2,368 Liensis Comments

  • TF-2A 4 months ago

    Team Fortress 2?

  • SR2 - Procedural Landing Gear 4.7 years ago

    So... Why exactly we don't have that here?

  • German Corsair 4.7 years ago

    @SPairforce It's because this thing makes me angry, because of an in-joke this thing gets +150 upvotes and at least 20 spotlights, while me and many other mid-skilled creators get barely 10 upvotes for something we tried out best to look good.

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.5 years ago

    That it for a beta?

    3 switches? Expected more from this huge hiatus SP got from the Dev Team.

  • Just please try to fix this thing 6.0 years ago

    Fixed your aircraft, gonna tell you how I did it.

    First, I rotated the entire thing around, then I put the "correct" control surface scheme (roll on the front wings, pitch on the back wings, yaw on the top wing.)

    Second, moved the front wings even more to the front (they're covering the back portion of the engines now.)

    Third, removed all angles from the wing gears moved them closer to the surface controls, removed the fixed front gear and put the big retractable gear in the front inside the Fuselage.

    Fourth, made the rudder (top wing) a symmetric profile wing (this means it won't turn slightly to the left now.)

    Fifth, added a back to the cockpit with some fuselages, it looks 5% nicer now.

    Listen, fam, you ain't gonna give up now, instead, you'll make a new freaking plane, then you'll make it perfect my trial and error, that's what you'll do.

  • BELL PEPPER 7 months ago

    Welcome back, I guess.

  • XPelican180 8 months ago

    (praying hands emoji)

  • 1.10 Beta is now available 4.6 years ago

    WE FINALLY GOT GLASS! How exactly we had Jet technology before knowing how to heat up sand is unknown tho.

    Also, finally I can make Nukes without some Fuselage mumbo jumbo.

  • F-100 Supersabre 5.2 years ago

    Chibi Super Saber.

  • Chaparral 2X Vision Gran Turismo 29 days ago

    That's beautiful.

    My 2nd favorite fake car in Gran Turismo.

  • airbus A380 [uptade] 5 months ago

    Sus door.

  • F-82 ''Howl'' 8 months ago

    Newest development from Pixar Industries:

  • A-10A Thunderbolt II 1.1 years ago


  • SeaPlane (Low Wing) 4.5 years ago

    @Spaceflower S p o o k y.

  • Update v1.10 - Smooth as Glass 4.5 years ago

    Question, could there be a Universal switch for the Fuselage Smoothness? As in, the smoothness gets applied to all fuselages in an aircraft?

  • GR---X 4.6 years ago

    Has incredible looks.

    Now I'm curious as to how you'll implement a powerplant without ruining it's lines by a huge margin.

  • German Corsair 4.7 years ago

    @TurtlesThatFly Seems comprehensive enough, what a hell show.

    This thing doesn't deserve this amount of attention for such a retarded joke.

  • German Corsair 4.7 years ago

    @EternalDarkness What exactly is happening here? Why is this thing getting so many upvotes?

    Who let this happen?

  • German Corsair 4.8 years ago

    Start using Fuselage cylinders.

  • Boeing 767-300 ER Bomber Edition 5.8 years ago

    Don't take me wrong, but...

    If you going to just do that to someone else's aircraft, halfbutt a modification, keep it to yourself, unless it's a fixed version that was asked for.

    Create a true cargo bay for the bombs, use hinges, and structural panels, use the customization tab that the fuselage cylinders have to their full extent.

    But save that triple bomb holder, you can use it on smaller aircraft.


    Well, you're missing a true wing on the aircraft right side, for starts.

  • Lockheed P-38 Lightning v2 one month ago

    And now you even have nose space to put a few MGs there.

    Just like how the real P-38 did it.

  • Lunchables Rocket 2 months ago

    When will we get a Lunchly one?

    (The cheese is all green and grey)

  • [CLOSED] Modern Fighter Challenge (Novaran Edition) 4 months ago

    Anything for Ruskovia yet?

  • [CLOSED] Combination Challenge 6 months ago

    I'm rather unsure on what to do.

    I have two already made aircraft that follow this either, but I don't know which one is more cursed, a Typhoon combo or a Scorpion combo.

  • Anything from Brazil Challenge! 6 months ago

    Why is the minimum 87 parts?

    Is that how many parts you need for a Brazilian flag or something?

  • F-104G-TR Twin Starfighter 6 months ago

    Now you can plant twice the amount of pilots into the ground at once.
    Can I get a source on that cropped anime girl?

  • Mitsubishi F-15 JX Eagles II 7 months ago

    F-15 Foxhound.

  • simple mig15 (15 parts) 7 months ago

    Mig-15 in 15 parts, that's amazing.

  • XPelican180 7 months ago

    @Graingy Good, he has good taste.

  • A noob car 7 months ago

    I could see you doing a Tumbler inspired vehicle with this.

  • Super Tiny Beta (v1.10.105) 4.4 years ago

    @SimpleSquareManufacturer Sorry if it was supposed to be a joke, but, making fuselage wings look good is actually a hard thing for the average joe, like me.

  • A-10C Thunderbolt II 4.4 years ago

    @JohnHorton I hope you understand I wasn't complimenting you.

  • Cursed HE-162 fixed 4.5 years ago

    What exactly you mean by "Fixed"?

    What did you fix? How did you fix it?

  • USAF F-380 4.6 years ago

    Why don't the fuselage cylinders connect properly?

  • Private/business jet challenge 4.6 years ago

    Hey, just wanted to say I already uploaded mine.

  • SimpleCheats - a slightly comprehensive guide 4.6 years ago

    Why some XML codes lack Default values?

  • F-105 THUNDERCHIEF 4.7 years ago

    Looks great, the intakes could be bit more open tho.

  • Heinrack Projekt-357 Menarya 4.7 years ago

    @GiuliMBorgesYT Ah, certo, as Únicas superfícies aerodinâmicas são as asas bem de fora, a placas que ligam as fuselagens não tem física de voo aplicada, ou pelo menos não deveriam ter.

  • Su-34"Duckmole" 4.8 years ago

    @Shadowed Not OP, but, c'mon, Russian Sukhois are skinny beauties.

  • A-10 4.8 years ago

    What's that thing on it's back?

  • MIG-35 VH-1A Cockpit Style 4.8 years ago

    @Iar4xc No worries.

  • MIG-35 VH-1A Cockpit Style 4.9 years ago

    Uh... isn't the MiG-31 denomination already used with the Foxhound?

  • su-24m white 38 5.2 years ago

    What in the name of god...

    This is your first official aircraft?

  • OL8 b atg 5.2 years ago

    Use the Fuselage cylinders.

  • Shadow 5.2 years ago

    Now that a Big Bad Ass.

  • X-29A 5.2 years ago

    Intake channels need to be a bit more tight with the main body.

  • NOVA 5 5.2 years ago

    Looks hella cool.

  • Bubu 1 5.2 years ago

    I made a rough version of what your vehicle could look like if you chose to use Fuselage cylinders.
