717 L3thalPredator Comments

  • Mobile Sale 1.6 years ago

    Please give us some info on the state of development for simpleplanes alot of us prefer SP over rockets. Me personally I'm just more used to the builder on simpleplanes and understand it better. Suggestions for an update: underwater update(sub parts, boat parts, etc) map update(more islands, more enemies like the convoy especially for mobile), updated weapons/more weapons allowing for inputs to be changed on weapons like guns and missiles. Updated wings. Or another thing, cross section editor, that would be massive for the building community. I really love this game but it just seems dead in its current state as we havnt had any update or communication of the state of the game in over a year

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    Better water physics/rocket smoke like SR2 to allow for awesome under water submarines with torpedoes to send at the destroyers from underneath

  • Tactical Laser System Mod 3.0 years ago

    @Poland00 you can't use mods on mobile anymore

  • UH-144 Falcon 3.6 years ago

    I actually made one of these vary similar to size, just I havnt uploaded it

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.4 years ago


    On the android beta, there is a lot more lag than before the update. and just really jumpy feeling(low frames). I'm on a Samsung galaxy s20Fe by the way.

  • Do you guys know how to put a delay on a parachute? 3.1 years ago

    @b00stJuNKy yeah I found a code that does work, let me find the plane I was working on and I'll upload it, you can take the code from it @ArcturusAerospace @goboygo @b00stJuNKy

  • Mcdonnell ATV-8B Harrier Strike Night 3.3 years ago

    @Vladimir1944 they are just fuselage blocks that are colored, and the color has max smoothness and metalic

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.4 years ago

    @BENZAHEER they can't. It's the mobile terms and conditions. They can only update the game. External things can't be downloaded anymore

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.4 years ago

    @WinsWings absolutely. Main thing I struggle with is making wings. A cool feature could be pasting in a real airfoil type and it auto generates to fit the shape. Then you can morph it like you currently can. That'd be sick! But you could also keep the blocky looms by just not putting an airfoil code in. Cause building custom wings with fuselages, to make good looking ones can take upwards of 50+ parts per wing to make it look good. Whereas this system would take those 50+ parts and condense it to less than 5

  • F-89H 1.5 years ago

    @MonsterAvgeek Thank you!

  • F-35B 'Lightning II' 1.5 years ago

    @TheCommentaryGuy it's not, it's asking what someone thinks of my plane. Self promoting is asking everyone to download it. I'm just asking one guy to check it out and tell me if it's good or not. They don't have to upvote or anything.

  • F-35B 'Lightning II' 1.5 years ago

    I'm not self promoting. Just wanna know genuinely what you think of my plane. Been working on it about 3 weeks.


  • M-61 Vulcan 1.6 years ago

    @UssrLENIN I guess you could. But the whole point of mine was simplicity, good look, and low part count while still havnt the right functionality

  • Funky Trees! 3.0 years ago

    @LobsterBisque128 Thanks.. I found a more part efficient way though.. I used a wing gun instead of cannon, and used the fireGuns code., building a tank rn, and working on the machine gun and needed the belt on it to wobble when firing

  • Funky Trees! 3.0 years ago

    So I want a piston to start cycling when I fire a cannon, but I have a custom name for the cannon, anyone know what I could put?

  • Would you believe that the Earth is round or flat? 3.0 years ago

    Earth isn't round, or flat, well more round than flat but not really, it's kinda like a sphere, with an oval sticking out the side

  • I think SP need NEW ENGINE.. 3.0 years ago

    100% agree with this, especially thrust vectoring built into the engine... heck yeah would lower part counts by a decent amount cause I used to use alot of parts to make thrustvectoring cause I didn't know how funky trees worked so I didn't bother, now I only need like 3 hinges per engine, and making it so you only need the engine would be revolutionary

  • Overload 3.1 years ago

    @HelloMyFellowFriends no I do not believe

  • SPVR is launching December 17th 3.2 years ago

    Ok, when it comes to spvr, will you be able to build planes, or will you only be able to download and fly, from the small amount of gameplay I've seen it don't look like you can build

  • Mig 21 progress picture 3.3 years ago

    @TheFlyingWolfYT Thanks, I've kinda taken a break on it, and started last night on a loosely modeled plane on a p51D, but im doing all of the structuring on the inside as well(ribs in the wings, and in fuselage)so when I get shot up it will work somewhat realistically

  • Update on DMG model & others 3.3 years ago

    So, I'm trying to make a P-51D freehand, with a semi realistic skeleton, so when I get shot up I expect to see the skeleton of the aircraft, right now I've only got the cockpit and forward and partial ribbing for the right wing, any ideas to get this plane to do what I want?(like part settings, health, xml editing, etc)
    Pretty much wanting it so when a part gets shot up only that part gets destroyed and not the entire plane

  • A-98 V2 3.3 years ago

    @Oogabooga21 No problem, I saw a plane that had a wonderful shape and I saw potential, went and flew it for first time and lol flaps were really sensitive, so well you can see my upgrades

  • Ace Radar 3.3 years ago

    Could you make an Android compatible version? There arnt many Android compatible mods anymore since 1.8, I'm sad about it but ik it's possible

  • He-162 with ejection pilot 1.3 years ago

    @TheOfficalMarylander yes, I did. Spent about 2 months on and off on it. And thanks!

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.4 years ago

    @KenzarAircraft I didnt

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.4 years ago

    @KenzarAircraft I'm basically saying I wanna shoot the ships and ice base from any range....

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.4 years ago

    @KenzarAircraft at around 13 miles, the targets disappear. On mobile at least

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.4 years ago

    @KenzarAircraft how? I've set my range real high on missiles and don't change how far I can see them

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.4 years ago


    Idk if it's considered a bug but
    Could you allow for unlimited ranging like in the dog fight mode? But in sandbox? It's a little annoying that max range on sandbox is 12miles. That should be a easy feature to add.

  • F-89H 1.5 years ago

    @PakPuma75 Thanks!

  • F-35B 'Lightning II' 1.5 years ago

    @L3thalPredator also love your planes, that's why I'm asking you @GuyFolk

  • F-89H 1.5 years ago

    Make sure to upvote if you like it.
    AG2: Arm Aim4's
    AG3:Arm genre's
    AG7: Air-brake
    VTOL DOWN: Flaps

  • F-89H 1.5 years ago

    Don't forget to upvote it if you like it!

    Ag2-arm Aim4's
    Ag3-arm Air-2 Genie
    Ag7-air brake
    Vtol(down)- flaps
    Rest controls are normal, canopy automatically closes on takeoff

  • Dessault Effrayer 1.6 years ago

    @UssrLENIN I put them in the instructions on the game but thank you for putting them here too

  • Tempest (Hidden laser cannon) 2.1 years ago

    @Rakoval500k made this about 4 months ago, just forgot to upload. So here it is lol. I think yours looks much better imo

  • [GCAP]F-3 Tempest Ver1.0 2.1 years ago

    Dang, uploaded before mine and looks better than mine. I'll see if mine is in good shape to upload, if so I'll upload it. Yours looks great btw

  • F22 simple that can cobra 2.3 years ago

    @ChopShop just uploaded an updated version with updated engine and gun, and a few parts of fuselage.

  • HUD Collection and a Radar (Parts) 2.6 years ago

    On the left hud, why does it say rotate on the bottom? Also the hud and radar thank you so much. I am gonna use them in my work in progress Gripen

  • F-5E Tiger II [READ DESC] 2.9 years ago

    @Red0Bulll I don't plan to upload it for a while but, yes I will credit if I don't end up building my own, I just wanted one just temporary, and yes it fits and works good

  • F-5E Tiger II [READ DESC] 3.0 years ago

    Mind if I steal your cockpit, as I don't feel like building one for my F5e?

  • Tactical Laser System Mod 3.0 years ago

    @Xx24reminder no

  • Am I the only one to have noticed this? 3.0 years ago

    1: m60 is not 50cal
    2: the dlt19 is not modeled after the m60
    3: it's modeled after mg34/42

  • Would you believe that the Earth is round or flat? 3.0 years ago

    @WilliamHenryHarrison yeah ig if you wanna think of it that way

  • Would you believe that the Earth is round or flat? 3.0 years ago

    @WilliamHenryHarrison Not really, like a sphere with a smaller egg out the side

  • For storage, do not download 3.0 years ago

    Nice checkmate, I made one a while ago as well

  • The menus need updated 3.0 years ago

    @V not necessarily meaning update the menu, I mean add more to statistics

  • EF-E (Electric jet) 3.0 years ago

    @daxxiam you can use the rotators as electric motors, and wings as props in combination with eachother

  • [PINNED] Useful Links 3.0 years ago

    @DuckyyDuck yeah.. not an Easter egg sorry, that and many other islands have to be discovered

  • The menus need updated 3.0 years ago

    @WormWithLegs yeah that'd be neat, but im mostly thinking of reset drag points, because as you build, the dragpoints are sometimes un-even on both sides, so the reseting makes them even

  • The menus need updated 3.0 years ago

    @ItsHighbraker2912 \/