76 MidnightSun Comments

  • Wright Island 2 2.3 years ago

    good thing to make. long overdue. the devs really are too lazy.

  • Steam Summer Sale 2.6 years ago

    well, i have to say it's quite odd that you keep advertising price cuts to people that already have the game ontop of updating it maybe once a year.

    you're not going to be without competition for much longer so i'd suggest atleast trying a little bit.

  • Invisible parts 2.6 years ago

    @V that doesnt always help it. tires will glitch, hinges will flop. pistons break.

  • Update v1.12.123/124 - SimplePlanes & SimplePlanes VR 2.9 years ago

    @Dogepro1086 use a PC

  • Carrier landings: You vs your dad 2.9 years ago

    must've been japanese

  • Drag Parachute 3.0 years ago

    congratulations on the release ;)

  • Update v1.12.123/124 - SimplePlanes & SimplePlanes VR 3.0 years ago

    oh, also a smaller suggestion. maybe make vtol nozzles allocatable to a vtol engine like Wheels to car engines

    Vtol engines are the most versatile engines but only being able to use them for one thing kind of sucks.

  • Update v1.12.123/124 - SimplePlanes & SimplePlanes VR 3.0 years ago

    @PhilipTarpley i sure hope you consider it.

  • Update v1.12.123/124 - SimplePlanes & SimplePlanes VR 3.0 years ago

    @PhilipTarpley any button on the keyboard as an assignable input for controlling things. for example i want to make something that can fly in 6 degrees of freedom. in this game i couldnt except using the VTOL and Trim but those cant be used well since they dont return back to 0, and the same with the 1 to 8 switches, since they're toggles. other than that, being able to use more control axes would be quite helpful too.

    This can be mostly used for auxilairy functions but for more intricate systems of movement like spaceships, tanks or robots it will be incredibly beneficial.

    just adding another x and y axis would be useful already but maybe adding as many as possible keybinds will do the trick. we only have switches so far we don't have buttons that give out a signal only as long as they're pressed.

  • Update v1.12.123/124 - SimplePlanes & SimplePlanes VR 3.0 years ago

    could we just have button presses for Variables? the lack of control options really inhibits the possibilities to make a lot of things.

  • X-02S Strike Wyvern ''Archange'' 3.0 years ago

    finally someone did it right.

  • If you make a build for VR, don't forget to tag it! 3.1 years ago

    how about adding post processing? basic things like what you did for SR2 would work wonders for this game.

  • Andrew 3.1 years ago

    doesn't really feel like he's done anything in the past 3 years

  • D4Y2 Suisei (Judy) Dive Bomber 3.3 years ago

    it looks so good a shame that it flies so bad.

  • Uhh I found a feature [1.10 Bug?] 3.4 years ago

    Its just running out of number spaces to make fine adjustments to positions

  • Latias and Latios 3.4 years ago

    one of them dies.

  • Nothing but air 3.8 years ago

    like the book!

  • ALX-034''StormVelox'' 3.8 years ago

    @NewmanSTAR yeah talked to him about it.

    Looks a little better than rh if i have to be honest. Like the nose more.

    By the way, if you want less drag just edit the xml file to have it's drag calculation set to false. This will get rid of a lot of lag.

    You may have to add the drag back manually.

  • ALX-034''StormVelox'' 3.8 years ago

    pretty much a clean ripoff of this

  • FEISAR FX-450/500 3.9 years ago

    @DJ2keroni request sent.

  • FEISAR FX-450/500 3.9 years ago

    @DJ2keroni well, i'm very dissatisfied with this game and am constantly trying to stop playing it. 3000 hours is not a joke anymore.
    so sometimes i go deleting a lot of shit that i made.
    my ag racers were also victim of that.

    but here are some things i made:



    that's my old account

  • FEISAR FX-450/500 3.9 years ago

    good way to make it float. even if it's a little rough at times.

    i suggest adding sidewards thrusters that use angle of slip to negate any drift and give it more grip. i always did that on mine and it works out great.
    just remember that the AngleOfSlip value is bugged at speeds below 1.
    so use (AngleOfSlip/[some number. can be between 20 and 200 for all i know. depends on the engine] *clamp01(TAS > 3))
    hope you don't mind me using this lift engine.

  • Smoof 2 3.9 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 it's so damn easy to do too..

  • DarkBlue 3.9 years ago

    @hpgbproductions hm... too bad. maybe one day.

  • DarkBlue 3.9 years ago

    could you maybe make the same thing but in.. green? for the weebs...

  • Ocean 3.9 years ago

    @Gestour tried everything. Still makes my plane jump every second.

  • Ocean 3.9 years ago

    @Gestour would be nice if the wave rocking was less or atleast slower. i know that thigns go up and down but being on a carrier still looks like a dance party and is pretty much unplayable.

  • Player Power 3.9 years ago

    this game was already enough of a joke.

  • Sukhoi SU-57 Cinematic Video 3.9 years ago

    i'm still the same asshole as before, and i don't mind me being one.

  • DarkBlue 3.9 years ago

    this is great. the game really needed that.

  • Extra Missles 3.9 years ago

    Well this is pointless

  • Sukhoi SU-57 Cinematic Video 3.9 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 i also used to be a platinum player but i deleted my account because i simply couldn't bear the constant bitching about mobile compatibilty or mods of people in my comments. I play this game since around 4 years or more and have actually over 3000 hours which deeply saddens me and i was pretty well known to the ace combat part of the playerbase.
    I used to have around 57k or 61k so.

  • Sukhoi SU-57 Cinematic Video 3.9 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 alright then.
    Try to keep a moderate level of wing loading. Too much and you will get annoying wing drops and assymeteic stalls. Too little and it will fly on rails and you won't have any real "flight" going on. More like spectator cam in CSgo. You will also make it near impossible to land since you can't softly touch down because your stall speed will be at near 0 airspeed.
    An optimal wingloading is when the plane lifts off at around 170mph /250kph
    What i can see here is that the center of gravity is too far forward and the control surfacs for pitch move to fast.
    Making them slower in this case doesn't always make the plane less responsive because the weight of the plane will always need a set amount of time to catch up, and the further forward it is, the more momentum it will have. By fixing both of these things you will reduce the amount of annoying bouncing.
    Moving the center of gravity back will also have you need less deflection to steer. A good balance is the center of gravity and lift being on top of eachother but only when the tail surface is excluded from the plane.

    Using a simple fly by wire code using pitch rate instead of angle of attack will make the plane stay at its heading when you release the controls. Atleast in the best possible case.
    I hope that helped.

  • Sukhoi SU-57 Cinematic Video 3.9 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 The world isn't all positive. grow from both compliments and critique.

  • Sukhoi SU-57 Cinematic Video 3.9 years ago

    that doesn't really look that satisfying to fly.

  • Grumman X-29 (W.I.P.) 3.9 years ago

    Can't wait to give this thing a proper flight control system.

  • Smoof 3.9 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 probably never gonna happen.

  • Smoof 3.9 years ago

    @Ruvien0Republic0Officer i have a deleted plat account ._. I have been playing this game since 2016 i think.

  • Rostock Sanka Mk.B 3.9 years ago

    very great. just want to point out though that the canards are all moving.

  • Focke-Wulf Fw-190D-9 Dora 3.9 years ago

    very accurate. even the incredible roll rate is represented. clean build.
    not flying on rails like other builds i see on here.
    though a ltitle overpowered

    autotrim is very nice too. though you could have it engage a little smoother with smooth(x,t)

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 3.9 years ago

    @Chaka could you maybe give a detailed tutorial on how to do this? maybe so more people can do it and alleviate the stress on each server by having more, smaller servers. maybe even private. thanks.

  • Fog Changer 4.0 years ago

    it's nice but having the window pop up every time you restart or open a map is very annoying.

  • SR2 - Planet Studio Update 4.0 years ago

    admit it. you really don't want to work on SP anymore and just want us to switch to SR2 because you already made SP more that obsolete with your new game.

  • Clouds 2.0 4.0 years ago

    why does this look worse than 1.0 somehow?

  • Mouse Control 4.1 years ago


    could you maybe fix the altitude problem with Simpleplanes Wings please?
    they behave the same at any altitude. they should have less lift at high altitude.

    I'm someone you know but i don't want to disclose my identity here.
    but if you remember, i was the one who suggested the fly by wire mod back a few years ago...

  • Super Tiny Beta (v1.10.105) 4.3 years ago

    does this mean at some point wings will have a wing shape? if so, could thickness maybe affect the stall angle? would be very useful. since you know the airfoil shape affects the stall angle and other factors.

    also having every wing stall at the same angle is pretty annoying for many builds..

  • 1.10 Beta is now available 4.5 years ago

    The targeting code is not really useful since it needs complicated math to work as well as needing to be leveled out and flying straight. Just make the distance to the crosshair into a funky trees expression the x and y axis relative to the your own plane so it can be used in a simple way while also doing manouvers.

  • Simplifying Things 4.5 years ago

    @WNP78 @AndrewGarrison