8,106 LofiTurtle Comments

  • J-80 Dragon Slayer 8.9 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 yeah, with all the new stuff they added it's probably pretty tricky to sort through at first. Being on iOS I barely know anything about it lol

  • J-80 Dragon Slayer 8.9 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 they said it was an xml thing

  • J-80 Dragon Slayer 8.9 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 in the description of the beta it said engines power was scalable. I figured that meant that you could make an engine now powerful without needing to have it throttle up forever

  • J-80 Dragon Slayer 8.9 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 yeah, that's something the devs noted in the beta post. But with power scaling now that shouldn't be much of a problem

  • J-80 Dragon Slayer 8.9 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 yeah, and they're going to be a lot more useful when making airliners and stuff

  • J-80 Dragon Slayer 8.9 years ago

    Wish the beta was mobile already, still can't download it :P

  • Humvee Black-ops 8.9 years ago

    You're making me jelly! Can't wait for mobile beta to try this out :)

  • What's the weirdest plane ever? 8.9 years ago

    It's gotta be the Caspian Sea monster

  • Steam Beta Bug Report 8.9 years ago

    That's not a bug, it's just the new weightlessness feature!

  • Part Sizes in 1.4.x.x 8.9 years ago

    @kikasshes that's something that I think everyone would love. It would certainly benefit users without access to xml files

  • Handley Page Victor - Lusty Lindy 8.9 years ago

    Part count doesn't matter, this is on the beta so it doesn't work on mobiles. Looks awesome though!

  • Star Trek Galaxy Class By MKI 8.9 years ago

    @MoterKade nope, it doesn't work because it thinks I need to beta to run it. Thanks for trying anyways :)

  • Resizabile wheel suggestion 8.9 years ago

    @Baldovino there's still the opening made to look like a wheel bay. If the wheels clipped right through that it wouldn't look very good. If there were resizable gear added, that would be really cool. But I don't think just the wheels on the gear being resizable would work very well

  • Star Trek Galaxy Class By MKI 8.9 years ago

    @MoterKade i don't know. the site is letting me download planes that are made I the beta. My game can't run them, but if this is made with stock parts it should work

  • Star Trek Galaxy Class By MKI 8.9 years ago

    @FrankieB this is mostly just fuselage blocks. I might have to turn physics settings down but my phone has run things like 1,500 part walkers and such on medium and low settings

  • Resizabile wheel suggestion 8.9 years ago

    But wouldn't the wheel not fit into the wheel bay if it is made larger?

  • Map of simple planes 8.9 years ago

    @AgDynamics please map the new ones! Us mobile users would love to see how the world looks now :)

  • New life for WW1 birds landing gear... 8.9 years ago

    @Static nope. They're trying to see how many features they can get on mobile (which might include some of the smaller islands, I'm not totally sure) but they said the two main ones will never be on mobile

  • Phantom notifications 8.9 years ago

    It usually shows 2 notifications if I really got 1, but I've never had it say there was a notification when there were 0 new ones

  • New life for WW1 birds landing gear... 8.9 years ago

    @Static they say the parts will come at the end of the month. The islands will never be in mobile however

  • HE-474 8.9 years ago

    Such a cute little jet :)

  • Star Trek Galaxy Class By MKI 8.9 years ago

    @MoterKade yes, people have done it before with no opposition. And since this is mostly fuselage blocks it should run fine on mobiles, because wings and gear are what really kill the framerate. Thank you!

  • Star Trek Galaxy Class By MKI 8.9 years ago

    This looks amazing! Could you upload a mobile version? You can just detach the cockpit so it's not connected to the rest of the ship and it'll say it only has 1 part when you upload it, that way it lets mobiles download it

  • J-78 Explorer 8.9 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 ok thanks, just wondering. And let's hope that older creations still fly with the engines having less power

  • J-78 Explorer 8.9 years ago

    How many pounds of thrust do these engines make?

  • 4x4 chassis 8.9 years ago

    Weird, this doesn't say it requires the beta version of the game.

  • Flyweight - Oceanview Speedway 8.9 years ago

    @Baldovino you are getting the same times with stock parts that people were getting with modded planes, that's just insane

  • STEAM ISLAND UPDATE!! READ! 8.9 years ago

    Are you going to post the pictures?

  • Steam Beta 8.9 years ago

    @darkmac10 yes all you need to do is buy the game from steam first and download the beta

  • Steam Beta 8.9 years ago

    So big islands are a no for mobile. Will we get any of the smaller islands?

  • FLAPS - not so easy 8.9 years ago

    When Pistons come out in the next update this will be a whole lot easier

  • Performance Update for iOS 8.9 years ago

    This is a hardware problem. On an iPhone 5 I can run anything up to about 600 parts on Mac just fine and over a thousand if I turn settings down

  • User Points and Upvotes 8.9 years ago

    have you tried turning it off and on again?

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor there's some wing configurations where if they are configured right and the wing loading is extremely low, the plane can speed up exponentially. I haven't been able to make something designed to exploit this mainly because the planes usually rip themselves apart fairly quicky

  • U-96 mobile downloadable 8.9 years ago

    @Toscio56 you're welcome, glad to help :)

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    @Champ9961 because of the limitations of propellers, you won't get it above about 750 on straights. To hold speed through turns have more wing area and make your plane lighter

  • May i ask..... 8.9 years ago

    That's weird you're even able to upvote your own planes. Normally if you aren't logged in it'll ask you to log in to upvote but if you are the button doesn't appear if the plane is yours

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    1:40 seems to be the best I can push out of my plane. Thank god it's consistent when it does that because I can't take anymore of this AI business

  • Suggestions: 8.9 years ago

    @KingDeadshot hydraulics are coming in the update along with wheels

  • What do you think about requirement for "mobile friendly" of my case? 8.9 years ago

    Some mobiles have difficulty running things under the mobile limit of 800 parts, but many newer devices can run designs much larger than that. For a mobile version, just upload it with the cockpit detached and it will show as having 1 part, despite the plane being exactly the same

  • How to make a plane agile... 8.9 years ago

    An ideal plane would have all the weight centered around the main wings, and the elevators as far away from the CoM as possible, as well as all the other tips people have said. But if you're asking for the tourney, don't have the CoM too close to the CoL or it will have more agility than the AI can control. Also, because the AI prefer pitching up rather than down when going around turns, using airfoils to give your plane a nose-up tendency can help with pitch rates too

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    @zackattack316 they were small odd looking props that worked more like jets than the props that are in the game now. Unlike the current props they didn't have a top speed of 760 so planes that used them had an extreme advantage

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    @bspboy I don't use those, my config. On my plane is 3 T3000s, two on auto pitch and one with throttle governing on, manual pitch, neutral pitch, pitch range at 75%, and pitch input set to throttle. All blade and power specs are maxed out with warbird blades. The two auto pitch props are for top speed, and the manual one has an instant acceleration for some reason, instead of taking a few seconds to kick in like auto pitch does

  • P-56 MK-TR 8.9 years ago

    The AI seems to be able to fly this really well, hopefully it gets far in the tourney. And mine is basically a rework of my princess unicorn, that was pretty much as quick as a prop goes so I'm just tweaking it to make it consistent now

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld wing loading is just part of the issue. Normally, you'd want to get your CoM and CoL as close as possible but the AI can't stop pitching soon enough to control the plane if the CoM and CoL are too close. A few variants of my plane would do that too, so try and move the CoL back or the CoM forward slightly until the AI have more control. This usually decreases maneuverability but you don't really need insane turning circles for this course

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    @bspboy it doesn't do anything without a VTOL engine, which you aren't allowed to use

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    My shark tooth entry with a bit more fuel does this in a 1:42

  • Lunar Arc 8.9 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii because it would take days to finish the tourney

  • MICRO-cockpit 8.9 years ago


  • Could this change? 8.9 years ago

    @TehDuck I agree. Nearly all of the planes I like are from users who don't get close to the daily upload limit