51.1k ShinyGemsBro Comments

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @TheTomatoLover So you upvoted even though you don't like this

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @gigachad You're generalizing by a wide margin there.

  • Ford Taurus Police Interceptor 1.7 years ago

    Frd Cow Cop Chaser

  • Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation 1.7 years ago

    Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation?
    That's a fancy way of saying lethal lightbulb

  • Does this get boring to anyone 1.7 years ago

    I'm pretty much fine with flying around the entire SP island chain repetitively. Though it would be nice if there were new places or something bigger around the corner, you can do just about whatever you want to.

  • T seris autoloader 1.7 years ago

    Ivan: We do ammorak, tovarisch?
    Alexei: Da. We do ammorak. we reech ai es es in 3 sekonds wit dis teknik.

    Ammunition Exploded

  • IS 2 Tank PSM by request 1.7 years ago

    PSM Laptop. Next question.

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @MrOofington And she was. Alot of times.

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @Rainbowdash247 It runs fine on a lemon with electrodes shoved up both ends so I guess you're ok

  • AC Shelby Cobra 1.7 years ago

    Waiting for a '67 Shelby GT500

  • flanker - 1 1.7 years ago


  • AAI T/F-44A Cenderawasih 1.7 years ago

    Guess the air force and navy had some fun 9 months ago

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago


  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer - F-16C base build

  • RCP Engineering D-01-200 | VARIG 1.7 years ago

    At least FOD damage with this one shouldn't be a problem
    ...Then there's birdstrikes

  • [TEASER] Introducing the D-01-200, a 156-passenger airliner where the engines are on top of the wings. 1.7 years ago

    At least FOD damage with this one shouldn't be a problem
    ...Then there's birdstrikes

  • KIRARA 1.7 years ago

    C3 Kirara haver here.
    10/10 meow

  • I Got Bored 1.7 years ago

    So this is the thing I've been seeing glued to a wire pedestal at Wright all the time

  • ntnc_dry_valley 1.7 years ago

    omaigod forzi horzo colb w mincarp wowowow

  • P-48 Thunder 1.7 years ago

    @SPairforce Cause P-48 minus 1 is P-47

  • A rumble from deep below... 1.7 years ago

    Only been in for 4 years. Never heard of you.
    But welcome back, even though from the looks of things you don't really stay frequently

  • my plane wallpaper!! 1.7 years ago

    Plane's image quality could be better but it's fine overall

  • Coming Soon 1.7 years ago


  • Kvochur's Bell Landing 1.7 years ago

    Meme oversaturation

  • P-48 Thunder 1.7 years ago

    P-47 that got caught in the Hiroshima nuking

  • Mitsubishi FS-X Concept 1.7 years ago

    Kawasaki concept looks like a downsized Legacy Hornet

  • proof that Simpleplanes users are dodo cheaks 1.7 years ago

    People are gonna like whatever they like. It doesn't matter. Some glue eater who made a derp build will have his creation upvoted cause everyone thinks it's funny, and that's okay.
    You don't get to control what people want to approve by their tastes and what they want leave alone. Just build, enjoy, and post it if you feel like it. Users come across what you made and they find it interesting? Good on you. They don't? Just move on.

  • a REMAKE SU-57???????? 1.8 years ago


  • Pagani Zonda R 1.8 years ago


  • CS Houndwalker 1.8 years ago

    @TheGoodDogJackie Don't just come in here and advertise on someone else's build. If people see your build, they'll try it out of their own accord.

  • CS Houndwalker 1.8 years ago

    Holy shit how long has it been since I last returned to Plazma Burst.
    Thank you for bringing back so much great memories of the past

  • T-65 X wing Starfighter Teaser 1.8 years ago

    You better use cannons instead of wing guns or miniguns for the lasers

  • I just figured this out 1.8 years ago

    Welcome to the Navy.
    We have floating elevators

  • F-14B Rex Lapis Showcase 1.8 years ago


  • Nirai HEC-40A Pulsar 1.8 years ago

    @Zaineman Jesus Christ why are you upvote spamming me? I didn't do anything lol

  • Ultralight Fun 1.8 years ago


  • B-29 Superfortress "DOC" 1.8 years ago

    egg dropper

  • Missle Proof ? 1.8 years ago

    Still managed to splinter this thing with my Mamba Viper. Missiles don't even go that fast.
    Decent build though. It's one hell of a flying chainsaw with those miniguns

  • First year in sp.com 1.8 years ago

    @Nahida1645 Nahida had it first.

  • Yokota AFB Friendship Festival 2023 1.8 years ago


  • POLISH P-51 Mustang 1.8 years ago

    @Sakorsky God's dead. We're on our own

  • Shiny canopy (one min tutorial) 1.8 years ago

    Or this for glass fuselages
    For the glass fuselage, you change the one-way color visibility via hideInside

  • Shiny canopy (one min tutorial) 1.8 years ago

    @Kangy You can set the canopy colors to be one-way via XML
    That way only the tint can be seen from the outside, but not from inside.

  • MIssile Behaviors 1.8 years ago

    I just do this with direct impact missiles possessing 0.3-0.4 explosionScale. Doesn't immediately kill whatever it hits. Especially bigger AI's spawned.
    But then again, you can use proxdetonation to better simulate realistic damage on targets whilst keeping explosionScale untouched, as said by @ZeroWithSlashedO

  • Focke Wulf Fw-190 D-9 "Dora" 1.8 years ago

    @SnapTite Let me point out a few things that you mentioned here.
    - OP is not a native English speaker, and uses a translator to get things in order with the description. It's bound to make mistakes. Whether they can just copypasta an entire wikipedia page just for this purpose or not, is entirely by their choice.
    - Physics realism in SimplePlanes was never the best. Nor is any flight simulator's. The ludicrous numbers are highly likely just what they are for compensation in flight performance due to, again, this game's physics being complete balls and how this fighter was built in the first place by the OP.
    - You're making a big deal out of small things that can easily be corrected. I don't think it would hurt you to criticize people without indirectly calling them out for and implying that they're dumb.
    - And since you seem to be more on the well educated side, why don't you try your hand at building a realistic Fw-190 because you feel quite passionate about it.
    I acknowledge that Sergio666 has flaws in building (and I still can't quite get over the low vertical offset of the pilot camera) but you have to admit that there was effort put in. Let alone making the build appear decent. It still needs a ton of work, that can't be denied. But the way you presented your criticism on this is downright just trying to make him look bad for little stuff.

  • First year in sp.com 1.8 years ago

    I still can't see how she's a cabbage when she strongly resembles a radish more

  • Do you listen to music while building? 1.8 years ago

    @ToeTips lol I really don't build at all. Even if I do it's just one thing and that's it for the rest of the year. Most of my stuff are modified pre-existing builds of others.
    You take a look for yourself what I got in store.