1,236 IMULAerospaceIndustries Comments

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.0 years ago


    add multiplayer


  • German Disk 4.7 years ago

    “German game crippler”
    There, fixed the title

  • Dihydogen Monoxide (DHMO) 2.5 years ago

    I can already tell you have a 100/10 sense of humor. I needed this.

  • Pilot Model 3.1 years ago

    One model has more parts than a majority of the aircraft I’ve built

  • XFWAC-DCCLXXVII ''God Carrier'' 4.4 years ago

    Haven't even passed the third sentence in the description and I'm already rolling XD

  • Tera Chad Kicking Fish 2.3 years ago

    Kinda can’t use this in VR if most of the controls are more than seven feet away

  • F-35A.Lightning 2.3 years ago

    “You need to be familiar with it before driving it!”
    Nah just wing it (no pun intended), you’ll be fine!

  • [Spike] Hypersonic Glide Vehicle 3.0 years ago

    Can’t exactly call this hypersonic if it struggles to accelerate and fails to break the speed of sound at 46,000 feet.

  • Landing a Giant Plane on USS Tiny without a damage 3.0 years ago

    The over-edited memes trend is long dead.

  • Wooden Table Marble Maze 3.1 years ago

    I’m supposed to be studying for my foreign language test right now, but instead I’m beating a marble maze in a game about flying airplanes.

    I should probably mention that, yes, I did get rick rolled.

    I should also mention I beat the whole thing in regular speed. Probably should’ve read the whole description before playing.

  • Lockheed SR-71 FedEx 2.3 years ago

    The thumbnail is partially inaccurate. I made a flight from Wright Airport across the ocean to Yeager, and it was mostly optimized. I started the time at my first throttle input, and stopped it when the plane came to a complete stop. It took me 1 minute, 59.16 seconds, meaning you could’ve ordered same day delivery at (the latest) 11:58 and 1.84 seconds (11:58:1.84).
    This is assuming your package literally teleports from the warehouse stock room into the plane as it starts its takeoff roll, and it teleports from the plane into your hands right as it comes to a complete stop on the runway (also assuming you’re standing right next to where it stops).
    Meaning when humanity unlocks supersonic cargo capabilities and teleportation, you can order same day delivery a little after 11:58 and still get your package, with a little bit of added danger of walking onto an active runway.

  • Tactical Bugger 2.4 years ago

    I’m getting some half life 2 vibes from this

  • Smirnov SM-28 2.7 years ago

    To anyone that was wondering: yes, it can fly with its wings folded.

  • Cursed German Combat Tractor 3.0 years ago

    “No idea what I have unleashed upon the world”
    Now I know it’s gonna be good

    Edit: AND ITS A DRIFT MISSILE? It just keeps on giving!

  • Embraer EMB-120 Brasilia 3.0 years ago

    “Definitely doesn’t have 18,000 pounds of crack on board.”

  • Lockheed Martin CL-1201 Flying Aircraft Carrier 3.1 years ago

    I’m doing a barrel roll. I’ll update you when I’m finished!

  • How to have fun in SP (as of Oct 8, 2021 3.4 years ago

    I have no idea how I missed that typing this up. Thank you!

  • F-15J-ANM Iguru 4.5 years ago

    I downloaded it because of the waifu in the thumbnail and I was not disappointed.

  • WSV V-80 V6 RWD 4.6 years ago

    I’m gonna open the doors and drive backwards along a sidewalk!

  • ANTIMATTER ROCKET one year ago

    Also known as the instant mobile game obliterator

  • It's time for a new name for SimpleRockets 2 2.2 years ago

    Is there beta on TestFlight?

  • RQ-90 'White Owl' 2.2 years ago

    Is there a way to prevent it from spinning out on landing, or is that just a consequence of the narrow wheel base?

  • Lockheed Martin Long Range Anti Ship Missile 2.2 years ago

    Doesn’t work

  • VTOL Nozzle exhaust always pink, don’t need that 2.3 years ago

    I’ll give that a shot! Do you know what hex value to use?

  • Andrew Garrison Nextbot 2.4 years ago

    gmod ensues

  • Parachute delay? 2.4 years ago


  • The Flea 2.4 years ago

    I think I’m better off just crashing into the enemy with this speed

  • (OPEN) HeliSonic Challenge 2.4 years ago

    “Did I enjoy it” is a bit unfair. Challenges should be purely objective and unbiased.

  • VC-7a WIP 2.4 years ago

    Everything about this plane is amazing. It’s controllable and stable in a hover and in forward flight, however it lacks significant pitch control at lower speeds.

  • de Havilland DH.88 Comet 2.4 years ago

    This would work amazingly as a gunfighter.

  • Meet Spot 2.4 years ago

    Oh my god I love him

  • i broke simpleplanes again 2.5 years ago

    The zeros in the Power to Weight ratio go off my screen

  • More Bombs? 2.5 years ago

    Looks cool and definitely works but the lag is real

  • High Alpha Research Vehicle (F-18 HARV) 2.5 years ago

    Easily one of the most well made planes I’ve seen on here in a while. I find it handles better with the powerMultiplier of the big pointy engines set to 1. That could just be me, though. I’m a sucker for speed!

  • Dev replica challenge[Closed] 2.5 years ago

    Reminds me of those wingsiron or brazuca planes that are all over the hottest page. They look like crap and have no effort put into them.

  • Formation Autothrottle 2.6 years ago

    I love how it enters hyperdrive if you get ahead of the target

  • A.V.F - Rax M20TA 2.7 years ago

    I love the missiles!

  • DA118-208 AIR CHINA 2.8 years ago

    I love pulling 80G turns and turning everyone inside the aircraft to paste, you don’t?

  • 2-8-8-8-8-8-2 Baldwin Quintuplex W.I.P 2.8 years ago

    At this point we can just call it a “2-yes-2”

  • Embraer phenom 100 {BLACK PRIVATE DELUXE} 2.8 years ago

    So what exactly was the point in uploading this? It’s literally the same aircraft with a different paint job…

  • HF-12 Oblivion 3.0 years ago

    “Currently not mobile friendly.”
    How ‘bout I do it anyway?
    -me, an iPad user.

  • RG-A70 Hyaenidae Gunship 3.0 years ago

    This is the first actual helicopter I’ve ever been able to fly properly. Maybe it’s because I’m incompetent and I still don’t know how to control them, but regardless, this thing solved that problem. Props!

  • Simple Mig-29 3.0 years ago

    Might as well be a VTOL with the super maneuvers.

  • Flare Burst 3.0 years ago

    No can do. You have more points than me. I can only spotlight people with less than 660 points (as I type this). What I can do is upvote!

  • Flare Burst 3.0 years ago

    This one is free to use but you don’t need to give credit. Probably because you won’t have a device to give credit from after you use it for 3 seconds.

  • AI-17B Avvoltoio 3.1 years ago

    I just ripped the fancy labels and screens out of the stock wasp. The little gauges and stuff are easy, just slap ‘em into a cockpit and change the preset to what you need! @F14Tomcat1974

  • “Sync” feature for mobile/pc players 3.1 years ago

    The problem is people with iOS devices. GameCenter (the service that iOS uses) doesn’t work on Windows.

  • AI-17B Avvoltoio 3.1 years ago

    Well, at least your cockpit is better than anything I’ve made XD

  • The Light Boiiiii 3.1 years ago

    “5% Throttle? Rookie numberOOOHHHH GOD I’VE BECOME A CRUISE MISSILE.”
    -Me 2 minutes ago

  • MB-449 'Viper' Attack version 3.1 years ago

    Oh that’s probably. Aerodynamic physics no likely open canopy. @Pietro
