8,106 LofiTurtle Comments

  • is suspension for cars that important? 6.0 years ago

    What @QingyuZhou said. It's more for keeping the car upright. As long as the undercarriage or some other part of your car doesn't hit the ground on jumps, it'll usually be fine. The wheels are ridiculously sturdy.

  • Working firework! 7.1 years ago

    @Mattangi ayy there we go. Thanks :)

  • I found something..... 7.1 years ago

    So using the website as cloud storage for your game? Not very useful, but pretty interesting lol

  • Some aviation memes for you. 7.1 years ago

    Somehow that last one is what happens when I fly with my dad. And we also fly in pipers and Cessnas like that

  • Just curious... 7.1 years ago

    Also, comparing SP builds to works of art, no good artist ever thinks their work is very good. It’s totally normal to think that, you just have to try and not let it get to you. (Also, in comparison to some particular pastry-themed simpsons accounts, you have nothing to worry about in terms of quality ;) )

  • Just curious... 7.1 years ago

    At the end of the day, just do what makes you happy. Remember that this website is ultimately about sharing creations you enjoy making with other people, and not to make creations just because others enjoy them. If you just want to make the planes you want to make, then go for it. But if you just don’t want to keep building things, then you shouldn’t have to. I don’t think you should delete your account though. You seem pretty well liked by the community, and if you left SP and ever wanted to come back you would still have the option without having to make a new account

  • Falcon Heavy Succeeded! 7.1 years ago

    @BrendoB47 I’m pretty sure it’s orbit will just have a periapsis on earths orbit and an apoapsis at mar’s orbit. Not anything more eccentric than that. But I could be wrong, I haven’t looked that far into it

  • Falcon Heavy Succeeded! 7.1 years ago

    Agreed, it was awesome! Shame the core didn’t make it. And I heard they were going to intentionally stagger the side booster landings but I’m glad they didn’t, because them coming down together looked amazing

  • Ok I need help the game is messed right up I need a dev or something to help 7.2 years ago

    What kind of phone do you have? Could just be outdated hardware. My friend has a 6 (maybe 6s, not sure) and said sp stopped working with the iOS update too

  • Ocean Floor Explorer 7.2 years ago

    Late to the party, but this is an image I got of part of the original island without water. It was from an old version of the game where water was rendered a certain distance from the cockpit instead of from the camera being viewed

  • Ned halp pls (solvd tnks) 7.2 years ago

    It pitches up when you throttle up because the CoT is below the CoM. This pushes the bottom faster than the top and pitches it up. As to why it pitches down, it’s probably some kind of weight imbalance.

  • My idea for Reaplays 7.3 years ago

    The replay rn is just the every play extension thing that they give to app developers using their software. It just records the screen, so changing camera angles isn’t possible. To do this they would need to completely re design the system, and making it bug free would be very difficult. There are a lot of AAA games that have replay cameras like the one you described that are riddled with bugs and glitches. It would be really cool, but not feasible for the devs to implement

  • Blueprint/Specs pics bug 7.3 years ago

    Yeah, like others said, it’s probably because of quality settings, either shadows or reflections

  • 50.0K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7.3 years ago

    Damn, I remember stumbling across your profile when you were still in bronze! Times sure have changed, congrats!

  • bullet arcs 7.3 years ago

    Modeling each bullet as an object with physics would kill the games performance if you fire a lot of guns. Probably better to just stick with what we have, even if it’s unrealistic

  • Parts Fall Off Piston After Nudging 7.3 years ago

    There should be a button to re calculate the attachments of parts. Or just do it the old fashion way by rotating it 4 times. That should fix it

  • About the YouTube tags... 7.3 years ago

    @Kaos youtubers use their specific tag to find planes made by their community

  • question for PC players 7.3 years ago

    Devs actually specified when it came out that even loading just maywar into a mobile device instantly crashed it. I believe it was tested using an s6 or S7, so not a weak phone

  • SimpleRockets 2 - Dev Notes 7.4 years ago

    @SweptBackWing14 optimizing just means moving the UI around so the game can fill the whole screen while not losing any buttons behind the notch. The black bars are the default for unoptimized apps. I agree that games were not thought through with the phone though

  • SimpleRockets 2 - Dev Notes 7.4 years ago

    @KidKromosone it’ll be the same platforms as SP. he said it should run on iPhone 6 or later, which is roughly equivalent to a snapdragon 800 or better Qualcomm CPU

    Edit, already answered I see haha

  • This is pure magic 7.4 years ago

    I think the second one is a person with books? The first looks like someone sitting down maybe but it's hard to see the picture

  • THIS is one of the things that we need the most next UPDATE 7.4 years ago

    It would be a cool under the hood thing that would add a lot of functionality. Sounds like the devs would have to rework the activation group system completely again though (I think they’ve already overhauled it once?)

  • Working WWII Rocket Set 1:1 scale 7.4 years ago

    @Kimcotupan15 the tiny tim and the shaped charge small rockets should have bombs in them if i remember correctly

  • Working WWII Rocket Set 1:1 scale 7.4 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot i probably wont re-visit this kind of building, because i decided to work on making mods of all the rockets and missiles i was going to make now that i have a laptop. if i do come back to this (dependant on my motivation and if there is enough demand from iOS) then ill definitely use the rocket part

  • Working WWII Rocket Set 1:1 scale 7.4 years ago

    @TheMutePaper these are all i got to. its actually a pretty old project that i had given up on (because making these sucked on mobile). I have a laptop now, and currently i'm working on modding various rockets and missiles into the game as single parts, so i figured id upload what i had done so far and then start the new project

  • A new location... 7.5 years ago

    Dumb, question, but where is the tiny two? I haven’t had much time to play and look for it lately

  • Overload update 0.85 7.5 years ago

    @Thomasj041 @WNP78 there is an attribute called "zeroondeactivation" or something that. It is set to "false" by default on most parts. Setting that to true should make hinges go back when deactivating

  • SimplePlanes Groups, power and prestige 7.5 years ago

    I've never heard of TSAD, what does it stand for?

  • How do you guys name your aircraft? 7.6 years ago

    Either boring names, or Google translate an object it reminds me of into another language (ex, "sword" or something into "cinquedea" which is Italian)

  • Somebody stop this man! 7.6 years ago

    @Coltonlane it's the new damage model in the 1.7 beta

  • A or B 7.6 years ago


  • Programmable Autopilot Demo 7.6 years ago

    @WarRaptor17 the point of this game is building planes ( "planes" ) and seeing what they can do. Building an autopilot and seeing how it works most definitely does not lose the point of the game :)

  • Programmable Autopilot Demo 7.6 years ago

    @WEAPONSMITH I appreciate the prize thrown in :) it's gonna take so much trial and error to make it work haha so I'll need something to work towards

  • Programmable Autopilot Demonstration 7.6 years ago

    @doge it's all just for fun. Finding islands and stuff isn't a problem anymore with maps and less complex creations already out there. My end goal was programmed flight paths between airports and stuff. It's not practical, but that's what makes it fun :)

  • Programmable Autopilot Demo 7.6 years ago

    @ValtsuAircraftIndustries @WEAPONSMITH that was the plan! :)

  • Programmable Autopilot Demo 7.6 years ago

    @EpicPigster1 Thanks for the spotlight!

  • Tips for Less Successful Players (White, Bronze, or low Silver) 7.7 years ago

    "avoid iOS like the plague" DO THAT. iOS building is like swimming with an anchor chained to your leg

  • mod request 7.7 years ago

    A quick explanation on how to use them: they'll push the CoM away from wherever they are placed, and the distance from the CoM determines how far they move it. If the weight is placed far away, there CoM will move a lot but if it is placed close to it, the CoM won't move as much. And obviously it makes the plane lighter too

  • mod request 7.7 years ago

    clickety click

  • Thanks! 7.7 years ago

    @poopatron71 reducing lag has nothing to do with it. My phone can run 800+ part planes given most of the parts are simple ones like fuselages, but the website does not even let mobile devices download them. Removing the cockpit is just a way to get around that restriction

  • Thanks! 7.7 years ago

    Can you upload one for mobile? All you need to do is add a cockpit (make sure it's not attached to the plane) and make it primary, and the website will think it only has one part and will let mobile players download it

  • Something big is coming. 7.7 years ago

    For landing gear, couldn't you just use scaled stock gear of some sort because it doesn't have any drag when retracted?

  • YAY GOLD! 7.7 years ago

    Maybe a meteor? Or another WWII jet, I really like them

  • WHY IT TOOK SO LONG?! 7.7 years ago

    Looks great! And as long as it works on low physics settings, it'll be mobile friendly enough. I can run planes with over 800 parts on low settings on my 2013 model phone (iPhone 5s) and bc this is mostly fuselage blocks it won't lag too much

  • Something big is coming. 7.7 years ago

    Awesome! The p-51 is my favorite airplane, I'm glad someone is building it in SP!

  • Why we need 1.8 to be as big as 1.2 7.7 years ago

    Many of these (like lifting bodies) would just make the game impossible for mobile phones to run anything remotely detailed

  • Headlights 7.7 years ago

    People have wanted lights that acted as a light source before, and the devs said it would be too much of a performance hindrance to implement into the game

  • Why we need 1.8 to be as big as 1.2 7.7 years ago

    @Bman0101 you just need to be stationary on the deck, and the stock p51 can do it