luigi enter the bar.
Luigi calmly asks Mario:
Do you know a magic number?
Mario says: O what?
Luigi: 9. 1.FO *BEEP* .1.
Meanwhile, every Ford Crown Victoria in the world: *Becomes an ICBM*
@Lake The Designer sends a message: "Go Fart Yourself!!!"
a.k.a. i can't check most of their builds somehow.
Still, i found one that works fine and... rotators on it have 10k damperMultiplier while total mass of the build is over 500k kg.
You already have it. Pitch*clamp01(Activate7) works fine, it just needs to be placed in variable setters (the button with "(x)" ).
Open it
Click add Variable
Put the function in Expression section and give it a name in a Variable Name.
Copy that name into part input.
ehm...well, thats complicated
So learn how it is done here.
There is a link to a pretty useful spreadsheet. Anyways, My People Needs Me cant help more at the moment bye-bye
insert damperMultiplier parameter with like 10-20k value via Overload (in jointRotator tab of that part). Bruv, ze problem is in the mass of the craft, not in ze code
@Lake This is not an explanation of your problem. Direct copying of that code works fine, plus it has a targetselected already.
*mahbrainhadensmoothed* Doublecheck range of motion in code and rotator
@asteroidbook345 yeah, i tried rising recoil for cannon piece but suspension part said: aight, imma head out
So i left it as it was...
upd: thanks for up
clamp(x,y,d) could be used for limits. So x - your piece of code. y- your desired negative limit. d - your desired positive limit.
Additionally divide the clamp(x,y,d) by rotation range of rotator part.
Welp, feel free to comment, be it suggestion or issue report.
Good day/ night and thanks for response in advance.
How much of a heli the build is allowed to be?
What if i built something that performs like a V-22 Osprey, would it be a valid entry?
What if i use a mixed (heli-blades and jet) propulsion, only a jet propulsion or ended up with something sci-fi'ish (something just for looks + mix of jets and heli-blade for actual propulsion) ?
Deadline, was at april 15, so, changing has put me in an extreme need of clarifying a few things.
*The missile knows where it tee-hee's because it knows where it isn't...*
That's it. For now.
He still stuntin, in our hearts.
POV: you're too chad to pay bills
Tis but a flesh wound.
Here is a manual
Uh, well yes there should be additional variables set for the local coords... i forgot about them.
Type names for the outputs.
Type those names into aim codes.
The End.
Like, really, just change the
in code with that name you use in a flight computer, and repeat that procedure withRollAngle
.And it should work fine. That's all.
@Tookan It's a bird?!
It's a plane?!
It Just Works.
Happy Great Horned Rat Day-Day!
I mean Happ New Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw
@CarMakerFry20 Just put your rim on a rotator. Set it's range to 180, speed 10000% (or even more) and insert
as an input.RPM1
is an a variable output you can set from the wheel part (don't forget each wheel should have different output names)Yes.
Add the line in the
section of the wheel part using Overload.Write
in left column andtrue
in right one.The End.
*Left 4 Dead 2 horde noises*
Pathetic! -
TF2 Heavy
Many thanks to those who upvote, leaves spotlight and/or comment and those who just downloads this craft of mine or passes by.
Oi, i got over
points. Wow.Its pow(10,4) dummy!
Umm, three eighties, is nice
O ye, 1000 downloads, cool.
@BogdanX they just procrastinate.
Ok, ok, i don't remember why i made them that way.
edit: POV: somebody vented...
abs(insert code here)
- converts values to a positive ones.Or, perhaps
**Value** less than 0 ? **Alternate equation in that duration** : normal **Value** code
Approx. circular fuselage "angles" (or vertices, or how it is called) position, in fill units:
*Translate as:*
@asteroidbook345 We All have Hulk, Crush moments, i guess.
Wait, was it Nokia?
Hmm, somebody enjoys messing around that topic, somebody complaints...
You can't shoot a hole into the surface of Mars.
The End
lol perhaps
@iwannabeelected Oi, my bad.
{(1 - floor( smooth(Conditions,1) )) ? "Message" : "" }
This will do.
{ceil( smooth(Conditions,1) ) ? "Message" :"" }
Should work.
As far as you don't have PC, i can recommend checking this forum for the exact formula.
Or if you're actually have it (Le Personal Computation device, oh gosh) you can check this out.
The post has a link to a hand-made prog for auto-aim+prox. fuse, useful but a bit outdated (can confirm that it works well).
That's it.
Have a good day.
Open build xml.
Get all the way down.
Material color
lines, excluding (or deleting) those withhidden=true
Save changes.
*Interstellar intensifies*
Wake up.
Haha, i'm not aswell...
The mighty C just choked on me, again...
So i can proceed studying C#, C++ and other things, lol.
Ou, a Titan from battlefield 2142, i guess.
Is nice.
Check here
Good day/night.
This build contains a link to a spreadsheet that asteroid is talking about.
Most up to date this one is, i guess.
Mario and Luigi enter the bar.
Luigi calmly asks Mario:
Do you know a magic number?
Mario says: O what?
Luigi: 9. 1. FO *BEEP* . 1.
Meanwhile, every Ford Crown Victoria in the world: *Becomes an ICBM*
Me: there is no Screenshots.
They aren't real.
They can't hurt you
Therapist: *Doubt*
The Designer sends a message:
"Go Fart Yourself!!!"
a.k.a. i can't check most of their builds somehow.
Still, i found one that works fine and... rotators on it have 10k
while total mass of the build is over 500k kg.@iwannabeelected
You already have it.
works fine, it just needs to be placed invariable setters
(the button with "(x)" ).Open it
Click add Variable
Put the function in
section and give it a name in aVariable Name
.Copy that name into part input.
@iwannabeelected Ow
I placed it as a variable in input.
And it works just fine.
Lol, placing functions as input dont work...
ehm...well, thats complicated
So learn how it is done here.
There is a link to a pretty useful spreadsheet.
Anyways, My People Needs Me
cant help more at the moment
parameter with like 10-20k value via Overload (in jointRotator tab of that part).Bruv, ze problem is in the mass of the craft, not in ze code
.B I R D S A R E N O T R E A L
*or not*
*vine boom.mp3*
@Lake This is not an explanation of your problem.
Direct copying of that code works fine, plus it has a
Doublecheck range of motion in code and rotator
@MDDJB @Teako
Thanks for upvotes
@jamesPLANESii @CRATE52PART2 @MrShenanigansSP
Heh, thanks
@CookingWithCinderBlocks @LonelyAustrianUhlan
Thanks for spotlights
And an upvote.
@asteroidbook345 yeah, i tried rising recoil for cannon piece but suspension part said: aight, imma head out
So i left it as it was...
upd: thanks for up
Good day/night.
Here is my entry for your challenge.
Oh, almost forgot... rush B
Umm, i mean category B.
upd: and thanks for your upvote
@BaconAircraft @Vincent
Good day/night.
Can somebody make this one into a successor for this challenge?
Magic word: Please
upd: thanks to whoever responded.
could be used for limits. Sox
- your piece of code.y
- your desired negative limit.d
- your desired positive limit.Additionally divide the
by rotation range of rotator part.