8,106 LofiTurtle Comments

  • Something about challenges, 8.7 years ago

    @EternalDarkness thank you :) there are going to be limits to what I can do being on iOS, but I've got enough time and modded parts to do most things once I figure out how

  • Something about challenges, 8.7 years ago

    @EternalDarkness a lot of points come from challenges, but also the sheer quantity of planes. 3 upvotes each on 3 planes a day is 135 points each day. And with low quality builds, churning out that many planes is fairly easy

  • Is Kraken Island on Mobile? 8.7 years ago

    @birdsofsteel they see all

  • Rules. 8.7 years ago

    @Nickasaurus yeah. This is a direct copy paste of the rules tab. True it's easier to find, but it's mostly entirely unnecessary here

  • OMG OMG OMG I CAN'T BELIVE I DID THIS!!!! 8.7 years ago

    @jfriss I used the DeLorean someone made a while ago

  • OMG OMG OMG I CAN'T BELIVE I DID THIS!!!! 8.7 years ago

    I think I'm the only one who didn't do this in a helicopter lol

  • Teaser and weird glitch! 8.7 years ago

    @Liquidfox yep, currently working on that right now

  • Guess that plane! :D 8.7 years ago

    @KCferrari yeah I feel. I'm never proud of the early stages of my planes bc they usually look like planes only if you squint really hard

  • Guess that plane! :D 8.7 years ago

    Is that the stupid fast jet car that broke labs speed records and such?I can't remember the name of the top of my head

  • Update on"Scary!!" 8.7 years ago

    @DuckMintnewprofile then I think the coast guard would be one of the scarier possibilities if they found themselves all the way out there haha

  • Two suggestions for a future update 8.7 years ago

    @arcues there's already boats. They were added in 1.1

  • Two suggestions for a future update 8.7 years ago

    @KerbalVehiclesCompany space would be difficult, but also it's a plane game. Many things besides planes are made but everything has been in the atmosphere. Introducing new physics and such too implement something they has nothing to do with planes wouldn't be worth the devs time. They were also brainstorming ideas for their next game, one of which was simple rockets 2

  • Update on"Scary!!" 8.7 years ago

    What kind was it? If it wasn't like coast guard (idk if you're by the coast) or anything else like that it could just be one practicing landings. C-130s by my house do that fairly often where they just fly around, land, take off, fly around and land again

  • Teaser and weird glitch! 8.7 years ago

    @Awesomeplanes the front was a pain to do, and i think it'll be above the landing gear when I put the nose gear on, so hopefully it won't make a difference when I'm done

  • Teaser and weird glitch! 8.7 years ago

    @Liquidfox you're spot on!

  • OMGEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! 8.7 years ago

    I live by Moffitt field. C-130's come all the time lol. Usually multiple a day. There's an occasional antonov-124 as well which is pretty awesome

  • Teaser and weird glitch! 8.7 years ago

    @Awesomeplanes yeah, that's what I thought at first. But it's not even close to centered over the wheels. And it acts as if there is an invisible block underneath the plane bc with enough thrust it tips onto the nose and lifts the wheels off the ground. Throttling down makes it rock back onto the wheels and there is a moment when nothing is touching the ground my only explanation is somehow scaled parts are behind it. This has negative mass on it but the glitch still happens when I remove it

  • Two suggestions for a future update 8.7 years ago

    @SHCow oh that's a bummer.

  • Two suggestions for a future update 8.7 years ago

    @SHCow didn't they already fix it? I haven't checked but I saw that they talked about it during the 1.4 beta testing

  • Two suggestions for a future update 8.7 years ago

    The first one probably won't be added because of scaled parts now, but changing ss would be great!

  • MOBILE OR PC???? WHICH IS USED THE MOST? 8.7 years ago

    Mobile. And i would stick to around 700 max (give or take). If there's a lot of wings/suspension/other parts that have more complicated physics then a block keep the part out as low as possible bc these lag a TON more than regular parts. If you're making a simple plane that has many fuselage parts for details, you can go all out and most mobiles will still be able to run it just fine. I'd recommend catering to both, bc it's not like PCs can't run mobile sized planes. Your choice either way, but that's just my opinion (I'm on mobile btw)

  • Swedish insignias 8.7 years ago

    I nearly choked when I saw 63 new notifications.. Thank you so so so much! I might get actually to gold with only the builds I have already planned now. And i can confirm. 3 days, 3 downloads, 3 crowns on the Swedish insignia. Sweden is illuminati confirmed

  • M18''Hellcat'' 8.7 years ago

    @zhouzl yeah I know why I can't, I'm just saying it's still awesome

  • M18''Hellcat'' 8.7 years ago

    :OOOOO I can't even download it, but just :O

  • GUESS WHAT 8.7 years ago

    I really want a computer for these reasons. Being able to make letters and decals on iOS is cool and all, but it'd be nice to not have to deal with that level of hell anymore

  • This is just dumb. :l 8.7 years ago

    Now if only a nice dev posted something about this... Something recently, that addressed this post in the title.. And explained how this doesn't solve anything..... But I guess this is just wishful thinking

  • Gloster Meteor F.8 8.7 years ago

    @kukimuki1234 the engines are 1/3 scale, but the flame trail is still the original size which makes it seem x3 bigger than normal

  • Future Update Ideas: AI Spawn Points, Flare Systems and Weather Effects 8.7 years ago

    @FLOWRIDER0 because the entire game would need to be re written to make that possible

  • Who Hates The Upvoting Cooldown? 8.7 years ago

    Everyone who doesn't understand it, it's fairly simple to make bots if you know how. Without the cool down get ready for upvote bots everywhere ruining the point system even more

  • Simple planes mane goal (just kidding) 8.7 years ago

    They'd be pretty sorry. Last I checked modding doesn't work irl lmao

  • Idea 8.7 years ago

    @Dimetrodonscantfly putting dead weight in front is probably the worst way to solve that problem. If it's pitching up you should just rely on trim or see if your main wings need to have symmetric airfoils. Dead weight will just tank the maneuverability and make the plane far heavier than it needs to be

  • UPDATE SUGGESTION !!! 8.7 years ago

    @Mod and it seems the external keyboard trick only works for Android and not iOS. Clipping parts with any degree of effectiveness without nudge is an eye-meltingly tedious process

  • Mod request 8.7 years ago

    @AmerigoB thank you so much!!

  • Bluetooth Keyboard with IOS? 8.7 years ago

    Theoretically you can do it with external volume controls on headphones. I've had no luck with that either

  • YOU ASKED FOR IT!!! 8.7 years ago

    Wow, you nailed it!

  • YOU ASKED FOR IT!!! 8.7 years ago

    What logo is this? It looks really cool

  • Rock Crawler Challenge 8.7 years ago

    @bspboy I'm on iOS, but nothing I make is stock by a long shot. At this point you can basically find any modded part you need somewhere

  • People who post preset planes with tiny variation 8.7 years ago

    ...can you not pls. Joey just made a forum post about this and it literally does not matter at all. You said yourself that everyone knows that it's the stock plane we don't need to make it a pressing matter when those planes get ignored anyways

  • Trophy for 15k! 8.7 years ago

    Cool idea, I might do something like this now when I hit gold

  • When your a pilot of a 747-400 listening to Highway To The Danger Zone and got carried away and thought you were in a fighter jet. 8.7 years ago

    @JetstreamAeroEngineering eh probably, I know the lyrics, not the title lol

  • Rock Crawler Challenge 8.7 years ago

    Why no modding? Hardly anything is ever done stock anymore. I have an amazing off-road but that at least uses scaled parts

  • When your a pilot of a 747-400 listening to Highway To The Danger Zone and got carried away and thought you were in a fighter jet. 8.7 years ago

    Highway to the danger zone is a song. It's in the movie top gun which is about fighter jets and stuff

  • Piaggo P.180 Avanti 8.7 years ago

    Have 61 ;)

  • how to post pics??on the forum?? 8.7 years ago

    It's ! [] (Picture link) but without spaces. And for hyperlinks it's [text] (link) again with no spaces

  • Regarding User Points & Cheating Cheaters who Cheat 8.7 years ago

    @Flightsonic there's just been people complaining like usual. Nothing new

  • Suggestion regarding the extra accounts and cheaters 8.7 years ago

    @BroPlanes I was just about to suggest burning them at the stake. Nice and old fashioned

  • T-50 PAK FA 8.7 years ago

    Awesome! I'm amazingly jealous of you to have this as your first plane

  • Old SP 8.7 years ago

    Man I miss the walrus props. Those were legit