67.3k SnoWFLakE0s Comments

  • Please look into the crusader s comments 5.0 years ago

    Report if you have been harassed, not complain on the forums.

  • Irreversible Boolean Activation System 5.0 years ago

    Update, as in newer? This still works- it's a perfectly viable application still (as of 1.9.203).

  • Excavator 1.1 5.0 years ago

    So glad to see you back around. Awesome!

  • Functional Bombsight - All-Altitude, All-Weather 5.0 years ago

    Oh my god, you're back! Glad to see you around, ask me all about the new features.

  • Mathematically generated game map vs. Old cartographer's game map. 5.0 years ago

    It'll be released in due time. I just don't want someone to go ahead and release a build using my data before I do.

  • Mathematically generated game map vs. Old cartographer's game map. 5.0 years ago

    Sekrit data.

  • Beta 1.9.202 5.0 years ago

    Did you read through? We have a debug console to do exactly that.

  • Mathematically generated game map vs. Old cartographer's game map. 5.0 years ago

    Yep, quickly going to run the distance formula on the center points.

  • Mathematically generated game map vs. Old cartographer's game map. 5.0 years ago

    I measured the direct center of islands + their size. Seems fairly consistent (as in being in a near vicinity). Islands are considerably large, Maywar stretching some 27km in width.

  • FT Heading hold Gyro? 5.0 years ago

    Probably possible with PID, although I'm not sure about the specifics (and it's fairly likely to cause drift).

  • Can Cannons Fire Simultaneously? 5.0 years ago

    Not FT. Simply set the first cannon that fires to the delay you want, any others to 0.01.

  • A dangerous problem on my plane 5.0 years ago

    You've probably balanced your plane wrong- check CoM.

  • Irreversible Boolean Activation System 5.0 years ago


  • Beta 1.9.203 5.0 years ago

    What? That doesn't look like anything to me... Did you format it incorrectly? If you're talking about quotes and the sharps, then that's only for dev console.

  • Irreversible Boolean Activation System 5.0 years ago

    Adds an extremely, extremely useful set of variables and functions.

  • Irreversible Boolean Activation System 5.0 years ago

    Very simple, simply start with smooth(clamp01(boolX), 1/d) = 1, where d is the delay in seconds. Will return true or false. Also note that behavior is delayed activation when boolean is true & immediate deactivation on boolean becoming false.

  • Beta 1.9.203 5.0 years ago

    Use projectileLifetime.

  • Beta 1.9.203 5.0 years ago

    Set the second stage's detacher to ammo("FirstStage") = 0 (Or whatever your first stage is called). It should work, it works for me. It might be a connections issue, have you checked that?

  • Irreversible Boolean Activation 5.0 years ago

    Anything works as long as you can represent it mathematically. Try building a function for it first mathematically, if you have trouble converting that to FT I can help you there.

  • Beta 1.9.203 5.0 years ago

    No, that's just something with funky trees. To disable it, just enter 0. (I think that should work.)

  • [v. 1.9.202] - Funky Trees Explanation Addendum 5.0 years ago


  • Gun Elevation 5.0 years ago

    It's especially more useful when you manipulate the rate of the smooth function.

  • This issue may cost a lot of issues if not worked on 5.0 years ago

    It's usually under some directory titled AircraftDesigns, but idk where you can find that on iPad.

  • Beta 1.9.203 5.0 years ago

    In your Steam library... I think you need to use some common sense here. Also you can access the Library directory on a Mac.

  • Beta 1.9.203 5.0 years ago

    Well then follow instructions in Andrew's comment.

  • Beta 1.9.203 5.0 years ago

    The point is to not use LandingGear as a standard FT variable. Use GearDown instead. The input response algorithm changed in the first place. It's not meant for you to use LandingGear as a FT input anymore.

  • Beta 1.9.203 5.0 years ago

    Game time may not be exactly in line with IRL time. Try checking time with the debug console.

  • Beta 1.9.203 5.0 years ago

    Not for App Store.

  • Beta 1.9.203 5.0 years ago

    Unlikely, the reason why Overload & FineTuner was added in was because those mods were made by current devs. The Tracks mod is made by an inactive user, there's problems with trying to integrate such mods into the game. Think a good five minutes about why it's difficult.

  • This issue may cost a lot of issues if not worked on 5.0 years ago

    You've done something wrong. You can't load the file if:

    1. You've made a mistake in XML editing, creating loading problems
    2. You've messed with mods, but seeing as you are on iPad, this shouldn't be the case.

    So it's pretty clear that you've made a faulty XML edit that causes problems. If you can access the game files, then I can take a look at the problematic file and try to spot the error.

  • This is a major bug! 5.0 years ago

    Something went wrong. It's not a bug- if your plane file is corrupted, it won't load. Likely a bad XML edit.

  • Realistic Case Ejection for Cannons 5.0 years ago

    1. No
    2. Yes

  • Beta 1.9.203 5.0 years ago

    Yep. Check this for some useful info.

  • Realistic Case Ejection for Cannons 5.0 years ago

    Of course.

  • Ways to make Gatling Guns with cannons? 5.0 years ago

    That's 25 rps, so 25 full loops per second... Set your rotator to 180º, one loop is input = 2, so input as 50*Time should get you 1500 rpm. Set the rotator speed to some really high value though. For your second request, right now the input for that particular system is bugged. Wait for next beta patch.

  • Elapsed Time - Working Stopwatches 5.0 years ago

    This does not use Time in any form.

  • Thrust Measurer 5.0 years ago

    Utilization of the spring constant. If thrust is a net horizontal force, then thrust, T, can be put as t = kx.

  • Ways to make Gatling Guns with cannons? 5.0 years ago

    1. Set an RPM with FT for your system
    2. Set cannon firing interval accordingly

    Doesn't get much simpler.

  • RPM Calculations 5.0 years ago

    Completely depends on whatever you're modeling. If you can bring me an RPM curve graph, I can help you; otherwise I can't really help.

  • Flag of France?? 5.0 years ago

    So it was a thing. Interesting, Wikipedia seems to differ from other sources, though...

  • Elapsed Time - Working Stopwatches 5.0 years ago

    It caps a boolean input to increase at a certain rate instead of instantly. In this case, the boolean goes from 0 to 1 instantly, but smooth caps it at a rate of 1/60ths per second. Therefore, every second, the ouput of smooth increases by 1/60ths. You can use the rate further: by adding a boolean modifier to the rate part of smooth, if I set the rate of change to 0 it simply stays at whatever value it was on, hence a working stop/start system for the stopwatch.

  • Instrument approaches are now possible in SP! 5.0 years ago

    The method is simply an integral of the XYZ components of the velocity. It's not too complicated.

  • Instrument approaches are now possible in SP! 5.0 years ago

    I'm thinking this could be further developed with a topographical map to create a minimap-esque design, with customizable spawn points. Vertical guidance is definitely possible, in fact, I'm fairly sure you could create a 3D map... Though making the map model is more effort than the funky trees.

  • "SelectedTarget" and other related Funky-Trees Suggestions. 5.0 years ago


    TargetXposition, TargetYposition, TargetZposition

    My only problem with these is that this should be relative measurement- making these absolute/global would be confusing as hell.

  • Shooting Worm Game 2.0 5.0 years ago

    Nightmare fuel.

  • Beta 1.9.202 5.0 years ago

    The = operator is bugged right now and needs fixes. It will be fixed, hold tight.

  • Beta 1.9.202 5.0 years ago

    Hmm, mobile can't fire w/o the button onscreen, right? I think it should work, I'll try testing what you put there. Though, it might end up being just some weird GUI issue (like the VTOL or Trim bars not showing up last patch).

  • [v. 1.9.202] - Funky Trees Explanation Addendum 5.0 years ago

    Derivatives is a part of PID.

  • [v. 1.9.202] - Funky Trees Explanation Addendum 5.0 years ago

    If you can use rate, you can use PID.

  • Realistic Case Ejection for Cannons 5.0 years ago

    They're fuselage inlet pieces, not shells.