@NormalCv580enjoyer Doporučuji ti si trochu pohrát s detaily (můžeš použít fuselage blocky na křídla atd.) a zkusit se naučit pracovat s XML kódy. Já osobně jsem se nejvíce naučil, když jsem reverse-engineeroval výtvory ostatních lidí a snažil se přijít na to, jak fungují.
@NormalCv580enjoyer You can look at my other posts. I make many Czechoslovak made planes. You can also find there "Drozd" which is highly inspired by B-534. Anyway, I mosty do planes for challenges, so when I find some good challenge I can use it for, I will for sure!
@Khichi2866 To be fair, your rules are incomplece and its not obvious that XML is banned too. Its part of the game, everyone can use it and these planes work on every device. If you don't want people to make creations with it, you should edit your challenge description. I'm out of this challenge and to be fair I wouldn't participace if I knew I can't use edited XML. If you look at my creations, I can't find a single one where I don't use it. (maybe my first creations)
@DARZAVIATION well in that case I'll rather make completely new airplane. Is it ok to not delete this plane and let it stay here without being part of rating?
Sorry for asking again. Are ficional aircrafts allowed? I couldn't find anything that say they aren't. My plane is finished, but I want to be 100% sure before I post it.
@Nathangaming82075 there is mod for that here, but basically all of the servers are dead. Anyway it should't be issue for you if you just want to play with your friends.
@Alternation it is disabled... othervise it would break just because of floaters. Disabling aircraft colisions works only for aircraft parts, so if hitbox hits the ground, it breaks anyway. Propeller is made out of small heli rotor, so hitbox is a bit weird.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover when you close gear, it goes through doors. I can make that they close after gear is retracted and open before gear is extended again. So it would look more smooth and realistic.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover Great work! It looks fabulous and its easy to fly, but I noticed that you don't have timed landing gear and its doors. I can fix that for you if you're interested.
As Czech person, I love it!
Only one thing I can't unsee. You have the roundels mirrored. Red is supposed to be closer to fuselage. But anyway, great work!
@DARZAVIATION I got carried away a bit and forgot to check it before release. In rules was also mentioned that it should be mobile friendly and it is. I made this whole airplane on my phone. I used my PC only for painting and making screenshots.
SP2 when
+4@NormalCv580enjoyer Doporučuji ti si trochu pohrát s detaily (můžeš použít fuselage blocky na křídla atd.) a zkusit se naučit pracovat s XML kódy. Já osobně jsem se nejvíce naučil, když jsem reverse-engineeroval výtvory ostatních lidí a snažil se přijít na to, jak fungují.
+1Ještě je co zlepšovat, ale pěkná práce!
+1@NormalCv580enjoyer Tohle by tě mohlo zajímat ;-)
+1Well, I don't want to be annoying or anything, but it's almost two months.
+1very smol plen
+1@NormalCv580enjoyer You can look at my other posts. I make many Czechoslovak made planes. You can also find there "Drozd" which is highly inspired by B-534. Anyway, I mosty do planes for challenges, so when I find some good challenge I can use it for, I will for sure!
+1smol plen
+1I'm going to build L-410 Turbolet. I have a lot of exams this week so hopefully I can make it in deadline.
+1@WinsWings where results
+1Nice looking and detailed airplane. I like it!
+1@Khichi2866 To be fair, your rules are incomplece and its not obvious that XML is banned too. Its part of the game, everyone can use it and these planes work on every device. If you don't want people to make creations with it, you should edit your challenge description. I'm out of this challenge and to be fair I wouldn't participace if I knew I can't use edited XML. If you look at my creations, I can't find a single one where I don't use it. (maybe my first creations)
+1I'm making fictional WW2 medium bomber.
+1@DARZAVIATION well in that case I'll rather make completely new airplane. Is it ok to not delete this plane and let it stay here without being part of rating?
+1@KPLBall tomorrow when
Sorry for asking again. Are ficional aircrafts allowed? I couldn't find anything that say they aren't. My plane is finished, but I want to be 100% sure before I post it.
How many parts is the limit?
Are Czechoslovak and other Warsaw pact vehicles allowed?
Is XML allowed? I'm just asking to avoid some missunderstanding, because it happaned to me in one challenge already.
@Karroc9522 I tried to focus on historical accuracy and I didn't find anything about this plane having a gun. Just unguided rockets.
@MAHADI thanks! You can look at some of my newest aircrafts, there is some improvement in during those 4 months.
Well, Avia B-534 it is.
Is it ok if I make it with ~400 parts?
@WardenFlanders4 Old map that does not fit well with newer versions of the game.
Can you make description also in english?
Great job!
@Nathangaming82075 there is mod for that here, but basically all of the servers are dead. Anyway it should't be issue for you if you just want to play with your friends.
A nice-looking and detailed aircraft. The cockpit is really good. I don't get why this guy doesn't have much more upvotes.
*328 :D
Thank you for the challenge!
Thank you for the challenge. It was fun to participate! I found a post where some guy explains how to add pictures to description, so here you go.
@Christiant2 To be fair, I would be lying if I said that I didn't expect better in comparison to other posts.
@Christiant2 What is maximum part limit?
@Alternation it is disabled... othervise it would break just because of floaters. Disabling aircraft colisions works only for aircraft parts, so if hitbox hits the ground, it breaks anyway. Propeller is made out of small heli rotor, so hitbox is a bit weird.
Testing: @Bananek71
@TheUltimatePlaneLover when you close gear, it goes through doors. I can make that they close after gear is retracted and open before gear is extended again. So it would look more smooth and realistic.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover Great work! It looks fabulous and its easy to fly, but I noticed that you don't have timed landing gear and its doors. I can fix that for you if you're interested.
As Czech person, I love it!
Only one thing I can't unsee. You have the roundels mirrored. Red is supposed to be closer to fuselage. But anyway, great work!
@AeroCheese Is there any part limit?
Can I use my previous creation and simplify it to fit this challenge?
Well anyway. I just realized that cockpit itself was made with 140 parts. So now I'm making two seater version without cockpit interior.
@DARZAVIATION I got carried away a bit and forgot to check it before release. In rules was also mentioned that it should be mobile friendly and it is. I made this whole airplane on my phone. I used my PC only for painting and making screenshots.
@Mousewithamachinegun123 Thanks!