14.9k Rodrigo110 Comments

  • Highly Detailed Cockpit 5.3 years ago

    Oh I see, I may have misinterpreted your comment as being aggressive when it wasn’t. @JamesBoA

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 5.4 years ago

    So far performance seems to be a lot better. Builds I used to have turn down graphics for are now running smoothly at all high graphics.

  • bjac.co Jormungandr 5.6 years ago

    I think you need to relax a little. No game should ever get to the point where it’s stressing you out so much that you’re fainting and losing hair. At the end of the day games are supposed to be fun; not stressful. However, just from an SP point of view it has paid off, this is incredible.

  • -Space Dreamer mk1 (Read Description) 5.7 years ago

    Here it is in case you didn’t get my tag.

  • FA-27 5.7 years ago

    That’s od, let me try again @ViridiCinis

  • New Website Feature 5.8 years ago

    I’ve been trying to find that out for literally about a year and a half @TheStig918

  • Cockpits i made 5.8 years ago

    You should make a plane out of these!

  • Howard H.P.W. 3400 (update) 5.9 years ago

    It won’t @Hyattorama

  • Martin Aviation™ Logo 5.9 years ago

    This one is very good

  • Boeing 787-8 American (Farewell Build) 5.9 years ago

    A sad farewell. I’m sorry, you really are a valued member of this community

  • [WEBW] F-136 GE600 SVTOL 5.9 years ago

    You didn’t read my comment. You are stating things I didn’t say. I already said that I know it’s not meant to be used on a build, and I said it’s not a bad thing. @Ajforever51

  • Znate Hafner Rotabuggy 5.9 years ago

    I don’t know why, but I really like this

  • How do i reduce nose drop? 5.9 years ago

    Apply a tiny bit of rotation with rotation on 1% with the fine tuning tool on the horizontal stabiliser until there’s no nose drop.

  • Uss beast (SOLVED) 5.9 years ago

    Use an aircraft that’s very good at landing on USS Beast and has good low handling speed like this.

  • Overload and fine-tuning on IOS 5.9 years ago

    No, not restricting everything. Developer settings might be useful to some people, but to most, it’s useless. iOS is more secure, faster and better optimised; while android is more customisable @DerekSP

  • Overload and fine-tuning on IOS 5.9 years ago

    An OS is not an secure as its user! I don’t know where your got that from! Viruses can originate from so many different places that have nothing to do with the fault of the user. The virus that could infect you via Bluetooth is a prime example of that. @DerekSP

    Why Android is less safe than iOS is irrelevant, it’s the fact that it is less safe that matters. Apple couldn’t create mod support without opening a ‘hole’ in the software! Allowing mod support is basically allowing code from 3rd parties to change the code in the app that’s downloaded from the App Store. Obviously if they allowed it they’d have to allow it for every app; and that would mean that every single app could be tracking your keystrokes, watching you or listening to you if anything went wrong. You wouldn’t even know about it. Obviously Android has more features, but I find so many of them utterly useless. So many skins to choose from, and most of them look bad; so many options in developer settings; and most of them just cause stupid and weird glitches that aren’t beneficial at all. The thing is, the fact you go downloading things on websites that aren’t completely safe makes it likely that you’ve probably been infected a few times; you just wouldn’t know about it. @Minecraftpoweer

  • [WEBW] F-136 GE600 SVTOL 5.9 years ago

    If you can read my comments and give me a single example of me saying that there was anything wrong with this being impractical, then you can say that. If you can’t, then stop; you’ve been proven wrong so many times it’s just embarrassing @Blue0Bull

  • [WEBW] F-136 GE600 SVTOL 5.9 years ago

    You as well as @Blue0Bull are misinterpreting me. I absolutely love this build (and you’ve done a wonderful job on it), but I am simply saying it is not something which people could use on a build feasibly because of the part count, so it’s more like a beautiful display piece. There’s nothing wrong with that, as I’ve already said, which is something Blue0Bull and BaconAircraft don’t seem to understand. @TakeYourLife3000

  • [WEBW] F-136 GE600 SVTOL 5.9 years ago

    Why on earth do you think that’s a complaint!? It’s an observation! You literally couldn’t miss the point anymore. I was observing that you can’t use it on a build, not that it was a problem. @BaconAircraft

  • Bye 5.9 years ago

    This is ridiculous. If you are actually leaving because you’re 11 then don’t. The only things inappropriate for an 11 year old here are the rare posts which may contain swear words or such; but even then, the mods clean it up so quickly nobody even sees it.

  • Boeing 727 Delta 5.9 years ago

    The nose and cockpit are quite lazily done but the rest is quite good

  • Agh.. D e p r e s s i o n 6.0 years ago

    I used to be like that when I was around 10 or 11, but after a while it stopped bothering me. I think it’s because I have a very clear and hard to achieve goal that would truly make me happy if I was to achieve it. Life is to enjoy, the universe is so many billions of years old and your life will only last so long; so just try to do something that truly makes you happy. It sounds really corny when I say it like that but it’s true. @Firewolf247

  • WWI Map Teaser 6.0 years ago

    I’m glad that you are interested in making mods run well, your maps look the best of all the SP mods and they also run the best @DuckMintnewprofile

  • Why a mistake by apple will screw us all. 6.0 years ago

    It’s very obvious from this post that you clearly don’t understand what you’re speaking about. Not including the headphone jack is a fairly obvious move that all phones have to make in order to move to an inevitable wireless future (Apple just did it early, which is ahead of its time), and the notch on the iPhone X looks so much better than forehead and an empty bottom bezel. If you say that Apple is bad, then please explain how their processors completely outstrip any other competitors (Android is only catching up to the A9 chip now, so they are where Apple was 4 years ago), please also explain how Apples software is so vastly superior to Android? iOS is more optimised, faster, more intuitive and more secure against hackers than android. So no, Apple didn’t make a mistake by innovating; the only mistake is your inability to see that the future is wireless; and Apple is speeding up the process.

  • Someone give me a reason to keep playing. 6.0 years ago

    If you have no interest then don’t play (the point of games is fun, and to force yourself to play something you don’t enjoy is stupid). If you take a break and find yourself wanting to build a plane again, then great (that’s what happened to me)! If you don’t, then that’s just the way it is; and you can move on permanently from SP.

  • Hello... 6.0 years ago

    It’s probably because a large amount of users on SP are teenagers and also American, which makes for hormonal drama-queens. Not exactly a desirable mix. @Maxwell1

  • Bedford VAL - Revisit the fashion of the Seventies 6.0 years ago

    It looks incredible, but the part count is a little unattractive...

  • When is the prime upload time? 6.0 years ago

    If there’s a good build, it’ll get noticed regardless of when you upload it.

  • MIK Drone RedDuck 6.0 years ago

    I do love a good drone

  • Ornithopter Challenge 6.0 years ago

    You can just search up the definition @TheDerpingMemes

  • Update idea 6.1 years ago

    I think there should be engine overheating mechanics

  • SimplePlanes Talkshow ideas... 6.1 years ago

    It actually sounds quite interesting... who are you going to talk to?

  • Teaseeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr! 6.1 years ago

    Just search up the length of similar size APC’s and then ask ViridiCinis to shrink it until it’s length is around the same. For example, the M113 is 4.86 metres long, but this would be a bit longer so I’d say around 5.8 metres. @Baldeagle086

  • Gay pride twist plane 6.1 years ago

    Being gay is already legal and they already have rights just like anyone else, but them being able to marry is very contradictory and doesn’t make much sense because marriage is a religious thing; and technically gays acting on their feelings is against religion. It doesn’t really make any sense that they would get married because of this.

  • 100K Milestone! 6.1 years ago

    Where have you gone?

  • Car pedal question.[Solved] 6.1 years ago

    If it’s solved then why not delete the post?

  • Bonanza BS-35 6.1 years ago

    @Chancey21 I tried to comment on one of your posts but it doesn’t work? I apologise if this is an intrusion but have you blocked me? If you have I will of course not say anything more of it but I suspect it may have been accidental because I don’t remember any conflict between us...

  • Eleu Defense Systems B-42 "Orion" 6.1 years ago

    No problem! Your designs have come a long way. This looks absolutely fantastic and I love the feeling of flight. @Razor3278

  • Eleu Defense Systems B-42 "Orion" 6.1 years ago

    Very nice design and functionality

  • I just realized... 6.1 years ago

    For everyone who is misunderstanding this post, he means teen as in accounts that are 15 years old and stuff; not the literal age of the person running it

  • Gamilas Destroyer Ver1.0 6.1 years ago



    Despite the android hardware being superior (though the processor isn’t) iOS devices still vastly outperform any similarly priced android device because of their optimisations @Delphinosr

  • An Update on the Constellation Class 'Aquarius' + Bugs 6.1 years ago

    May be able to help, I’ll take a look as soon as I can. Just remember to never completely a mirror a place as it always results in uneven drag and difficult taking off

  • Installing Mods on a Mac 6.1 years ago

    What? Mods and updates are available on Mac OS. Fine tuner is a available for download on Mac as well as Overload. What are you talking about? @F104Deathtrap

  • How to stop wing flex? 6.2 years ago

    You can use structural wings instead

  • P-51 mustang (read disc) 6.2 years ago

    Meow, meow! Amazing!

  • B-wing starfighter Ver1.0 6.2 years ago

    I’m glad you’re getting upvotes as you rightly deserve! I noticed that some of your other incredible works have only got 20-30 upvotes. The folding mech in particular was an incredible creation, and I’m glad you’re getting credit for your great work! :)

  • CL-215 'Magpie' 6.3 years ago

    You’re at bronze now :)

  • Special Text? 6.3 years ago

    Put a #, ##, ###, or #### at the start of a word like this





  • AI Aircraft Mod Challenge 6.3 years ago

    Ah I see, thanks. @Gestour
